Chapter 36- Preston's POV.

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I think the first thing we thought after we knew that Mollie and Tyler was where are we going to go? I think we all silently agreed that myself, Rob and Lachlan would go back to my apartment in Texas and Mitch and Jerome would go back to Florida but I think our main concerns were about Vikk.

Sure, he did have the Sidemen to go back too but I was slightly concerned about how they would handle his wellbeing and they wouldn't understand what he had been through.

"I think you boys should spend some time together, rather than being in separate parts of the country or across the world. You'll understand how to help each other." That was a better idea actually but where? We knew we couldn't all fit into one house except maybe Mitch and Jerome's house, we'd have to kick people out though. The door opened and the Sidemen all walked through, actually there was more than just the Sidemen, both Cal's were there too, they must have just arrived.

"We've already agreed on this, it's all okay. You guys are coming back to England with us for a while, or until you're feeling up to going back home." I breathed a sigh of relief and looked around at the others, all of whom looked happy, relieved and seemed to be quite happy with the decision.

"When will we leave?"

"The plane leaves in just over 8 hours, so we'll probably leave the hospital in a few hours."

Mollie coughed to get our attention and we all looked up at her, she was standing next to Tyler, Nick and Michael. They already looked like a perfect family I would be really sad to see them go.

"We're going to Canada, which is where Nick's parent live but we'll definitely keep in contact guys. Thank you so much."

I stood up and enveloped Mollie in a huge hug, I didn't realise they were leaving so soon.

"Are you guys going now?"

Nick nodded, squeezing onto Michael's hand.

"The plane leaves in a few hours."

To pass the time we talked, talking about the good times, thanking Mollie and Tyler for everything they had done for us and just bantering in general.

We all said our goodbyes and gave each other our contact numbers before they left but there wasn't a dry eye in the room, even the nurses and Sidemen were crying. When it came time for them to go we all gave them one last hug before they turned to leave.

"Just remember this isn't goodbye, it's until we see each other next."

There was silence for a few minutes after they left, we really didn't know what to do. We all knew we would be heading to England in just over 6 hours but something told me that leaving would be a lot harder than I thought it would have been. Although I was desperate to get out we had to say goodbye to the nurses, the staff and everyone who had looked after us.

"What's going to happen to our stuff? As in all the stuff we have at home?"

"The police have found people with keys to your houses and their going to ship all the important stuff up to England, like the recording equipment and a few other things. We'll get you new stuff like clothes from England. The recording stuff will probably be there in a couple of days."

We all nodded along, some of us pulling on the clothes the hospital had given us, others of us already dressed. We had been told earlier that we would go out for lunch and then head to the airport. The plane left at half past 3.

The hospital had given permission for Mitch and Lachlan to leave without their wheelchairs, although Lachlan was on crutches but it was a lot better than it had been before.

Adina and Katie were standing in the doorway when we were ready to leave, both of them having composed themselves from earlier when Mollie and Tyler left. We all looked around at each other, and seeing we all ready took in a collective breath, we were leaving.

Adina came forward and hugged me, tears started to form in my eyes. Over the last few days I had developed a connection with Adina and Katie, they had taken care of all of us almost by themselves, even if we didn't like it.

The two nurses went around and hugged all six of us, wiping their eyes when they pulled back.

"Just know that you have a lot of potential, you have a lot of people out there who are just waiting for you to come back, family, friends and fans alike."

We left through the back door again, to avoid the press and cameras. The van took us out through the carpark and onto the motorway for about half an hour before we pulled to a stop at a quiet café on the corner of two streets.

We walked in and ordered, the 12 of us taking up pretty much the whole shop. The waitress seemed very surprised to see so many people at once but took our orders without question and within 15 minutes we had our food.

Most of us had gone with something small and simple like a pie and drink, our appetites still not fully back yet. The Sidemen had ordered a bit more than us but I wasn't surprised, they hadn't had anything all day.

It was just quiet chatter while we ate and after an hour it was half past twelve and we had to leave to get to the airport. In the van we continued the chatter but it died out after a while and we simply sat in silence.

The airport was unusually quiet, with most people being in the arrivals area and the departures area being very quiet. The Sidemen were the only ones with bags to check in because they had been in a separate van, and had been staying a hotel while we were in hospital.

We went through customs quickly, none of the Pack having hand luggage either, although some of the Sidemen offered to give us a book or something on the flight back.

We hung around in the departures lounge for about an hour, just talking and reading the magazines that were on the wall, but we were all just desperate to leave and go someplace away from so many people.

The flight boarded after hanging around the gate for a good while, and soon enough we were up in the air, soaring above the clouds and on our way to England.

For the first time in almost a week, I was able to relax completely, the bad guys were in prison, we were free and on our way to getting back to a normal life. It was comforting.

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