Chapter Fifteen

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Alex POV


"Do you know where he is?" Hereana asked me as we sat in Meredith's watching her sleep.

"I have an idea." I said as I stood up and got off the bed. "It would also explain the Griffon's."

"You mean he is in hell?" Hereana said shocked. "Don't be ridiculous, Hades controls hell."

"If he was in control then the Griffon's wouldn't have escaped." I said as I turned to her. "They are, after all, his greatest creation."

I turned and began to walk out of the room.

"Are you going to tell her?" Hereana asked, gesturing towards Meredith. "She has a right to know."

"I know, and no. I am not going to tell her." I said as I waited for Hereana to exit the room before I closed the door behind us. "She has had enough trauma. I will end this while she recovers."

Hereana was quiet for the rest of the walk to the Alpha's office on the bottom floor of the pack house. I opened the doors inwardly and stepped aside to allow her in first. I noticed the other four king's were already in the room as well as the Alpha and the Beta of the pack.

"Alex has something to tell us." Hereana said as she moved to stand next to Aramean near the left side of the dark brown desk near the end of the room.

"Not yet. Not all of us are here." I replied as I continued to stand in the middle of the room with the Alpha and Beta, Henry, sitting on the sofa to my left, Luther and Godric sitting on the sofa to my right. Arthur was standing by the right side of the desk just watching my movements.

"What do you mean 'Not all of us are here'?" Aramean asked curiously as he subconsciously moved closer to Hereana.

"I think he means us." My mother's voice sounded behind me. I didn't turn. I could feel both her's and my father's power come into the room. Everyone in the room except for Hereana and myself bowed their heads at their entry.

"The Moon Goddess?" The Alpha said in a shocked voice. "Why have you graced us with your presence?" He asked with his head still bowed.

"My son has something to tell you all and he needs both myself and Killian here to witness." My mother replied as she stood to my right while my father came to a stop to my left still dressed in the black suit from earlier.

"Make it quick, son. I have things to attend to, thanks to Malachi's antics." He said as he straightened the cuffs of his shirts.

"If you don't mind me asking." My brother, beta of the pack spoke up just before he lifted his head. "But who is this gentleman here? I don't recognize him."

"I do mind." My father replied a little annoyed. "But I will answer you nonetheless. My name is Killian. The God King." He finished without even looking at the wolf.

"God King?" Henry exclaimed loudly.

"Now that we are all here, I can reveal my intentions." I spoke ignoring the look my brother was giving me. Now was not the time to explain simple matters to him. "I have decided to end things with Malachi. I have a notion as to where he is and now is the time to end this."

"You sure of this?" My mother asked as she softly stroked my right forearm. "You know what this means, right? One of you will die."

"I am fully aware of that, mother. But it is necessary." I replied as I turned my head to look at her. "In order to keep everyone safe, I have to stop him."

"I cannot assist with this." She replied a little crestfallen. "He is my son after all. Regardless of what he has done."

"You require access to hell, don't you?" My father asked in monotone.

"Yes." I replied. "That is where I believe he is."

"Granted." My father responded and then went quiet.

"Hold on." Luther said rather loudly. "You're going to hell? To kill your own brother? Stopping him I would understand, but kill? Isn't that a little too much?"

"Would you be able to just stop him if this happened to your mate?" I asked and he went silent.

"So when do we leave?" Aramean said as he grasped Hereana's hand.

"We don't." I replied. "I'm going alone. This is between him and me. No one else needs to get hurt."

"You can't go without us." Godric exclaimed. "We are supposed to protect you."

"Now you must protect Meredith, your queen." I said as I turned my head to look at him. "She needs to be safe. She needs to have a relatively normal life. Even if it means losing me."

"You can't be serious." Hereana said softly. "How can she have a normal life if you're dead? Have you seen the way she looks at you? Even if it was momentary the small glances she took filled her with love she has never known before. If you die, it will break her." She was getting louder with every sentence.

"That is why I need you to stay here for her. Or take her with you. Either way, don't leave her alone. She will need all of you." I replied. "It's almost time for me to leave."

"Already?" Aramean asked as he took a step forward. "Aren't you going to wait for her to wake up? Or at least rest a bit to build up your strength?"

"No need." I replied. "I have god blood within me. Once I enter the realms of the gods, I will be refreshed and ready to fight a war. Hell just happens to be one of those realms. Hereana can fill you in later."

"Just be safe ok. Come back to us." Hereana said softly as she grasped onto Aramean's left arm.

"I can't promise that, but I will try my damndest to get back safely." I replied softly.

"Do you need me to open the portal?" My father said still in monotone.

"Yes, thank you." I replied as I heard his footsteps leave the room and make their way over to the front door.

"This will be over soon. Thank you for everything you have done for me so far." I said as I gave the room a bow of my head. "And protect Meredith with your lives."

I lifted my head, turned and walked out of the room with the King's following close behind. I made my way out of the pack house and down the patio steps. I came to a stop to the left of my father just a few meters past the patio.

He glanced in my direction before he lifted his right hand towards the ground in front of us. Suddenly the ground fell away into a bright orange red abyss below. Soon a fairly large jagged circle was laid out before us.

"It's time." My father said.

"I know." I replied taking a step towards the hole. Just before I was about to jump in I heard a voice I was not expecting to hear.

"Alex, No!" Meredith shouted.

I turned to my father. "Close it behind me." Then I jumped into the abyss on my way to end this horrible nightmare that was my brother.

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