Chapter 3

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WARNING: Strong Language

Piper's POV

Awoken, I looked around the poorly lit room. It must be night time.

"Piper..." A voice said as I heard a door close.

Sitting in the bed, I tried to move but was restrained by some rope. Sweat fell from my face as I saw a figure appear.

"I'm sorry for this but it was for the best." The voice muttered.

The figure came into view and it was no other than Alpha Nicolas.

"Let me go!" I yelled.

"Piper, I love you. You will marry me and have my pups." The Alpha replied.

"No, I told you already! I don't like you!" I shouted.

"Piper, you will change your mind... if you don't I will just force you!" The Alpha stammered.

"Fuck you!" I screamed.

Disrespecting the Alpha was not very smart but I didn't give a rat's ass right now.

"Don't talk to your mate like that." Alpha Nicolas advised.

"You're not my mate!" I hissed.

"But I am." He argued.

"Get your fucking head out of your ass and listen to me! You're fucking crazy! I'm not your mate!" I shrieked.

"Well, you can't talk to your Alpha like that... you have to be punished." He stated.

"I thought I was your mate you ass!" I screamed using his words against him.

He ignored my remark and I heard a clank. I wasn't afraid of the sorry excuse for an Alpha...

"Piper, this will teach you..." He muttered as he came over to the bed with a small knife.

"Fuck you." I spat in his face.

He sliced my arm with the knife and let it bleed. Wincing in pain, I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me in pain.

"I'll just let you be alone now, dear." He added before exiting the room.

Seriously, what kind of fucking Alpha does he think he is?!?!

"Mom..." I said through the pack's mind link.

"Piper? What's wrong?" She replied through the mind link.

"Alpha Nicolas, he is torturing me." I answered.

"Honey, just relax and accept him." She exclaimed.

"What the hell??? You don't fucking care?" I shouted at her in the mind link.

"Honey, just accept it." She replied.

"For your fucking information... I don't like men." I came out to her.

"Just change for him. You will produce good pups." She said which made me enraged.

I tried to answer her back but she blocked me out. What the hell??? Aren't your parents supposed to protect you?

"Piper, no one will come help you. You are in good hands with me." The Alpha said in the mind link.

Blocking him out, I thought of a plan to escape. I have to escape when no one is around. Looking around the room, I faintly saw a dresser, closet, and a bathroom.

After thinking for a while, I saw light shining out of a small window. It must be early in the morning... I have to wait for it to be night time to escape. Great....

Looking down at my arm, it started to scab over but still bled. As I thought about this horrible treatment, I waited for the sun to go down.

"Piper..." A voice said opening the door.

Rolling my eyes, I knew who it was.

"What the fuck do you want this time?" I asked enraged.

"Dang... chill.... I just want to be with you." The Alpha replied as he walked towards the bed I was tied to.

"Just get out!" I shouted at him.

"Baby, it's okay..." Alpha Nicolas tried calming me.

"Oh go fuck yourself!" I yelled at him.

Alpha Nicolas didn't reply but sat on a stool beside the bed just staring at me.

"Could you not?" I suggested knowing he wouldn't stop.

"Could you start?" He said referring to me staring at him.

I looked away from him and didn't even give a glance to him.

"Piper, why don't you just accept my love?" Alpha Nicolas asked calmly.

What the hell? I have told him exactly why I don't like him!

"I already told you." I grimaced.

"Piper... please." Alpha Nicolas pleaded.

"Oh, fuck you and your please! No! When I said "please let me go" and "please don't do this", did you listen to me? No, you didn't!" I shouted at him trying to keep my calm.

"Piper, if you are going to be like that then I will force you to become Luna and have my pups." Alpha threatened me.

"Fuck you" I muttered under my breath.

"You will be announced as Luna on Thursday. Today is Monday. If you misbehave again, I will shorten the time." The Alpha stammered.

Hearing that, I already started planning a way to escape.

"Well, I will give you time alone..." The Alpha said as he got up from the stool.

He sat the stool in the corner of the room and walked over towards the door. As he walked towards the door, I shuffled in the bed to a comfortable position. Nicolas turned around and waved. I replied by rolling my eyes and giving him a death stare. He smirked and left the room. FINALLY, I was alone.

As I sat in the bed, I had my plan ready but all I had to do was wait for night to come. I kept shuffling in the bed since it was not comfortable at all not even slightly. This bed feels like a rock, not even kidding.

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Lunas TogetherOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora