Chapter 25- Lachlan's POV.

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"Hey guys!"

I knew it was Jerome, but I couldn't actually look around because of the bandages around my neck so I just lay there, waiting for someone to step into my view. The first person who came close enough for me to see was Vikk and he smiled down at me.

I pressed the button on the side of my bed to call the nurse and Adina popped her head around the doorway.

"You okay sweetheart?" I nodded.

"Could you sit me up a bit please? I want to see the guys."

She came over to me and adjusted my pillows and then pushed a button which made the top half of the bed change angles and it pushed me into a sitting positon. I could see all of the others and as far as I could see, they seemed to be doing well.

Rob still had bandages visible under his hospital gown and he looked quite pale, but he was walking just fine. Vikk looked to be slightly unsteady on his feet but was relatively uninjured and Preston was limping slightly but it didn't seem to be very bad. Jerome seemed to be the least injured out of the four but the ring of bruises around his neck was still clearly purple against his skin.

Mollie and Tyler were standing in the doorway wrapped in each other's arms. They seemed to be uninjured as far as I could tell but something about the way Mollie's knees buckled when she walked told me her injuries weren't exactly physical.

They all sat down on the chairs and we all stayed silent for several minutes before Jerome broke the silence.

"You know what happened to Jay, don't you." I felt fear wash over me. I had guessed what happened while we were unconscious but I didn't want it to be true.

"I think so..." I looked away from the others, I felt as if it was a sign of respect because we shouldn't be talking about her as if she never existed.

Loud shouts and yelling startled me and all of the others causing several of us to cover our ears in fright. Both myself and Vikk started shaking and another yell shouted above everything else.

"All of you quiet! You're scaring them!" The voices ceased and we all uncovered our ears, jumping again when the door opened. I recognised them as the Sidemen but they were all being so loud I covered my ears again, along with a number of the others.

As soon as they came into the room they faltered, seeing how uncomfortable we were with the noise. Adina stood behind them, glaring at them because she knew how much noise frightened us.

"See, I told you to be quiet. You can uncover your ears now guys, they'll be quiet." I removed my hands falteringly, still a bit shocked from the noise. Everyone who was new to the room took a seat on one of the spare chairs strewn around the room and within second were all silent again. Jerome picked up where he had left off as if it was still just us.

"She saved you Mitch, and the rest of us. We can't just pretend she didn't exist." Mollie and Tyler stood up, Mollie rather shakily.

"We knew her best and we've decided to tell you something Jay never wanted to tell anyone. It's going too hard for you guys because she might have mentioned it before." We were quiet for a bit before silently agreeing. The Sidemen didn't interrupt us at all, knowing what we were talking about was important.

"You probably know it didn't start out with the three of us, and there was a few more before you guys came. Jaxen, Lukas and Becca were with us for most of the time we were there but they were all killed." Something clicked in my mind, remembering a news article I had seen almost 2 years ago.

"Lukas Jackson? That was his name wasn't it? And Jaxen and Rebecca Wright?"

Mollie nodded and covered her eyes as Tyler placed his arm around her waist.

"Yes that was them." He took a deep breath, clearly feeling the pain of reliving old memories.

"That means you're Tyler and Mollie Cooper?" They both nodded.

"And Jay was... They never mentioned her last name did they?" Tyler shook his head.

"She doesn't have a last name. That's what we want to tell you."

We all looked at each other. Jay never mentioned anything about not having a last name, but Mitch had told me a lot about what had happened when I was unconscious, which was a lot of the time. Jay seemed to be upset when she told the boys her name, so that might have had something to do with it.

"Jay was born into a homeless family. She never had any records so never had an official name. She was adopted into our family as a sister but because she never had any records she was never given an official last name because of difficulties at court, meaning she couldn't go to school. She was home-schooled by our mother and she was given the name Jay, which was what she was called on the streets."

"At school we became fast friends with Becca, Lucas and Jaxen and we introduced them to Jay. Soon they were coming over most afternoons with Jay to hang out and that's when we got caught. We were hanging out at the park at about 7 o'clock at night when we were snatched and then it changed from then."

Tyler paused his speech, looking around at the rest of us, including a policeman who was standing in the doorway.

"She taught us how to be street smart when dealing with people who could easily over power us, so we fought back and ran away, but they followed us and Jaxen was killed. We never mentioned how long each of them were alive, but Jax was killed before we even got there. Becca took it the hardest, being Jax's biological sister, but at that point we were practically siblings."

"The five of us were taken to where you were held and a lot of things happened that I'm not going to mention. The only thing I'll say is that Becca and Lukas were killed within a year."

The policeman interrupted Tyler with a cough.

"So what you're saying is that there is 3 bodies of children on the site, as well as the four men who were shot and Jay, who was removed?"

"Oh there's more than those, there's at least 20 bodies probably."

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