Chapter 30- Preston's POV.

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I held the tag that was attached to the small draw that I had just read out loud.

"Lukas Jackson."

I lowered my head, covering my mouth with my hand and dropped the slip of paper. I felt a hand on my lower back and turned around to find Mitch in his wheelchair behind me. He was shivering a little bit but as I watched he pulled his hoodie closer around his shoulders, his face pale as he read the slip of paper again.

His hand slipped into mine and I squeezed it, smiling as he wound his fingers into mine. A police officer pushed past me to the draw with Lukas's name on it and pulled it open; cold steam rising into the air. I moved back out of the cold and pushed Mitch's wheelchair back with me, his shivering increasing in seconds.

A putrid smell filled the air and I started to cough, as well as Mitch. His coughing was hoarse and rough, as if something was stuck in his throat or as if there was no moisture left in his mouth. The smell was everywhere, and it smelled horrible so someone behind me opened the door and we all left the room rather hurriedly.

Once out in the hallway was all took deep breaths, the smell still escaping from the room behind us and the Sidemen all wrinkling their noses in disgust. Some of the others emerged from the infirmary room coughing and spluttering, covering their mouths and noses with their hands.

Both Vikk and Lachlan were very pale, their faces almost pure white. It was more noticeable on Vikk, because of his darker skin colour but Lachlan looked like he was going to faint so I pushed the wheelchair as far away from the smell as I could get. He didn't say anything and just gripped the sides of the wheelchair, his knuckles turning white.

After a few minutes some colour had started to return to his face and he looked less sick, his grip loosening on the chair. Everyone was gathered within earshot so some of the officers took the opportunity to start to talk, some in hushed voices and others directly to us.

"Alright everyone, we're going to send you guys back now, except for Michael and Nick."

He was addressing us, Mollie, Tyler and the Sidemen so I assumed the other officers would be staying to continue the investigation and look around.

"We'll be asking some more questions later, but for now you guys are safe to head back."

I was very confused, why had they needed us? Mollie and Tyler knew their way around perfectly fine and Michael and Nick had most of the valuable information so why had they asked us to come along as well?

"I requested for you guys to come along, we needed to show you those clips before they took them as evidence."

Tyler was the one who spoke and Mollie nodded in agreement, wrapping her arm around her brother, mostly for comfort I think. I glanced around at the others, we had started walking to the exit, all of us having more than enough of that place.

We trudged on through the empty corridors, every now and again seeing some sign that this still had people in it recently.

Lights flickering every few passages, a trolley or empty bed scattered in the corridor or a clipboard pinned to the wall. The only sounds were the flickering lights or our footsteps and quiet breathing, as well as a squeak from the wheels of the wheelchairs every so often.

The exit door was still open and as we walked out Tyler stopped and looked over to our right. We did as well and saw the field we had escaped over, blood staining the grass in patches. I shuddered, Jay had lost her life there.

We climbed back into the van, watching the Sidemen head to the other van, but not before looking over at us and hesitating, glancing around at us. I could tell we were all very pale, most of us probably in shock or just plain scared.

Mitch was shivering again so when his wheelchair was fixed to the floor of the van I sat down on the seat next to him and pressed my body close to his for comfort and heat. He gladly accepted my closeness and leaned sideways so his head was resting in my chest, his eyes closing and exhaustion taking over. He was asleep within seconds.

Lachlan had his head leaning against the window, his eyes closed and his hands clenched into fists but his face was relaxed and I looked around the others, trying not to disturb Mitch, who's head was still on my chest.

Jerome and Vikk were sitting side by side on one of the seats, Vikk had his head on Jerome's chest, much like Mitch was too me. Rob was sitting just in front of Lachlan, his head leaning against the window and his eyes glassed over, not focusing on anything.

Mitch was the only one who was asleep but Lachlan and Vikk were out a few minutes after I thought that. Lachlan was leaning rather uncomfortably on the window so I whispered out to Rob and he gently leaned Lachlan's head against the back of the wheelchair.

Vikk was still leaning against Jerome and Jerome hadn't really noticed that Vikk had fallen asleep but when he did, he moved Vikk's head so it was on his shoulder rather than his chest.

I could feel my head nodding so I rested my head up against the window but within a few minutes my head was nodding again and like a light I was out.

I felt myself start to come around but I didn't want to move so I stayed still. I could tell I wasn't in the van anymore, I was lying down and I could hear breathing of others so I thought I might have been back in the hospital room.

I opened my eyes and saw a dimly lit room, beds on either side. We were back at the hospital but we were in a different room, a bigger room with more beds. I could see all of the Pack as well as Mollie and Tyler.

The window in the room was telling me I had been out a decent amount of time because instead of sunlight it was pitch black with only small lights from the city outside.

A door opened and I spun around to see a nurse, Adina walk in and tip-toe closer to me. She smiled at me once she saw I was awake but didn't say anything to avoid waking the others. She motioned for me to go back to sleep, so I did.

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