Chapter Eleven

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"Meredith, are you okay?" Luther said with a worried tone as he helped me to a standing position.

"I'm fine. Where's Alex?" I asked him while bringing my left hand to my forehead. Coming back to the real world gives you one hell of a headache.

"He's still in the training arena. His wounds have healed but not much else has happened." He replied as he turned back to Alex.

"Rebekah? Hereana?" I asked directing the questions to all the King's.

"The Moon Goddess has already left. She said she had to deal with her husband or something like that. Hereana is still here watching over Alex." Godric replied when Luther kept quiet.

"Thanks." I said as I right myself and turned towards Alex. He was still lying on the ground and thankfully Luther spoke the truth. There were no wounds along his body. They had all healed.

Suddenly loud shockwaves emanated from Alex's body every five or so seconds. It sounded as if an aircraft was breaking the sound barrier above us and with every shockwave circles of dirt, stones and pieces of grass flew outwards. We all turned towards Alex as we watched his body begin to convulse.

The shockwaves began to quicken and soon were happening each second. His body began to levitate within the air and righted itself. His head still hung limp facing downwards and the hospital gown stuck to his waist while flapping in the winds that surrounded him.

Both of his hands had begun to open and close as some of the bones within shattered and reformed. Each of his fingers began to elongate and the nails began to form claws. They were different from wolfman claws as these held an elegance to them instead of the rough edges of his wolfman hands. His shoulder blades began to break, reform and then shift outwards as two sets of leathery wings sprouted from his shoulders. The top two pointing to the heavens and the bottom two pointing towards the grounds. His wings began to darken and soon settled on a dark maroon colour.

Two thick horns sprouted from his forehead and shot upwards towards the sky. His skin began to darken and soon its colour matched his wings. Neon red lightening began to ripple across his skin causing loud crackles to fill the air.

"Holy Shit." Godric said in front of me. He was awed at what we were seeing. "I thought that was just a myth. No one has ever transformed into a full demon. We only have half demon forms. This is incredible."

"What do you mean half forms?" I asked him almost shouted over the noise coming from Alex.

He staggered backwards and when he was next to me he lowered his head. "All supernatural's on this planet only have half forms. No one if full anything. Were's are closest to their full forms out of all of us but not the strongest."

"How do you know this?" I shouted back. "Even our elders don't know this."

"Aramean is an avid researcher. It is the reason Aramean found Hereana. He was the only one who managed to locate the gods realm and transverse between. Hereana is also the reason he is still alive. They are beloveds." Godric said again as we watched Alex awaken to his demonic side.

"Beloveds?" I asked him. I know I have heard that term before but I still couldn't place it.

"Similar to the Were's Mate bond, but for Vampires." He shouted back just before the noise began to calm.

We focused our attention back onto Alex and noticed that the lightening had ended and his dark maroon colouring was now fading into his normal colour. His horns began to retreat back into his head slowly as his wings began to disintegrate as if being burned away. His claws returned to his normal fingers but the shockwaves continued.

Then Alex's body colour began to darken and then settle on a dark grey shade. His ear began to lengthen and point backwards. His black hair lengthened and hung loosely behind him. His mouth opened and displayed the two fangs that had now grew and sharpened. His nails lengthened slowly and then they too sharpened into short points.

His hands began to once more transform into claws as his feet did the same. A pair of dark grey veiny leathery wings began to unfurl from around his torso and stretched out behind him.

Then once more the transformation began to reverse.

"Two down, two to go." Hereana said as she stepped closer to Aramean. He instinctively wrapped his right arm around her waist.

"Two more?" I asked in disbelief. How many forms does he have? "Why two more?"

"Just his werewolf side and his nephilim side. High King's can embody the four strongest supernatural creatures." Aramean said as he tightened his grip on Hereana's waist.

Then soft blue lightening began to dance around Alex's body and strike the ground below. We all took a cautious step back and looked up at Alex. His long black hair began to glow a bright blue as his skin paled to almost white. Two sets of white feathery wings with a slight golden tint to them, sprouted from his back. They set in a similar fashion as his demon wings but these were far more glorious.

A faint blue glow covered his skin as the lightening began to multiple. He slowly began to lower to the ground as the lightening began to fade. His wings flexed slightly as he touched the ground. Soon the glow and the wings dissipated into a white mist and he fell to the ground.

His arms and legs began to slowly move and then brought him into an all fours position. His bones began to break and reshape as he grew in size. Black hair with a orange tint near the tips began to sprout from him. His fur looked as if it was on fire. His mouth and jaws began to sprout outwards and shaped into a snout. His teeth elongated into sharp canines.

His eyes were still closed as his muscles flexed underneath his fur. Once his transformation was complete his form was far larger than any Were before him. He looked similar to a wolf but it was noticeably different.

"Impossible." Aramean let out as he stared at Alex's monstrous form.

"What is?" I asked him as the shockwaves began to die out and Alex began to revert to his human form. The hospital gown had now been ripped to shreds and lay scattered on the ground around him.

"He looks similar to something I read in an ancient script once. But I never thought it was true." He said not giving me an actual answer.

"That what was true?" I pressed as I turned to glare at him.

"The Werewolves ancestor. I thought it was only an old wolf's imagination but it turns out to be true. Your ancestor is not exactly a wolf but something far more terrifying. Something that should remain in the darkest depths of hell itself." He said as he turned to Hereana. "You knew this, didn't you?"

"Yes." Was all she said as she continued to cast a saddened stare at Alex.

"What is he? What is our ancestor?" I was almost shouting at this point.

"Hell Hounds. Your ancestors are Hell Hounds." He said which took my breath away.

"We come from Hell Hounds? But we're wolves, not hounds." I said in disbelief as I turned to look at Alex.

"You're a descendent, not an exact copy." He said just before we all heard a sharp intake of breath as we turned to look at an awake Alex. He was staring at the sky breathing heavily.

"Alex!"I shouted and ran towards him.

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