Chapter Three

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Two years and four months later.

I have lost track as to how long I have been the Vampires prisoner. The Vampires most favored gladiator. For all this time I have yet to lose a fight. For all this time I have only been able to remain sane due to the fact that Alexander could still feel our Mate. He could feel the love she still felt for us. He could feel each time she went into heat and each time she rejected any male advances on her. She was remaining loyal to her Mate. I have to go back. But I can't find a way out. The Vampires are extremely diligent with keeping us imprisoned.

Tonight was my four hundredth and twenty second fight. In all the time I have been kept prisoner I have found out more of what I can do. I have become stronger than any opponent they have set before me. Werewolf, Vampire, Nephilim, Demon. None of them matched up to my strength. To my viciousness.

Some fights were even agreed upon where the odds were not in my favour. Some fights, I was forced to fight more than one opponent. At most I have fought three werewolves, a Vampire and a demon at once. And still I won easily with only a single scratch.

Tonight though I was fighting against six Nephilim which would be my hardest fight so far. I walked up to the arena dressed only in a dark black set of jeans and a pitch black long sleeve shirt. Since I was making the organizers of this little fight club more money they knew how to deal with, they afforded me a few luxuries. Most importantly proper clothes and proper meals.

I walked into the arena and watched my six opponents carefully. All the Nephilim before me wore pure white robes that the organizers thought would make a better impact on the audience.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Once more we have arrived at our main attraction." The announcer began. "Tonight we have the six strongest Nephilim gladiators we have facing off against our strongest gladiator, the mighty Black Reaper." The audience began to applaud loudly at the mention of the nickname that the Vampires gave me. "Enjoy the show. Fight!" The announcer ordered.

The six Nephilim all flexed their shoulders and instantly a set of large dark grey feathery wings sprouted from their backs. I, myself, having found out one more special talent that I possessed began to transform into a half wolf half human hybrid. No other wolf has ever been able to do this or so I have been told.

My arms and legs lengthened as they began to sprout hair ripping my clothes off in the process. My entire frame began to enlarge as I grew a couple of feet taller. My jaw began to lengthen as my wolf snout began to take form with my teeth growing larger and sharper filling my mouth. My ears began to lengthen and soon my hybrid wolf human form took shape. My eyes now glowing a bright red and the dark blue glowing symbol began to form above my forehead. My fluffy black tail began to swish behind me with anticipation.

Two of the Nephilim half lunged and half flew towards me with great speed but I was already used to it. Using their wings they tried to knock me backwards into the cage fence. But I instead grabbed their wings with my claws and threw them behind me as I rushed forward to the hesitant Nephilim in front of me. I thrust my right paw into the chest of the smaller one to the far right and pulled out his heart. Throwing it to the floor I spun around quickly as the three remain Nephilim rushed towards me.

I blocked two of the Nephilim with my forearms as I lost track of the third. I quickly grabbed the two Nephilim to my sides by their throats and crushed them with ease. I let their lifeless bodies fall to the floor as the third Nephilim's wings stabbed my back causing me to howl out in pain.

I spun around quickly snapping his wings as I thrust my claws into his chest lifting him into the air as blood began to drip from his mouth. I pulled my claws out quickly and slashed it across his throat. Four down and two to go. The first two had begun to get up after their initial attack as I let my wolf take over.

My blue mark began to glow brighter as I lowered myself to the floor and stood on all fours. I circled around the cage and waited for the two Nephilim to charge forward again which they did.

I severed the Nephilim on my left's left arm as I lunged forward and caught the second Nephilim's chest between my jaws squeezing tight. I crushed his rib cage with ease and as I threw him to the floor I turned my attention to the last Nephilim. I stalked towards him as he backed away in fear. I lunged forward and quickly caught hold of his throat with my teeth, ripping it out in the process.

Before the announcer could announce the winner of the fight, the lights of the arena switched on enlightening the large room I was in. There must've been hundreds of Vampires that surrounded the cage still in their seats looking around cautiously.

Suddenly the large dark brown double oak doors to the left of the room burst open and in walked four men each giving off an extremely powerful aura.

I heard a lot of the Vampires gasp and begin to get up but quickly sat when the person in the front of the new comers lifted his right arm. A few more Vampires began to whisper behind me.

"How did the Vampire King find out about this?"

"I don't know, this was supposed to be kept secret."

"We know."

"What does this mean for us?"

I turned my attention to the four strangers as I watched their every movement. I watched as the tall rather largely built man to the far right in a dark red shirt and dark blue jeans threw his left hand forward and to the left. Instantly the rows of seated Vampires in front of them were shoved sideways giving them a pathway to walk, which was straight towards the cage.

The leader of the new comers wore a pitch black suit with a black shirt and tie that still did not hide his athletic build. The man to his immediate left was a little shorter but about the same athletic build wore black jeans and a white buttoned up collared shirt with his sleeves rolled up. On his left wrist I could faintly see a rather expensive watch. The man to the far left wore light blue jeans and a blue t-shirt that stretched with his large build. All four of the strange men had pitch black hair and had a seriously pissed off look on their faces.

The man in the dark red shirt threw his left hand outwards once more and a hole was ripped into the side of the cage giving them access to the arena. Noticing that some of the Vampires had attempted to escape the man in the black suit turned sharply towards them and shouted an order.

"Sit down and do not move!" He ordered the Vampires which made me think that this man was the Vampire King. But who were the remaining men? And what were they?

The four men slowly walked over to me and surrounded me in a half circle. This brought up my defenses and I threw my power outwards in hope to give them a warning but I didn't limit it as they were hit with the full extent of my power.

Slowly a tremor began to run through them as they each in turn knelt before me causing me to become far too confused to keep up with the display of power.

"Your Majesty." The man in the white buttoned up shirt spoke first.    

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