Chapter Sixteen

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Meredith POV


"Where did he go?" I shouted at his father as the hole closed up as if it was never there to begin with. "Bring him back." I begged.

"I can't do that." The man in the black suit replied as he turned to face me. "This is his fight and I cannot interfere. Even I have my rules."

"What do you mean 'even you have rules'?" I said as my wolf came to the surface. She wanted out and she wanted Alexander.

"He's the God King, Meredith." Hereana said as she slowly walked over to me.

"The what?" I turned to the man in the black suit. Why is he here? Why is the God King here? "Why is the God King here? Why did he let his son go like that?"

"Alex has to do this Meredith." Hereana continued. "He needs to keep you safe."

"But he needs to be here. I need him." I said as tears began to slowly fall down my cheeks. "Altrea needs Alexander."

"Who is Alexander?" She asked as she brought me into a hug.

"Alex's wolf." I replied not understanding why she didn't know that. "You're his sister, shouldn't you know what his wolf is called."

"That's my fault." Rebeka, the Moon Goddess, said as she walked up to us.

"What do you mean?" I asked her as I let go of Hereana.

"Alex doesn't have a wolf. What Altrea was speaking to was a manifestation of his hidden potential. He gave it a name subconsciously in order to give some order to something he couldn't explain." Rebeka continued. "It's the same with his alter ego. Although he didn't have a name, it was only another manifestation of himself."

"Alex doesn't have a wolf? But he is a werewolf." I said confused.

"No, he is not." Rebeka said as she cupped my left cheek with her right hand. "He is a part god and destined to be the High King which is a combination of different species. A hybrid of sorts."

"Then how is he my Mate? I thought only people of the same species are mated together." I asked dumbfounded.

"Have you forgotten about Hereana and Aramean already?" Rebeka said with a chuckle. "Part god beloved to a vampire. It doesn't matter the species, but I tend to keep it as such to avoid more hybrid's running about."

"So Alex is my true mate then?" I asked as a sense of joy filled me.

"Of course." She replied.

"Then let me go help him. I cannot let him shoulder all of this himself." I stated with newfound confidence.

"Honey. I think we should let her go." The man in the black suit said.

"Killian, do you know what you are proposing?" Rebeka turned to the man with a concerned look on his face.

"Yes, Rebeka. It is written as I have written it. She needs to go in order for their destinies to be revealed." He replied with a smirk.

"Is it that time already?" She asked as she walked over to him.

"Yes it is dear. It has finally come to an end." He said as he lifted his right hand towards the ground and a similar hole to that of which Alex jumped into opened up.

"Go daughter. Although he isn't expecting you, he still needs you." The man said with a chuckle.

"Daughter?" I asked confused as I walked towards the hole.

"You'll understand shortly. Be careful." He said as I jumped into the hole.


Alex POV


I thought hell would be hotter. Instead it is cold beyond measure. Glaciers lined the sides of the walkways giving off aura's of damnation. The walkways were long and tiresome. I have walked these paths for more than a few hours and I have yet to see another person or living being. Demon or not.

Something has got to be wrong here. I should have already seen something. Someone. Yet nothing. Nothing has come to welcome me to this realm. Nothing has come to block my progress through hell.

I finally made it to a large cavern with two very large twin doors that reached the very top of the cavern. They must have been at least twenty meters in height. I wonder how much they weigh.

I walked through the cavern glancing down at the floor noticing the claw marks. They were huge. They look as if they were made by a very large beast. Dog? Wolf?

Then it hit me. This is Cerberus's cavern. This is his checkpoint. If so, then where is he? Is he not supposed to be guarding the doors to the next checkpoint. To the next blockade.

Something is really wrong here.

I walked over to the doors and tried to opened them, only to fail miserably. They didn't even budge a millimeter.

I willed upon my power and drew out my hybrid form that merged the four species together as I lifted my golden hands and place each on a door. With a heavy push I opened the doors. Loudly they creaked as they opened.

I walked into the next cavern and noticed that no one was present. Only another set of doors beyond. This must be the Griffon's domain. Where they were supposed to remain as a last resort before entering the center of hell itself.

I walked through the cavern noticing the dried blood stains on the floor as well as the hundreds of discarded feathers scattered about. I walked to the doors and once more opened them making my way to Malachi.

What I didn't expect was the throne room that lay beyond those doors. The walls were draped with dark red curtains. Large chandeliers line the ceiling providing the large room with light. From the doorway to the throne was a very long red carpet. At the end was the throne. Made of obsidian.

It was quite beautiful if you think about it. The dark black material giving off minimal shine as if sucking in the light itself. The armrests and the backrest were lined with what looked like trapped souls that were unfortunate enough to be here. On the throne sat my brother. Dressed in pitch black loose trousers and a sleeveless pitch black sort robe that made him look like some sort of ninja wannabe.

"Malachi." I said as I slowly walked the red carpet.

"Alex." He replied as he stood up. "I see you have finally passed father's test. Maybe now it will be an even fight."

"No it won't." I replied oozing confidence. "Here is where we fight and here is where you will die."

"We're just going to have to see about that." He replied as his skin began to glow gold. Three sets of bright blue feathery wings sprouted from his back as his hair turned a dark black. His eyes became as white as the blinding sun itself. "It seems we're a lot alike in our forms. Except for your red eyes, bright blue hair and the golden tinge to your blue wings. I can't wait to see how powerful you have become."

"You won't have to wait for long. But answer me this." I said. I was hoping to find out the real reason he was doing this to us? To his own flesh and blood. "Why are you doing this? The real reason, not that bullshit excuse you gave me earlier."

"You really want to know." He said as the smile quickly slid off his face. "That means father hasn't told you."

"Told me what?" I asked as I flexed my shoulders.

"The true end to his plans. The plans that ends with you and not me." He said anger becoming evident in his voice. "It was supposed to be me, but he chose you."

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