Chapter Thirteen

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Alex POV


I don't know what to make of the situation I'm in anymore. I don't remember anything from my past life. If I even had one. When I awoke there were people around me that I have never seen before but what really piqued my curiosity was the beautiful redhead that ran towards me.

I asked who she was and it seemed to sadden her. What have I done? Did I do something wrong? I glanced around and saw the others standing around with shocked expressions on their faces. Once again I asked who she was before I asked who the others were.

I looked back to the redhead and saw she was on the verge of crying. I have only been here for a few minutes and already I have saddened her. Maybe I shouldn't be here? Maybe I should just go. I quickly stood up glancing all around me. I can't hurt her anymore. It's as if it pains my center when she cries. I can't be here? So I ran.

I ran into the woods in front of me and kept running until I came upon a decent sized lake. I stared out over the water as a feeling of familiarity came over me. Have I been here before? Why does this location give me a feeling of contentment and a feeling of overall happiness?

As I tried to remember anything of what happened to me I caught a scent nearby. It smelled familiar but to be honest I wasn't keen on the smell. I followed the scent and found it led to a nearby tree off to the left of the lake. At the base of the tree was a pair of blue jeans which just seemed to fit me.

After I put the jeans on I sat by the lake wondering about who I truly was. About where I belong and why was I naked in the first place.

Something's wrong. Came a voice within my head. It sounded very familiar but I couldn't place it.

'What the hell?' I half shouted in my head.

Calm down Alex. I'm your other half. Came the voice once more.

My other half? What is that supposed to mean? I asked the voice as I settled on the ground once more.

Yes. I am your other half and the two of us make a whole Alex. But enough of the pleasantries. Something is wrong near our Mate. We have to go back. The voice said with concern filling his voice.

Mate? What are you talking about? I asked the voice hoping it could give me a proper answer.

You will find out once we see go and see why I am having this feeling. The voice said just before he took control.

I lost control of my body as it began to stand. The voice was now in control and I could feel the anger rolling off of him. Off of me. I didn't like this feeling but I knew it was necessary as I could feel the same unpleasant feeling about the redhead I saw earlier.

My body slowly walked through the forest as it became angrier and angrier. It knew something I didn't. I watched, unable to do anything, as the trees, grass and other living organisms began to decay around us. Our anger was manifesting.

We walked through the forest for a few minutes until we finally broke the tree line. What I saw should have stopped me in my tracks but my body kept moving.

The ground was littered with the lifeless bodies of wolves as blood seeped into the ground around them.

I looked towards the huge white house and saw five odd creatures with feathery wings, an eagles head and a body of some sort of feline predator. Lion, maybe? They each held another being beneath their claws. One was a black wolf, another has white feathery wings, one had dark leathery wings while the fourth had dark gray skin and white hair.

Just what the hell did I walk into? What is this world? What are they?

A loud roar ripped through my chest as the few remaining trees that surrounded me shook from the shockwaves emanating from me.

The bird like cat monsters looked up in my direction and seemed to slightly flinch at my roar. They left their prey as they began to stalk towards me.

They moved as if cautious about coming into contact with me but I kept walking at my pace. My body tensed as it prepared itself for the upcoming battle.

The first winged beast lunged towards me as it flapped its wings in earnest. It was so quick. It almost seemed as if it just appeared in front of me, but my eyes could track it. My right hand shot up and grabbed the paw that swung for my head. The winged beast seemed confused at how I could do that.

I pulled back the arm slightly causing the winged beast to lose balance. I shot my right arm out and smashed it into its beak breaking it. The beast fell limp at my feet. For something that seems to be powerful I found it rather weak.

The other four winged beasts became extra cautious after their friend died. My body decided to take the fight to them. My body lunged forward to the closest winged beast and grabbed a hold of its left wing. Pulling it sideways I threw it into the winged beast to my right causing both to fly into a nearby tree, smashing it in half.

I felt my back pain slightly and then become slightly heavier. I glanced back and found two white leathery wings with feathers lining the top of each. I turned my focus onto the winged beasts trying to forget what just happened to my back.

Using my wings, I rushed forward towards the two remaining winged beasts and as I came within striking distance I kicked the first one in the head while I grabbed the last one by its throat holding it to my eye level.

"Who gave you permission to come after what's mine?" My body asked the winged beast just before we watched it slowly shift back into a human.

"Please." The dark skinned man begged. "Please don't kill me. We were only following orders."

"Whose?" My body asked back.

"Don't answer him." The other winged beast said as he shook his head slightly. It seemed the kick I used may have gave him a slight concussion.

With my wings I cut across the beast's stomach causing his innards to fall to the ground. In a short few seconds he fell to the ground lifeless. I turned to the beast currently within my grasp and asked again.


"Please don't kill me." The man begged as a tear began to roll down his cheek.

"Then tell me who sent you to attack my people and my Mate?" My body asked.

"Malachi. He want's what you have and when he heard you were under the testing, he sent us." The man confessed whilst trying to escape my grasp.

"Well, both he and you failed." I said as I snapped the man's neck within my hand. The remaining enemy wolves ran back into the woods hoping to live another day. I let them go. They were useless now.

"Alex?" Came the same familiar soft voice that I saddened earlier. I turned towards the voice and found an unconscious redhead who seemed to be talking in her sleep. "Alex?" She asked again.

My body stood still, not making a move towards her.

"Alex? Are you not going to go to her? She needs you." The man dark skinned man with white hair said as he slowly stood up.

"That isn't Alex." The petite blonde woman beside the redhead said as she stared at me.

"Then who is it?" Came another voice to my right but it was just out of my sight.

"I suppose he should tell us." The blonde said continuing to stare at me.

"I have no name." My body replied. "I just take over when Alex cannot deal with reality or if he becomes too angry to control himself. I'm sort of his alter ego or other half, if you will." My body responded.

"Impossible." Came another voice to my left which was coming from the man with the leathery wings.

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