Chapter Fourteen

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Hereana POV


I didn't think something like this could be possible, but here he is in front of us. I looked into Alex's eyes and I could tell my brother was no longer in them. His look was cold and empty as if he felt nothing. The man standing in front of us cares for nothing.

Why does everything bad have to happen to my brother and his Mate. I want to blame father but he has only caused half of all the issues here.

"Aramean." I said without taking my eyes off Alex's.

"Yes, dear." He responded moving closer to me, still focusing his attention on Alex.

"We have to get Meredith inside." I said as I gently tightened my grip around Meredith's shoulders. "And someone has to clean this mess up." I added as I picked up Meredith and felt the weight balance shift as her arms dangled limp beside her. "Alex, please follow me."

"Of course." He replied shifting slightly. I turned to walk into the pack house and heard his footsteps behind me. He followed me all the way into Meredith's room and stood by the doorway as I laid her on her large bed.

"What now?" I asked him as I stood up after brushing some hair out of Meredith's face.

"What do you mean?" He replied clasping his hands behind his back.

"When will Alex return? What will happen to Meredith?" I asked in quick succession. "And what about the fact that Griffons are out of hell and walking the earth?"

"Alex will return shortly. He just has to compose himself enough to take over once more. Meredith will be fine. Her mind has shut down her body to protect it from any self-harm that might occur. With Alex losing his memories like that after all that has happened almost broke her. She needs time to recover." He replied not breaking eye contact. It was really unsettling with that cold gaze of his upon mine. "The Griffons on the other hand will need to be taken up with father. It will cause great distress if the supernatural community finds out that they are no longer in the realm of the dead."

"I can handle that, but I am still worried about Meredith." I said crossing my arms across my chest. "She seems to respond to your voice but she isn't waking up. Why is that? She should be stronger than this."

"She is, but with the constant grief that has occurred in her life has chipped away at her strength and the wall finally broke with Alex. But regardless, she will be fine. Just give her some more time." He replied as he slowly walked over to stand in front of the bed, looking over Meredith as she slept.

"Can you tell me why father is doing all this to Alex and Meredith?" I asked hoping he could shed some light on this matter.

"He is preparing both for what is to come. They need to be ready." He responded as I watched his cold exterior crack as he watched Meredith.

"And what is coming?" I asked as a confused look crossed my face.

"It won't concern you. This is something Alex and Meredith will need to accomplish in order to fulfill their destinies." He said as if it meant nothing.

"And what are their destinies?" I asked hoping for the answer.

"Something you could not even think of. They are meant for something that has never happened before. They are meant for great things. And they will need to be prepared." He said while keeping his gaze on Meredith.

"That doesn't answer my question." I say getting a little annoyed.

"It wasn't supposed to. It's just not my truth to tell. So I won't." He responded as he walked around the bed and knelt next to it focusing his gaze on Meredith's sleeping face.

"Fine. Has Alex ever done something like this before? I mean like giving over control to you." I ask as I sat in the beige single chair near the door.

"A couple of times." He said as he brushed a strand of hair from Meredith's face. "I was in control for most of his time in the fighting arena. I came out twice during the training that Aramean and the other King's gave Alex but other than that, Alex was in control."

"But how can you be that powerful and Alex isn't? It doesn't make sense. You are the same person." I ask as I stood up and walked to the foot of the bed.

"There is a reason father ensured that all gods and god descendents have emotion." He began as he stroked Meredith's cheek softly causing her to smile in her sleep. "Emotion limits the power inside you. Enables you to control it fully. Without emotion, it goes unchecked and controlling it becomes almost non-existent. I am only controlling it due to the fact I am not the original host. Alex is. He has enabled me with the necessary control to keep this body safe."

I was speechless. I have never even considered something like this. How could something as unsubstantial as emotions limit power within oneself. If this is the case, it may be the reason as to why Malachi has all that power. But how can he control it? I need to know.

"Do you know of father's plans? Do you know what the future will bring for us?" I ask Alex's alter ego.

"I know of his plans and what he expects from all of us, but I cannot know the future. Just know that his plans focus on Alex and Meredith. The rest should be fine." He answers back as he closes his eyes and takes in a deep breath. His body fell limp onto the bed before rolling off onto the floor.

"Alex!" I shouted and rushed over to him. What the hell just happened?

"Stop shouting." His strained voice sounds out.

"Alex." I said once more kneeling beside him and bringing him into a hug. "Alex."

"I'm fine." He said as he shrugged me off and stood up slowly. "Just took me longer than usual to get control back."

"Get control back?" I asked as I stayed on the floor in a kneeling position. "You mean you were aware the entire time?"

"Yes. I am always aware." He said as he turned to Meredith with a sad look in his eyes. "He's just never done this much before."

"We have to end this." I said out loud.

"I know." He agreed. "I intend to go to Malachi and end this once and for all. He has hurt us all enough and now it ends. Either he or I will die."

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