Chapter Eight

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Malachi's POV


This was too easy, I thought to myself. She was really easy to take from him. Was she not supposed to be under his protection. She is his Mate for crying out loud. He makes me ashamed to share the same blood as him. But I will win in the end. I always do.

I walked into the castle's dungeon to the cell's we usually keep reserved for the ones who have broken our rules. Our laws. Yet for her I made an exception. Her and her so called Mate stands in my way of my birthright. They are stealing my title from me. I can't have that.

I open the final door to the cells and see her in the middle of five. She was chained to the wall with her hands high above her head with her waist and neck collared and chained to the wall. She sat on the ground with her head hung low. It looks like she has given up. She's weak. It's only been two weeks since I took her.

"Wake up!" I shouted at her as her head shot up, her red hair flying in all directions before becoming still.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked me while I crouched down slowly at the cell door.

"Well, your Mate is trying to take my rightful place in this world and I can't have that. Also it's quite fun if you think about it." I said as I gave her a big smile.

"What rightful place? He is the High-King." She began to shout back. "It's not a position you can just take. You have to be born to be the High-King."

"I know and I was. Don't you see the familiarity in my face?" I said as I gave a low chuckle.

"What do you mean?" She asked slightly confused.

"Alex is my younger brother." I confessed as my face took a serious turn.

"Your- Your brother?" She stuttered as it dawned on her.

"Yes. He is. And he is taking something from me which I simply cannot condone." I replied as I stood up and began to pace the small area in front of the her cell.

"He is your brother. Why are you doing this to him?" She said as tears threatened to fall from her eyes.

"Simple. I am the oldest and simply stronger than he is. It is my throne. Not his." I shouted towards her unconsciously letting my power slip into my voice. She flinched at my words. "And when he finds this place. When he finds you." I point towards her. "I will kill you in front of him to ensure he understands to never stand before me again."

"Please, just let me go." She pleaded with me as tears now fell from her eyes.

"Where's the fun in that?" I said as I laughed softly. "Oh and by the way, your little pathetic Mate is on his way. He couldn't even find you on his own. I had to send him a note telling him where to find you."


Alex's POV


It's been two weeks and I couldn't find a single trace of her. There haven't been any sort of rumours about an insanely string supernatural or about a redhead that is his hostage. There truly was no trace of their whereabouts.

That was until I received a letter on my desk back at my castle telling me where to go to find her. My own brother had kidnapped my Mate and now he is going to pay. How dare he do this to the High-King. How dare he touch my Mate with his filthy hands.

For the past two weeks I have barely slept. I couldn't knowing that my brother had my Mate and I didn't know what he was doing. I need her. I need my Mate.

Luther had now become the official Werewolf King after the fights with the four Alpha's. Now the four strongest supernatural beings were united under my rule. Through my anger at my brother I finally managed to control all sets of my powers. I could now shift into a demon, nephilim, vampire, and werewolf. And so far I could only merge nephilim and werewolf, but I was hoping I could finally merge all of my forms.

Finally, after the two weeks I spent without my Mate at my side I have finally found her. I, along with the other four King's, were standing outside near the castle steps. What are they doing in Greenland and I am sure there are no castles here. How has this gone unnoticed?

We burst through the doors and her scent immediately hit me. She was here, I know it. But there was no other scent. How can they just leave her here when they themselves sent for us.

I followed her scent to the far side of the castle as we came upon the large ballroom. We burst through the twin heavy oak dark red doors and rushed into the room. There stood my mate chained at the wrists with my brothers hand at the back of her neck.

How is he here? How can I no sense him? This is impossible. There is no way that he can be here with my knowing. But he is.

"Hello brother." Malachi spoke with a harsh tone. He looked almost identical to me. Same black hair. Same build, except he was slightly larger. Same light blue eye colour. The only difference were the faint scars that littered my body after my two years in the fighting arenas. I still had a faint scar under my right eye that reached the edge of my lip from one of my earlier fights.

"Give her back to me!" I shouted at the top of my lungs and rushed forward towards him. He shoved Meredith aside and grabbed my right fist as I brought it towards his face.

"You disappoint me brother. We are the same. We have the same powers. You cannot defeat me." He said in a mocking tone.

"You will die for what you did." I replied as I kicked out his left leg and while he was unbalanced I brought my left fist up into an uppercut and launched him into the ceiling cracking it in the process.

Godric and Aramean were already by Meredith's side and were in the process of pulling her to safety as Malachi fell to the ground. He landed on his feet in a slightly crouched position. He still had that smile on his face.

He rushed towards baring fangs as he began to punch at me. He must have had training because his moves seemed like those of a professional fighter. They were calculated and precise. Barely any wasted movements. But my experience in surviving made me slightly superior.

I managed to block each of his strikes as I began to fight back. Punch after punch we tried to land on each other but we failed. We were both too strong. Malachi brought his right fist back further and with a grunt he punched past my face. I only barely managed to dodge. The right side of the ballroom crumpled under the weight of his punch. He was becoming serious. So would I.

I threw a similar punch towards his midsection but he managed to dodge that as well. The back of the ballroom flew outwards as the glass windows shattered and the cement and brick walls crumpled to the ground revealing the patio and large swimming pool outside.

Our fight lasted another ten minutes or so and by the end the entire castle was reduced to rubble. Luckily the four King's had gotten Meredith out of the castle before the destruction occurred. Malachi and myself had managed to injure each other quite extensively. I had broken his left arm and slashed my claws across his chest. I on the hand had a cut down the left side of my face from the top of my eyebrow to the edge of my upper lip. I had a large gash across my inner left thigh that was bleeding out as well as my right hand was shattered. Both my brother and I seemed to be in a stale mate as to who was actually stronger.

Panting heavily we stared each other down before he gave off an evil smile as he sprouted his nephilim wings and took off into the air. I remained as I was because I didn't want to continue the fight. He was gone, Meredith was safe and after all he is my brother. Maybe I truly didn't want to kill him after all.

I fell to the ground as darkness overtook me. Maybe this fight took more out of me than I realised.

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