Chapter 3- Preston's POV.

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I watched silently as the girl walked over to Rob, who I knew had been awake before but now wasn't responding to her touch. I was still very sore from my legs being tied together and my arms were still limp and my mind was still foggy. Lachlan wasn't moving either, and I knew that he would be out for a while because the hit that he took to the head was hard enough was to keep him out for a while.

After the girl had cut the ropes off Lachlan she walked back over to me and pulled me up so I was leaning against the wall. I let my head fall sideway tiredly and she pulled my head back so I was looking her in the eyes. "I need to know you're okay, don't fall back asleep because I need to know you're not hurt." Somehow the words made their way into my tired brain and I nodded. My eyes started to close, but I forced them open and she nodded at me. She handed me a bottle of water, but my hands were too shaky to hold it myself so she held it above my mouth and let me drink it.

Once I had finished drinking she put the bottle to the side and sat beside, leaning against the wall and looking up at me. "I need to know that you aren't hurt seriously, I need to see you aren't going to end up worse." I looked down at her and noticed that she was very young, much younger than I had previously thought. Her actions and the way her body looked made her seem much older, maybe 16 or 17 but when I saw her up close I realized that she was only 14, maybe 15 at the most. She was about average height and had straight blonde hair that reached to about half-way down her back. She had blue-grey eyes which looked up at me very curiously and some of her hair had fallen in her face.

A groan echoed across the room and her head swung around towards Rob, who had groaned and was now twitching his arms. She stood up and gently pulled on his arm, making him jump and he tried to pull away. She gently pulled his head around so Rob could see her and he relaxed slightly when he realized that I was okay with her. He blinked and looked over at me again, and I simply nodded at him. I knew she wasn't trying to hurt him.

Rob started to shake and the girl immediately pulled him gently onto his side. She looked over at me and I saw uncertainty in her eyes. I pulled myself up and walked gingerly over to where Rob and the girl were. He was still shaking so I pulled his head onto my lap and rubbed his back, the same way he used to do to me when I was upset. After a few minutes of gently rubbing his back his body fell completely limp and the girl pulled him off me.

She took my hand and pulled me over to a corner of the dark room, where there was a pile of blankets. She gave me one of them and let me sort myself out in the corner, and within a few minutes my mind was going fuzzy. I felt a hand the girl's my arm and she pulled my body into a more comfortable position, and then nothing.

Lachlan's POV.

I felt as if my head was on fire, and my arms and legs were numb with pain. My tired brain somehow started to wake up and some of my senses started to clear. I could hear several people breathing and as I tried to sit up my vision went white, and my breathing started to come in short gasps.

I felt a hand behind my head and I gasped, pulling away and trying to see the person who was behind me. There was a quiet voice from the person behind me, who I then knew was a girl and from the sound of her voice she was also quite young. "Please, try not to move, I don't want you to hurt yourself." Her voice was concerned and she had a very sharp accent, close to an Australian one. I settled down slightly, but I was still wary of who she was and what she wanted.

As my eyes adjusted slightly to the darkness I could see Rob lying on his back a few metres away and a body curled up in several blankets, who I assumed to be Preston. After a few minutes of adjusting to my surroundings my eyes turned to the girl who was sitting beside me. Her eyes were a blue-grey colour and she had straight blonde hair that reached to half-way down her back. She had the aura of a young child but also a young adult, and I could see that she wasn't new to this sort of thing.

She handed me a blanket and I pulled it over my tired body, and settled down on the concrete floor. Several minutes later the girl stood up from beside me, probably thinking I was asleep and tip-toed over to where Rob was. She gently touched his shoulder, and when she got no reaction she crawled over to the pile of blankets. She pulled the blankets away from the person's face, to reveal that it was in fact Preston, and he was sound asleep. From what I could see of the girls' face, she was smiling and was clearly quite happy that he was asleep. She stood up and shuffled over to another corner of the room, curling up on the ground. Within seconds her breathing evened out, and I did the same.

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