Chapter Seventeen

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Alex's POV


I stood staring at Malachi dreading the inevitable. We are about to fight to the death over a plan our father came up with. A plan that Malachi just couldn't let go. He had to be the one chosen by father.

We lunged at each other moving faster than ever before. As we collided an enormous shock wave shot outwards hitting the ground, walls and ceiling. The cold grey stone of the room began to shatter as pieces of rubble fell to the floor smashing into pieces. I never knew that you could break hell until this day.

Malachi pushed me backwards sending me into the wall behind me. I fell into a crouch as I regained my composure. I looked up at Malachi and found he was smirking. He was enjoying this.

I shot forward making my wings beat harder than before ensuring I was faster. I hit Malachi's chest with my right fist and sent him crashing into his throne. It shattered beneath the impact.

In a mere second Malachi was up and charging towards me. I swung my fist downwards hoping to catch his back or maybe his head but he swung to the left just in time. He caught my right foot with his left hand and pulled me with him.

He swung me upwards sending me through the ceiling. When I finally came to a stop I found myself in an open area looking down on a scorched plain. I must have been sent flying into a different section of hell. This is what hell was supposed to look like according to my expectations.

The ground was scorched a dark red with streams of pure orange fire scattered about. The air was thick with the scent of sulphur and brimstone making it hard to breathe, but I soon recovered as my god part altered me.

Malachi flew upwards through the same hole he sent me through. I flew downwards meeting him in the middle. My right fist connecting with his left jaw sending another small shock wave outwards.

He fell to the ground below cratering it beneath him. I fell to the ground quickly coming into a short hover before touching down softly.

"Malachi." I said as he struggled to sit up. "We don't have to keep doing this."

"Shut up!" He shouted as he willed himself to stand up quickly. "We do and we will. Nothing will stop me from claiming what is mine!"

He flew towards me catching me by surprise. We flew at least a few hundred meters before he stopped suddenly and threw me to the ground with enough power to stun me. I fell through the scorched ground and into the Griffon's cavern. Feathers flew upward from my impact.

"Alex?" I heard behind me. But it can't be. That voice shouldn't be here. It just shouldn't. I sat up with a groan and looked towards the entrance to the cavern. Meredith. How did she even get here?

"Meredith. What are you doing here?" I half shouted as I stood up and began to make my way towards her. "You're not supposed to be here."

"I came to help you. You can't do this by yourself." She said as she jogged towards me. As we met she jumped into my arms hugging me tightly.

"Well, well. Isn't this a touching reunion." I heard from above. Malachi is back. I let go of Meredith and put her behind me covering her with my wings.

"Alex, don't be stupid." Malachi said with a chuckle. "I've already seen her. And she will die along with you." He lowered himself to the ground softly.

"Meredith, shift now." I said softly not letting my eyes leave Malachi. Soon enough I heard her clothes rip and her bones cracking. After a minute a large dark grey wolf came up beside me growling lowly.

"Aah, cute. A puppy has decided to come and play with the adults." Malachi laughed. "This might actually be fun now."

I lunged for him pushing my anger into my speed. I grabbed him around his shoulders and threw him behind me towards Meredith. She jumped sideways anticipated Malachi. She jumped towards him sinking her teeth into his wings and swinging him into the wall to her left.

The fight began to tip in our favour as I attacked Malachi and as soon as I would catch him off guard I would direct him towards Meredith where she would either sink her teeth into his flesh or fling him towards a wall dealing as much damage as she could.

Malachi was now missing a wing, which lay atop his shattered throne, bleeding profusely. He coughed up some blood as he staggered on his feet.

"Do you really think you're going to win?" He tried to sound tough but with the blood he had already lost made him fail. "I will always win!" He shouted.

He lunged for me and as I braced myself for the impact, it never came. He moved faster than before as he suddenly changed direction and flew towards Meredith. She wasn't as quick as me so she didn't have enough time to defend herself. Malachi grabbed her throat and lifted her off the floor. 

She slowly began to shift back into a human which caused me to anger further but I could see the look in Malachi's eyes. If I made a single move her would kill her without a second thought.

"Look what I have." Malachi said with a chuckle.

"Malachi, please." I begged him. Meredith is the only one I could not lose. the only one who actually kept me sane.

"Begging really suits you." He replied with another chuckle. "But I think I know of a way to make this far more interesting." His smile faded and his left fist curled into a fist.

He shot his fist forward and into Meredith's stomach. Blood poured out around his fist and blood splattered from her mouth. Her eye's widened in fear and pain.

"No!" I shouted as I watched Malachi pull his hand out and drop her to the floor before he flew away to the other side of the room.

I rushed towards Meredith crouching beside her. I picked her up by her shoulders and held her there as I looked into her eyes. I could see the life leaving them.

"Meredith, please." I begged her as tears fell from my eyes. "Don't leave me. Please don't leave me."

"I... I will... always... love..." She tried to get out but didn't finish. The life finally left her eyes as her arms fell limp at her sides. I roared in pain causing the entire room to shake violently. Why did it have to end like this? Why did she have to be taken from me?

I put her down softly moving a curl of red hair from her face. I stood up facing a laughing Malachi. My golden skin began to return to it's natural colour as my wings began to retract into my body. Soon I was back to the original Alex.

"Have you finally given up?" Malachi said with a chuckle. "Have you finally realized that I will always win. Nothing you do will change that."

Malachi took a small step towards me unsure why I was so calm.

I let my anger and sadness fill me until I couldn't take it anymore. All the moments Meredith and I could have had were now gone. Taken from me forever.

Why did it have to be Meredith?

Why couldn't it have been me?

I would have done anything to keep her breathing.

My sadness overtook my anger and my consciousness willed me to end Malachi once and for all.

I looked at my brother as my tears continued to fall from my cheeks.

Malachi seemed to grow impatient with my actions as I could see the anger evident on his face. He hated that I wasn't responding to him. He needed the attention. He needed the glory. He needed the power. I needed Meredith.

He lunged towards with a mighty shout filling it with anger. He pulled back his right fist and aimed it towards my face but it never connected.

His fist hovered about eleven centimeters from my face as if stuck there in a force field.

My eyes began to shine a bright blue and the glowing blue symbol appeared once more above my head. It rotated slowly in a clockwise direction. I could see the fear evident in Malachi's eyes.

Even if I had no idea what was happening to me he certainly did. I tried to manipulate Malachi once more, the same way I did when I stopped his fist. I willed his wings to stretch outwards. And they did. Then I wanted him to feel pain. Pain that could rival the loss of my Mate.

I ripped his wings from his back and shredded them before scattering them across the floor.

"Why?" Malachi said with a pain filled voice. "Why did it have to be you?"

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