Chapter 10- Lachlans POV.

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Jay collapsed to the ground, bleeding heavily from her upper thigh and someone rushed over and picked her up immediately. "Take her to the hospital wing. We need her alive but she's good at defying us, I'll say that much." With Jay gone the guns were all pointed at us again and we were all lying as still as possible trying not to make any sudden movements. My neck was starting to ache again because I had to strain it away from everyone else who were basically lying on top of me.

Someone yanked Jerome up and he stumbled forwards but managed to stay on his feet until Vikk was thrown off the pile of bodies, knocking him over. "Both of you, up." Someone commanded and Jerome stood shakily to his feet. Vikk was still to weak from being knocked out to stand up so Jerome bent down to pick him up, bridal style. Rob was shoved off the pile, quickly followed by Preston who both stood up, although Preston was still very shaky. That just left myself and Mitch on the ground, but both of us were very scared and Mitch was shaking again.

Someone pulled him off me and onto the ground and he landed with a thud near Preston's feet, followed by me. When I landed my neck snapped sideway quite quickly and I let out a scream of pain, landing on my back. I gasped as someone picked up and saw Rob holding me and Preston struggling slightly to hold Mitch. He was squirming a bit so Preston let him down and with some help by leaning on his shoulder, Mitch could stand.

Rob started to walk forwards and I clutched as his shirt, still not entirely trusting him to carry me. We were herded out into a narrow corridor and forced to walk for at least five minutes. As we walked we passed lots of doors, all of them a light cream colour and with no indication of what was behind them. I could tell Rob was starting to tire by the time we were told to stop, but I didn't want him to get shot so I didn't say anything.

Someone pushed passed us and opened a door to our left and we were pushed in, only to be separated into pairs and shoved into different cells. There was a total of four cells in the room with two beds in each and all of them had been unoccupied before we had walked into the room. One of the cells remained empty and as the door swung shut behind us a light flickered on and we could all look at each other properly for the first time in at least 24 hours. Rob lay me on a bed and sat down on the one opposite me, looking around at the others very carefully. What I noticed first was how pale Mitch and Preston were and how exhausted they both looked. Jerome had placed Vikk on one of the two beds and he was now sitting behind his head, stroking his hair gently.

The door opened behind us and Rob swung around, to see a young boy with tousled brown hair looking around at his. He placed his finger on his lips and pointed towards the door and then motioned for someone else to enter the room. A rosy cheeked girl with long brown hair entered the room carrying a bucket which she placed it on the floor and then turned to face the door again, peeking her head out and then nodding. They were about 14 or 15 years old, about the same age as Jay, and they looked very similar so I thought they might be twins. The boy opened the bucket and pulled out 3 loaves of bread and 3 bottles of water and he handed one of each to Preston, Rob and Jerome.

He tip-toed down to the empty cell and from underneath the bed he pulled out a wad of paper and a pencil. He scribbled something on it and handed it to Rob and whispered loud enough for everyone to hear, "Give that to Jay when she gets placed in here, we came here with her and she thinks we're dead. I'm Tyler and this is my twin sister Mollie." She waved at us from the doorway and signed something to her brother who then said "Sorry, that was all the food we could get you but it should do for a little while. Just try and hide it if someone comes in here over the next few days but it is unlikely. They'll probably ignore you for the next little while. We are working on a plan to get you out of here and if we have anything to tell you guy we'll whisper something through the vent above you."

He pointed to a small air vent above Vikk and Jerome, then grabbed the bucket and crept out the door followed by Mollie and she closed the door behind him. "What does the note say?" Jerome whispered quietly and Rob placed the bread and water on my bed to open it. "It says 'Jay, this is Tyler and Mollie, we are alive and the whole thing was a hoax. They've changed the whole system around and we need to get the new guys out of here before something happens. We will be back."

With that he folded the note in half and shoved it under the mattress of his bed. "I trust them." He said looking around at the rest of us. "So do I" I mumbled into my arm, watching everyone else as they nodded in agreement. "I'm hungry anyway" Rob looked down at the bread and water before opening the bottle and sipping a little bit. He drank a little bit more before handing the bottle to me and ripping the bread in half. I sipped the bottle to see everyone following in suit, eating the bread and drinking water. There was silence for at least half an hour while we ate and drank but after a while Jerome burped and patted his stomach. "That feels so much better." He said, grinning around at everyone. I smiled back but before anyone could say anything else the door was slammed open and Jay appeared in the doorway, followed by a man.

"Well I'm glad we got that sorted out."

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