Chapter Twelve

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"Alex!" I shouted and ran towards him.

He was awake. He was finally awake. I couldn't be happier right now, at this moment. I finally have my Mate back. He is fine and safe and he is finally awake. As I ran towards him I saw him quickly sit up and with a confused look covering his face, he turned to me.

"Alex?" I asked as I came to a stop in front of him. Something isn't right.

"Who are you?" He asked and my heart fell. Did he just ask that? Does this mean...?

"Alex? Please don't joke about this." I begged him but he still had that confused look on his face.

"Who are you? And who are they?" He asked as he glanced around at the King's and Hereana.

"You don't remember us?" I asked as tears began to fall down my cheeks. Why is this happening?

We watched as Alex quickly stood up and began to look around quickly. He seems really confused right now. Maybe he doesn't remember anything. He began to back away from us becoming a little frightened.

"Alex. Please don't. Please don't run." I asked him as my tears began to fall freely. It didn't help. He turned and with speed I didn't think possible with any supernatural, he blurred away.

He left. I finally have him back and he left. Why does everything that can go wrong, go wrong. Why is reality trying to destroy the best thing in my life? Why can't we just have a happy ending like everyone else? Why do we have to have all the hardships and trials.

I fell to my knees and began to cry. Hereana made her way over to me and knelt next to me pulling me into a hug. She held me close as she let me cry into her shoulder.

"It's going to be okay." She kept saying trying to reassure me. It helped a little but nowhere near enough.

I fell limp into Hereana's arms as I felt my body shut down. It seems it has all the trauma it can take.


Hereana POV


I felt her fall limp into my arms as I began to curse the methods my father took to ensure his own son was ready to face his destiny. How could he do this to him and to Meredith. All she wanted was to be in Alex's arms as he held her tight and now even that has been taken away from her. I felt sorry for her. No one should go through all that she had.

I gently lifted her up as the King's surrounded us concerned about their Queen. I was glad that Aramean seemed to instinctively know to give us some space and held the King's back a few paces. All their faces looked distraught. They had just lost their King and now their Queen is fairing no better.

Suddenly all of our heads shot up and stared down the large grassy lawn that separated the house from the forest. Danger was on its way. From the smell I would assume rogues but there is something else mixed in. It's not a vampire or demon and definitely not a nephilim. It has to be something else . One of the lesser beings.

The King's immediately placed themselves between the newcomers and myself and to my amazement so did the rest of Meredith's pack, including her father. And that is when the newcomers broke through the tree line.

There must have been close to three hundred rogues which made no sense. Why would rogues join forces? They are supposed to be viscous wolves with no humanity left and suppose to want to be alone. They never like other wolves and they always tend to be by themselves which made this gathering a little concerning. Something must be happening in the background.

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