Chapter 18- Lachlan's POV.

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My eyes were bleary and although my entire body was numb, I could still feel the sharp pains that were shooting through my back and neck. It felt like the side of my neck was swollen and it was extremely painful to move; so I didn't. I could feel sweat on my forehead and my entire body felt as if it was on fire but at the same time I felt so cold.

I felt something cold on my forehead and I leant into it, desperate for anything to take the heat away. I could feel my arms shaking, from cold or fever I didn't know but my body was still getting hotter. The coldness on my forehead disappeared and I felt my body grow even hotter in a matter of seconds.

There were several loud slams and I jumped, wanting to cover my ears but unable too, so I just froze. The coldness, which I worked out was a hand returned and I relaxed again. Every now and again the hand disappeared and then returned a few seconds later, but when another slam echoed through the room the hand vanished completely and didn't return. It was then that basically everything faded and I lost any scrap of concentration I had. Everything from that point onwards was a blur and I don't remember a lot after that.

Having a fever really took a toll on me.

Mitch's POV.

"Are you two okay to walk?"

I looked over at Rob and then back up at the man, slightly concerned but more concerned about Rob than the person who could probably kill us at any second. I mean he could literally have pulled out a gun and shot us at any second but I could see something different about him from everyone else we had seen here so far. He had a similar air to Mollie and Tyler, so he seemed kinder, less threatening and more likely to help.

"I think I can but Rob can't." The man nodded before turning to the door and yelling something in a different language, French probably and someone else appeared pushing a wheelchair. They wheeled it over to us and the man and the new person; who I noticed had bright red hair, picked Rob up by his armpits and placed him in the chair.

Red-head turned to me and offered a hand, which I took and they pulled me to my feet. Rob was already out in the corridor, because the wheelchair was being pushed by the first man. When I was standing the first thing I noticed was how tall both Red-head and the guy were, both were at least 6 feet, maybe 6.2.

The Red-head wrapped his arm around my waist as support and I started to hobble, a little slowly mind you but I was getting somewhere. We hobbled along down the hallway for about 10 minutes, turning every now and again and somewhere along the journey I realized the full extent of the building. It was massive.

We stopped in front of a brown door, one of the few doors that weren't a cream colour like most of the others we had past. The guy opened it and wheeled Rob into it, me and the Red-head following close behind.

Inside the room was what looked like a small hospital room with about eight beds, four on either side. Red-head helped me hobble over the closest one and I sat down watching as Rob was placed on the one right next to me.

"Alright lets get this sorted. I'm Michael and this is Nick and our job is to make sure you don't end up dead." That was the Red-head talking so that meant the first guy was Nick.

Nick interrupted Michaels talking with a noise of uncertainty.

"We aren't on these peoples side by the way, we are trying to get you out. You might have heard Mollie or Tyler mention some softies at some point because that's us." I nodded and looked over at Rob, who seemed to be slightly unfocused.

"Rob?" He didn't look over at me but Nick seemed to have noticed that something was off because he made Rob lie on his front. I hadn't noticed the dried blood staining the bandages on his back. Nick made a hissing noise and then dug around in a cupboard beside the bed. Michael tugged on my hands and I looked at him.

He pulled me out of the room and I stared at him, very confused.

"I don't want you to see that, I think we'd all prefer for you not to be sick, okay."

I nodded, not really feeling like speaking. I was already missing the others because I didn't know what was happening to them. Were they okay? I think Michael realized I was missing the others because he looked at me, grasped my hand and said,

"Do you want to go and see your friends?" I smiled slightly and nodded, squeezing his hand and balling my hand into a fist. He grinned at me.

"I'll see if I can get the others in here too, they'll probably need some care as well. I think your blonde friend might need a bit of help." I looked up at that and he frowned, not knowing that I apparently didn't have that information.

"I think the wound on his neck got infected. If it did he'll need some strong medication because chances are he has a fever." I nodded slowly along as he spoke, taking everything in. We were sitting down in the corridor, my back to the wall and Michael sitting on the opposite wall. Just having someone there who was strong enough to get us sorted out was comforting and I could feel myself slowly getting stronger, mentally not physically. Michael seemed to be the sort of person who would be able to cope with us.

"Lets get you sorted out."

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