Chapter 16

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Piper's POV

Arriving at the pack, I watched as Jasmine helped Luna out of the car. Jasmine held out her hand wanting to help me out but I got out without her help. She looked a little hurt by my actions but I wasn't in the best mood to try and explain myself.

"Piper, I'm sorry but they are going to be looking for you... you know that." She told me as I was walking.

"I know, just leave me alone about it. And have Luna stay with you tonight." I said to her.

"Where are you going?" Jasmine asked me.

"To the lake. I'll be back." I replied.

"That's what you told Zane when you went on your adventure or journey thing." Jasmine told me.

I kept walking and thankfully Jasmine and Luna both went inside. As I walked to the lake, I looked at the ground watching as my feet moved.

Reaching the lake, I laid down on my back. As I looked up at the stars, I remembered the tree I used to go to at my old pack. That tree was my safe space where usually no one would bug me, until the Alpha came along. I could feel my eyes start to fall and I gladly fell asleep under the stars.

Jasmine's POV

Arriving inside the house, I showed Luna my room.

"You can go ahead and go to bed or if you want you can watch TV." I told her.

"I'm tired so I'm going to go to sleep." Luna said in her cute voice.

"Okay, night." I told her and shut the light off.

Closing the door, I turned to see Zane right behind me.

"Oh, hey." I said to him.

"Where's Piper?" He asked worriedly.

"She went to the lake." I told him.

"And you let her go alone???" He said as if I was crazy.

"Well, yeah..." I replied.

"I'm going to go find her. You stay here and watch her." He said implying I watch Luna.

"No, Zane. If you're going, I'm going." I replied to him.

"You think you can get Piper here?" He asked me.

"Yes, let me go. Stay with Luna." I told him.

"Fine, but only because you're Luna." He said and sat down.

"I'll be back. Bye, Zane." I said before going out the door.

Since the lake isn't too far, I ran in human form.

Finally, I reached the lake and saw Piper's body laying lifeless near the bank.

"Piper???" I worried and ran towards her body.

I kneeled down beside her and grabbed her hands. Looking at her face, her eyes slowly opened.

"Piper, you scared me... why didn't you come back to the house?" I asked her.

"I told you I wanted to be alone and it's peaceful out here anyways." She replied.

"Please just come back to the house with me." I begged her.

"Who is watching Luna?" She asked with panic in her eyes as she sat up.

"Zane, but Piper, come back with me." I told her.

"Fine." Piper said sighing.

I grabbed Piper's hands and helped her up. Holding onto her hand, we walked back to the house together.

Yawning, I realized we had reached the house already. Leading Piper in the door first, I didn't see Zane on the couch.

"Zane?" I whispered slightly.

Walking down the hallway, I saw the door open to our room where Luna was sleeping. Rushing to the door, Piper and I looked in to see Zane comforting Luna back to sleep. Looking over at Piper, I saw she had a cute grin on her face.

Zane looked over at us and rolled his eyes at our gawking faces.

"Shut up." He mouthed since Luna had fallen asleep.

I smiled at him and rolled my eyes and looking out the corner of my eye, I saw Piper giving a slight smile.

"Guess we're sleeping on the couch tonight?" I whispered looking at Piper.

"I guess." Piper said slightly giggling.

Piper and I walked into the living room and grabbed a large blanket that was laying on the couch. Sitting on the couch, Piper sat next to me. Covering Piper and I, we got comfortable on the couch... or as comfortable as you can get on a couch.

Piper's POV

I missed feeling my best when I first met Jasmine, so I tried to clear my bad thoughts. Getting closer to Jasmine, I put my arms around her in a hug.

"You okay?" I heard Jasmine ask me.

I shrugged my shoulders and held her tighter. Feeling tears fall from my eyes, I closed them and tried to sleep.

Eventually, I started feeling tired.

"Jazzy, I love you." I told Jasmine almost drifting off.

"I love you too." Jasmine said.

After Jasmine spoke, I was out.

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Sorry about the late update!

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