Chapter 5- Rob's POV.

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One of the two bodies stated to squirm weakly and I froze up, recognising the voice that was coming from it. Jerome was weakly moving on the ground, clearly very injured and unable to sit up on his own. The girl rushed to his side and pulled him onto his back but he fought back, struggling to get away. She looked over at me helplessly and I knew it was cue to help her. Jerome was a very strong character and most of the time he didn't trust people very easily.

Once I stepped into his view he visibly calmed down and looked over at the girl. She was nervously brushing her hair out of her face, looking up at me and then down at Jerome. She quickly looked him over and her eyes immediately went to his neck, which was red and swollen and had blue and green bruises in a dark ring. She gasped quietly and looked over at me, scared and tired. Before she had seemed so grown up, taking control of the situation, calming Lachlan with no hesitation but now she seemed like a small child, looking up at an adult for help. I immediately moved to take over and comfort Jerome.

She moved over to where Mitch was and pulled him onto his back, gently stroking his back as he blinked and opened his eyes. "What are their names?" She asked quietly. "That's Mitch." I said nodding towards him, "This is Jerome, Preston is in the corner and Lachlan is on the floor. And I'm Rob." She nodded silently and continued to comfort Mitch, her questions clearly done. I turned my attention back to Jerome who was still tied down with ropes, that seemed to be painfully tight. I turned and rummaged around in the girls' backpack, where she seemed to have everything, for a knife. I found it and pulled it out, quickly cutting the ropes and passing the knife to the girl. Jerome pulled his arms out from behind his back and lay them on his chest, seemingly unable to move.

I pulled his head onto my lap and stroked his hair gently, the way I had always used to comfort people, especially Preston. I quickly looked around the room, taking in more than I had before. Preston was curled up in a pile of blankets in the corner and Lachlan was lying flat on his back near one of the walls. Both myself, the girl, Jerome and Mitch were quite close to the door, which was the only real source of light entering the room.

Jerome let out a whine of pain and pushed his hand into my chest, curling it up into my fist. I saw the red welts on his wrist and pulled his hand closer to my face so I could get a closer look at them. The red welts were also bruising slightly and as I looked at them more closely I noticed several similarities between the welts on his wrist and the bruises around his neck. Because of the dim light I hadn't noticed the line of red around his neck but when I looked more closely I saw red welts among the bruises, immediately ringing alarm bells. I took a deep breath and quickly asked Jerome' "Did someone put a rope around your neck?"

Vikk's POV.

The first thing I heard was the sound of cars and truck, passing by at a very fast speed. My arms had been forced behind me, my legs had been tied together and there was a wad of fabric over my eyes, preventing me from seeing. After a few minutes of lying still the pain in my head started to set in and I groaned and there was a voice from in front of me. "He's waking up, we've still got another few hours so give him a pill would you!"

There was a shuffling noise and then someone grabbed my leg, making me gasp. I struggled against the ropes and the person holding me, desperate to get away from whatever had happened to me. He pulled me into his chest, pushed my head back and forced something into my mouth. I screamed in fear and tried to spit it out, but they put their hand over my mouth, forcing me to swallow it. My eyes started to droop and I slowly fell limp in the persons arms. Just before I drifted off I heard a voice, "Let's see how his friends react when he gets there unconscious, and not waking up hmmm."

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