Chapter 24- Vikk's POV.

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When Jay took her last breath I turned my head. I felt as if something inside of me had died, like Jay was spiritually keeping me alive as well as physically. In such a short amount of time I had become attached to her like she was a little sister and it hurt so much to have her torn from us so soon. She deserved to have a life where she could see the world and live like a person, not in captivity.

I was curled up into Jerome's side but he had his head down and was staring at the floor, ignoring everything and everyone. I tugged on his sleeve and he looked down at me but I wasn't expecting him to stand up so when he did and took me with him I screamed internally and clutched onto his jersey. He walked over to where Mitch and Michael were, Michael still working to keep Mitch stable.

The bleeding seemed to have slowed down and the colour was slowly coming back into his face but there was still blood soaking pretty much everything in the surrounding area, including Michael.

I glanced over at Lachlan, who was still on the same bed he had been on when I had seen him last but this time his face was deadly pale instead of the flushed red he had been last time. I lowered myself out of Jerome's arms and staggered over to his bed, well aware that I was in a moving truck that was hurtling down a country road.

I placed my hand on his forehead only to find it burning and dry, but at the same time he was deathly cold. Jerome noticed me beside Lachlan and came over to investigate because in the horror of the last half an hour or so we had basically forgotten about Lachlan.

Jerome followed my example and placed his hand on Lachlan's forehead as well but concern flashed across his face when he did so.

"Nick, Lachlan's burning and his skin's really dry, but he's also really cold at the same time, if that makes any sense?" Nick raised his eyebrows at that and pushed the gas pedal even harder and the truck leapt forwards.

"Hold on guys, we're about five minutes away from a hospital. Lachlan's getting worse. How's Mitch Michael?" Michael raised the cloth off the wound and examined it quickly before grabbing a new cloth and using that before he spoke.

"He's doing okay, the bleeding's slowed down a lot but it still could be fatal if we don't hurry."

Preston and Rob walked shakily towards us, leaving Mollie and Tyler by themselves to mourn the loss of their friend. We were still at risk of losing two of our friends and the horrors of what had just happened still hadn't set in yet, so for a while we stood there beside Lachlan in shock.

Nick turned off the engine and startled all of us, jumping out of the front seat and in the back between the gap into the two front seats. He picked up Lachlan and Michael picked up Mitch, opening the door to the back of the truck with Rob's help. They rushed out of the truck and we followed, very unsure.

A cop rushed up to us and looked us up and down before his eyes widened and he asked,

"Are you guys the missing YouTubers?" Rob nodded as a reply for all of us, the rest of us now in shock as the memories came flooding back.

I don't remember much of what happened next but there was a swarm of cops and nurses, some removing Jay's body, some getting Mollie and Tyler out of the truck and the rest ushering us into the hospital. I think some of the hospital staff realised that none of us wanted to be separated because after we were taken to be cleaned up the 6 of us, Jerome, Preston, Rob, Mollie, Tyler and myself ended up in the same room.

We were asked questions by the police and Michael and Nick came and stayed in our room for a while but none of us were up to doing anything, so Michael and Nick answered everything with us just nodding for conformation.

We were there for about 12 hours before we got an news about Lachlan and Mitch. Two nurses we hadn't seen before came in and introduced themselves as Adina and Katie, and they were Mitch and Lachlan's nurses.

"They've both pulled through just fine but the scar on Lachlan's neck is never going to heal, and he knows that." We brightened up at the fact that Lachlan was awake and Rob was the one who asked the question we were all begging to know.

"Can we go and visit them?" Katie smiled and nodded her head.

"You can go now if you want. And that reminds me Vikk, you have some visitors but we had to get your permission before they could come in." I nodded, my first question being,

"Who is it?" Adina groaned.

"It's a group of boys, there's about 8 of them and they were being so loud in the waiting room, the receptionist almost asked them to leave several times." I smiled, that sounded like the boys I knew.

"They can come in, could you just tell them to be quiet because I don't think all of us are up to loud noises." Adina smiled.

"Of course, should I send them in now or when you go and visit the others?" I looked around at the others for advice and they all looked ready to get up and go and see the other so I said,

"I think the others want to go see Mitch and Lachlan so we'll go seem them first."

The room was only a few doors down so we were there in a few minutes. When we opened the door the first thing I saw was a blinding ray of sunlight. Our room didn't have a window so all we had was artificial light. The room was huge, bigger than our one, although most of it was taken up but machines and chairs. The window covered one side of the room and the two beds were opposite it, giving the patients a good view of the city outside. And those patients were my friends.

Mitch was sitting propped up on several pillow, playing on a computer that someone had given him. His chest was covered by a huge bandage and there were several machines hooked up to him, including a heart monitor.

Lachlan was lying down with his neck basically in a brace, but the brace was made of bandages. He still looked quite pale but he looked better than he did a little while ago. He had more machines hooked up to him than Mitch, and one of them was an IV drip.

Both of the boys were wearing hospital issued gowns and had some more colour in their cheeks than they had when we last saw them.

"Hey guys!"

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