Chapter Five

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Both the Alpha and myself quickly went to stand in front of the large pack house to welcome our guests. Finally I would be able to see what the Vampire King looked like. I have heard rumors that over the past two months he has been punishing a group of his vampires for something they did and ended up killing a quarter of the vampire population. I wonder if he is just bloodthirsty or if it was some form of justice. Maybe I could ask him and find out.

I watched carefully as the two large SUV's came to a stop just in front of the Alpha and myself. Four of the most handsome men I have ever seen got out of the SUV's which caused a group of the pack girls to start whispering and giggling amongst themselves. They were probably wondering if one of them could snag one of the four men or maybe the Vampire King himself. Although werewolves and vampires have not seen eye to eye on many things, a king was still a king.

The four looked similar with their pitch black hair and sharp jaw lines, as the only differences were their heights and the clothes they were wearing. One wore a pitch black suit with a deep purple tie, another wore black jeans and a white buttoned up shirt and had his sleeves rolled up showing off an expensive silver watch. Another had light blue jeans and a blue buttoned up shirt, while the fourth man wore black jeans and a dark red buttoned up shirt.

"Alpha Richard Colt and Alpha-to-be Meredith Colt, I presume." The man in the black suit began as he straightened the sleeves of his shirt from under his suits sleeves near his wrists.

"You presume correctly. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Killian." The Alpha said with a large smile on his face. "Please come inside so we can begin discussions. Would either of you gentlemen like some refreshments or something to eat maybe?" The Alpha gestured to the door of the pack house.

"Just a moment, Alpha. Our fifth should be here soon." Aramean began as he looked towards Meredith. "He wanted to make a dramatic entrance and if you tell him I said that I will deny it completely." He finished with a smile.

"Don't worry, Mr. Killian. I'll keep your secret." Meredith replied chuckling softly wondering who this mystery man is.

"Aramean, please." Aramean corrected her with a smile before turning around and staring down the long driveway. "Ah, here he is now."

Suddenly a loud continuous roar sounded from further down the driveway. It sound surprisingly like a Harley Davidson. The sound made the entire pack look in his direction as he drove up to the SUV's but what surprised me more were the two swords on his back. Why would he have those? Meredith asked her wolf.

Doesn't matter. Her wolf shot back quickly with excitement lacing through her voice.

Why are you so happy? Meredith asked her wolf still staring at the man in the long sleeve grey shirt and black jeans which made her remember Alex.

Just wait until he takes off his helmet and you'll find out. Her wolf quickly shot back getting even more excited.

I watched as the man switched off the Harley Davidson and get off the bike. He slowly removed his helmet to reveal his black hair. He turned slowly and our eyes met.

I whimpered softly as I brought my hands to my mouth. Tears began to form in my eyes. I couldn't believe this was happening. He's here. He's actually here in front of me. I ran towards him as a smile grew on his face as his happiness and joy were evident in his eyes.

I jumped into his strong arms as they wrapped themselves around me in a tight embrace. I placed my head in the crook of his neck and sniffed in his scent trying to remember it. I still couldn't believe this was happening.

"I've missed you." He whispered in my ear. "But I did promise I would return, didn't I?"

He slowly put me down but he didn't let me go. He held me tightly to him making me realize he had grown taller. He was at least five or six inches taller than me now and he now had a rather large build. It made me feel safe in his arms.

"Two and a half years." I began to cry as I pulled him to me and hugged him again. "Where were you? Why didn't you let me know you were safe? I was so worried."

He pulled me into a kiss and I almost lost myself. It felt amazing. The sparks and intense feeling of love we both felt was overwhelming us both. I trembled slightly in his embrace when he broke the kiss.

"That is a discussion for another day. For now just let me look at you. Let me hold you." He said as tears began to form in his eyes. "I love you, Meredith Colt."

"I love you to, Alex McCarthy."

Clearing his throat, Godric brought us back to the present which caused both of us to blush slightly.

"Sir, will all due respect. We have a purpose here. You can play house later when there is far more time to do so." Godric said with a slight bow of his head.

"Thank you Godric. And you're right. We do have some business to attend to here." Alex said as he walked hand in hand with me to Aramean.

"I hear that a quarter of the vampire population is dead. Does this have anything to do with the other matter?" Aramean seemed to know what he was referring to so he just replied curtly.

"Yes, sir. It does."

"Alex McCarthy?" Alpha Richard said with a slightly confused look on his face. "I thought I banished you. why are you back?" His expression turned serious.

"I overrode your banishment so I could see my Mate. Two and a half years is long enough to be separated from her." He smiled at me which caused me to hug his arm as if to show him I would never let him leave again.

"You overrode my banishment?" The Alpha was steaming with rage. "How dare you?! I am your Alpha and I expect you to follow my orders."

"I don't think so." He replied squeezing my hand slightly.

"I am your Alpha!" He screamed and rushed towards Alex with his alpha enhanced werewolf speed.



I let go of Meredith's hand and grabbed the Alpha by his throat pushing him backwards until he was pinned in the air against the white pillar on the left of the entrance to the pack house. It happened in less than a second and after everyone, Meredith included, figured out what happened a few gasps and shrieks could be heard from the pack.

"Alpha?" I repeated as I let my rage come to the surface causing my eyes to turn bright red. "I am your King. Your puny rank means nothing to me!" I shouted letting my power show through my voice causing Alpha Richard to tremble and bare his neck in submission.

I let him go as he fell to the ground clutching his throat. Aramean quickly appeared by my side with a concerned look. He gestured his head towards Meredith.

I turned to see her standing less than two meters away from me with a confused look on her face.

"You're the Werewolf King?" She asked as she slowly made her way to me. Luther snorted softly but all the kings as well as myself caught it which caused him to avert his gaze.

"No, I'm not." I closed the distance between us. "Luther over there is the Werewolf King." I gestured to Luther as she looked towards the man with the expensive watch.

"If he is the Werewolf King, then what king are you? Demon? Nephilim?" She asked as curiosity filled her gaze before the truth dawned on her. "No, it can't be if Aramean is the Vampire King and Luther is the Werewolf King. And the other one over there," she gestured to Godric, "called you Sir. As in, you are of a higher standing than them. You can't be, can you?"

"You need to say the words, love." I saw her shiver right at the moment I said 'love' which caused me to hold her once more.

"You're the High King!" She half whispered and yelled.

"Yes ma'am and do you know what that makes you once we are properly mated?" I asked her as I brought our lips closer together.

"Queen?!" She said through a gasp as Ismile and then kissed her once more.

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