Chapter Two

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One week later - (Meredith)

It's been one full week since I had to reject my Mate on my Alpha's order. Since that day I had refused to refer to him as my father and instead only calling him Alpha. It's because of him that I don't have my Mate with me. Because of him that I have this feeling of loneliness and emptiness within me. I wish Alex was here. He could make the pain go away.

Child. Do not cry. Came a soft smooth voice echoing in Meredith's head.

What the-? Meredith thought as she didn't recognize the voice in her head. It definitely was not her wolf's voice.

No it wasn't. It was someone far more important. Altrea, Meredith's wolf, replied. Listen to her.

What are you talking about? Meredith shot back as she sat up in her pale purple queen sized bed.

She's talking about me. The voice sounded again. My name is Rebeka. But I usually go by the Moon Goddess. It's a pleasure to meet you.

The Moon Goddess? Meredith repeated. You're kidding right? There is no way the Moon Goddess would speak to me.

I am and I will. Rebeka began. You need to keep a hold of your hope. He will return to you. Never forget that. It won't happen soon but he will return. He will need all the help he can get. You need to be there for him. Never give up.

Who are you talking about? Meredith asked as she began to wonder why the Moon Goddess was even speaking to her.

Your Mate. Alex. Rebeka replied with a soothing tone. He will return and he will need your help. Both of you are destined for greatness. Both the God King and I have placed a lot of faith within you two. Do not fail us.

Why are you helping me? Why would you bring up Alex now? After all that has happened between us? Meredith began to tear up more at the thought of Alex.

Because both he and you are far more important than you can ever realize. But also due to the fact he is my son. The Moon Goddess said as she let out a sigh.

What?! Meredith half shouted in her head. Alex is your son? How is this possible?

The details will make themselves known to both you and him in the future, but right now, you need to have hope and don't give up on your love. He will return and you two will have the lives you are destined for.

Ok. I promise. Meredith replied as she felt the Moon Goddess's presence leave her mind.

He will return! We can be together then. Meredith thought to herself and a feeling of happiness spread through her. She closed her eyes and fell back into a deep sleep.



How long have I been here? Alex asked his wolf Alexander.

I don't know, but it's becoming harder to stay sane. Alexander replied. The only thing keeping me sane is the knowledge that Meredith and Altrea is safe. I still can't fully mindlink them, but I can tell that they are safe.

Since I had been banished by the Dark Tide pack and had run across the continent I have been in the possession of the Vampires. They found me as I stopped from my run and had overpowered me easily due to my fatigued state. I have now been kept in some large underground cells that connected to a caged fighting arena.

I had become their newest recruit for their morbid entertainment. When the Vampires found that I had a magical dark blue mark they decided that I would become the main attraction. Since never before has a wolf contained a mark such as mine.

So far I have only been through the harsh training that the Vampires gave all new recruits which basically meant muscle strengthening and reflex enhancement training. We were never taught how to actually fight so we would have to rely on our instincts for that.

And now it was finally here. My debut match against another new recruit. I would have to kill my opponent if I wished to live past this night. I would have to do so many unspeakable things if I ever hoped to return to my Mate. And that I would do. After the incident with Meredith and the Alpha, I had vowed to return to her and never again leave her side.

"Are you ready mutt?" My jailer said with a menacing laugh. He walked up to the cage in the darkened room and crouched down to look at me. "Your first fight. We are expecting great things from you. So don't disappoint us."

I was then lead from my cage, through the numerous passages and into the brightly lit arena. The large gothic vampire opened the arena's cage door and pushed me through. The white arena ground was now stained red with the blood of its previous contenders. The only lights in the room had been placed above the arena so only that area was lit. All the seats around the arena were in darkness but you could still make out a few vampires shifting in their seats.

My attention was brought to the other man that had been pushed through the other door at the opposite side of the cage. He was rather large and seemed to be middle aged. He would have experience fighting which made my hopes fall a bit.

"Shift!" A voice could be heard from some sort of sound system. "Shift and then we can begin."

Both myself and the other werewolf began to shift. Me, into my pitch black wolf with the dark blue glowing mark above my forehead and the other werewolf into a rather large light brown wolf with white tipped ears.

At my transformation a few gasps could be heard from the audience which I expected. It was the reason I was here in the first place.

"Ladies and not so gentle men. Tonight we have a special fight." The announcer began as both the other wolf and myself were sizing each other up. "At the south entrance we have an unusual black wolf with a magical symbol." The audience began to clap. "To the north entrance we have a retired rogue Beta. And now that the pleasantries are over. Fight!" The announcer ordered.

I had to win this fight. I had to return to Meredith. So I lunged forward at the same time the rogue Beta lunged. I pushed my wolf to his limits finding out right then that I was faster than my opponent. I rammed into his chest with my wolf's head and shoved him backwards causing him to go flying into the cage behind him. I found out then that I was stronger than him too.

The wolf slowly got to his feet as a look of fear crossed his face. He began to circle around trying to discard his fear but failing to do so.

The fight only lasted for a minute more when I overpowered him and pushed him to the ground locking my jaw around his neck squeezing as tightly as I could. I heard bones snap as the fight left the other wolf. He now lay lifeless with his neck locked tight within my jaw. I let go and backtracked.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have our winner." The announcer began. "Those of you that have bet well tonight can collect their winnings as well as offer up a name for our new rising star."

I only hope I can make it back to Meredith. Tosee her light green eyes one more time.

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