Chapter 19- Vikk's POV.

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I was sitting in silence the whole time Jay and Preston were trying to sort Lachlan out. Most of my energy had seemingly disappeared and I was mainly trying to focus on remembering everything that happened over the last little while. Some of the more recent memories had started to come back but most of the stuff that had happened at the start was a blur.

Jerome was sitting in the cell next to me, looking rather upset if I had to say so but the thing that stood out to me was the ring of bruises around his neck and wrists. They weren't purple anymore, rather a greeny-blue colour and some of the smaller bruises seemed to be fading a bit.

I hadn't really noticed that Preston was sitting next to me for a few minutes but the only reason I did was because he placed his hand on my arm, making me jump. Jerome padded quietly over to where Jay and Lachlan were and I followed him silently with my eyes, noting the fact he was limping ever so slightly.

Jay jumped when Jerome placed his hand on her shoulder but she didn't take her attention away from Lachlan. She soaked the other towel in cold water and placed it on Lachlan's forehead; smiling when he relaxed at the coolness. She threw all of the non-reusable things into the bag she was given at the start and left a few things like the rest of the pills, two bottles of water, a few unused bandages and the rest of the disinfectant on the bed. She then placed those things into her grey backpack.

She wiped her forehead and pushed her hair out of her face, rubbing her hands on her scruffy jeans. The clothes that she had been given were still on the ground near the foot of Lachlan's bed so she pulled her own sweatshirt off to reveal an almost pristine aqua and blue t-shirt. She pulled the black sweatshirt on and shook her hair out, away from her face.

I jumped because the door was opened, but quickly turned because someone was standing in the doorway. The person in the doorway had bright red hair and was rather tall, and his skin was a very pale. He immediately looked at Lachlan and grimaced when he saw the state he was in. He pulled a black, hand-held device which I assumed to be a walkie-talkie and spoke into it.

"Yo Nick we'll that chair back, looks worse than we thought." There was several seconds of silence before the walkie-talkie crackled and I voice echoed from it.

"I'll send Mitch with it Michael, he seems to be okay to walk." Most of us perked up at the mention of Mitch and silence ensued.

"He'll know the way?"

"Yeah I've shown him the map."

I could feel the sense of uncertainty in the room but when the radio crackled again and the sound of a very familiar person's voice filled the room we all grinned.

"Wait what am I doing?" Jerome let out a cry of happiness and Michael grinned at him, holding the walkie-talkie out to him. He took it and started playing around with it; trying to work out the buttons but Michael shook his head and took it back, pressing down some of the buttons.

"Hey Mitch, some of your friends are here, I think they want to talk to you." Jerome was the first one to speak, almost bursting with happiness.

"Hey Mitch!!!" There was laughter from the walkie-talkie, followed by a door banging and then the sound of the first person's voice.

"He's just gone with the chair." There was an air of confusion among us but I didn't question it because I figured it would be better to stay quiet than potentially anger someone who could kill us; even if they didn't look like it.

Jerome's POV.

I knew Mitch was faring well because of the tone of his voice but I wasn't 100% sure of what was going to happen next, but being in the situation we were I supposed that was a given thing. Michael was still whispering things into the walkie-talkie but his voice as well as the replies were too quiet for anyone to hear.

The opened with a creak and all heads turned towards it; only to see Mitch pushing an empty wheelchair with a small smile plastered on his face. We made eye contact and he stuck his tongue out at me, which I did the same to him. He nodded to Michael and pushed the chair further into the room, pushing it up next to Lachlan and Jay.

His face became creased with worry when he saw Lachlan, he seemed to be more relaxed than he had been the whole time we were there. Michael picked Lachlan up bridal style and placed him in the wheelchair, securing him with a belt that went across his lap. Lachlan's head fell sideway onto his neck; being in his unconscious state but Michael seemed to be unfazed.

He nodded to Mitch and he pushed the wheelchair with Lachlan in it out of the room, leaving me with Vikk, Preston, Jay and Michael. The first thing Michael did was go up to Vikk and place his hand on Vikk's arm; making sure that Vikk was comfortable with being touched. He wasn't.

As soon as he made contact Vikk recoiled backwards as far as he could go so Michael backed up. He walked over to me and whispered in my ear,

"Can you carry Vikk? He doesn't trust me but he won't be able to walk either." I nodded before standing up; rather shakily mind you and hobbling over to Vikk. I picked him up bridal style and looked over at Michael for conformation and carrying him out the door, with Preston following close behind. Jay didn't come with us, she stayed behind in the cell room.

"Is Jay coming?" Preston asked quietly, our footsteps echoing along the corridor.

"No, she'll come down later because I need to sort some stuff with her first." We didn't question it and sometimes I wish we did.

The corridor was very bland, all the walls and doors were a light cream colour and there was no indications of what anything was. Michael squeezed past me quickly and darted ahead of me, pushing open a door and indicating for me to go inside. I carried Vikk into the room and my ears were immediately filled with light chatter and laughter, all of which was coming from Mitch and Rob.

Preston was sticking very close to me, I could feel his arm next to me and I could feel his tension. The room was bright from the fluorescent lights that were hanging from the ceiling. The room had eight beds and Rob and Lachlan were lying on the two closest to the door. Mitch was sitting next to Rob's head and they were chattering and laughing quite happily.

The room looked similar to a hospital; the only exception being that there was no windows. I placed Vikk on the nearest bed; which happened to be the one next to Lachlan who was still unconscious. I turned around to see a person I hadn't seen before and I quickly took in their physical appearance.

They looked to be between 6 foot and 6.2 and they had a blondish-brunette mop of hair that fell into their face. They were on the skinny side and had slightly tanner skin than Michael. They noticed me looking at them and inclined their head towards me and then at Preston.

"Right guys, this is Nick and he's my partner in crime."

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