Chapter 26- Jerome's POV.

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I looked up in shock when Tyler said 20, I hadn't realised just how many people had been through what they had. Tyler and Mollie turned and left the room with the policeman, leaving behind an awkward silence that none of us wanted to break. Mitch was the first one to do anything, he groaned and moved his head across the pillows a bit, placing his hand across the bandages on his chest.

"You okay there Mitch?"

"I'm fine, my chest is a bit tight though." Lachlan was alerted a bit at that, turning and pressing the button beside his bed. Adina and Katie both poked their heads around the doorway, apparently alerted by the button.

"You okay?"

"I am but I don't think Mitch is."

I looked over at Mitch and saw him squinting and screwing his face up in pain. One of hands was clenched and gripping onto his blanket and the other was resting on top of the bandages. Adina rushed to his side and looked over the machines, quickly taking in his fast heartrate and the beeping coming from one of the machines.

"Ahhhh, the morphine isn't working, this isn't serious it's okay." She pulled a drip out from behind the machines and rubbed the back of Mitch's hand with something before sticking the needle into the back of his hand. His face relaxed almost immediately when the morphine entered his body and his eyes started to close.

"He'll probably be out for a few hours, I think the pain will be slightly less then but for now just keep an eye on him and tell me if anything changes."

Adina left the room and left us alone before we could say anything but it didn't really matter. I glanced around the room before focusing on Vikk, who had seemed to be my shadow most of the time we had been there. Even though I was the one who gave him a concussion he had forgiven me a few hours ago.

He seemed to be healing quite well and even though he hobbled a little bit when he walked but he was okay other than that, except being slightly skinner and more pale than normal. He made eye contact with me and we held it before a voice interrupted us.

"Vikk? Are you okay? You look a little pale." He nodded but Tobi, one of the Sidemen started talking in a hushed voice.

"Do you guys mind if we film something quickly? All your viewers are wondering if you're okay, it caused a mass panic when you disappeared."

I looked around at the others but they all seemed pretty okay with it so I just nodded. I hadn't really thought about my channel over the last little while but now that I thought about it I realised that all of our viewers would be terrified something had happened, even though it obviously had.

"Do you think I could borrow someone's phone for a minute so I can log into Twitter?" Simon nodded and I took his phone, logging out of his Twitter and into mine. The other's had all taken one of the Sidemen's phones except Vikk, who had his own because someone had been kind enough to bring his from their house. Mitch was still out.

I scrolled through my Twitter notifications, seeing most of them were from people wondering where I was and panicked fans. I quickly took a photo of the room with me in it and everyone else looked around at me.

"I figured the fans could use a photo." They shrugged it off and went back to whatever they were doing before I attached the photo to my tweet. It read as follows.

'Hey guys, sorry for being absent for so long but we're all okay, hope to be back to the vids soon.' with the picture below it.

Replies started flooding in, most people freaking out about the bandages on Lachlan and Mitch and the ring of bruises around my neck, and how we were all wearing the hospital gowns. Even though I knew a lot more questions were going to be asked I logged out of my Twitter and handed the phone back to Simon, wiping my forehead.

I stood up and cracked my muscles, sore from sitting down for so long. Since we'd come back I'd found it really hard to sit still, Jay's death still fresh in my mind. Rob looked really uncomfortable sitting in the chair because of his back so I pulled him to his feet and got him to sit on the end of Lachlan's bed.

"You looked really uncomfortable." There wasn't much explaining needed.

We spent the next couple of hours talking amongst ourselves and the Sidemen, not really focusing on one particular thing. It was about 9 o'clock before Adina came into the room and announced to everyone,

"Right, you lot need to head off now, you four need to head back into your room. You all look exhausted, Vikk looks ready to collapse."

I looked at Vikk, not really having talked to him during our conversations. He was sitting on Mitch's bed and having a seemingly silent conversation with him, Mitch having woken up about an hour before. He did look exhausted and there was dark circles under his eyes from the lack of sleep. His eyes were closing every few seconds but he seemed to be fighting off the sleep, and I knew why. Nightmares.

I took his hand and walked with him back to our room, followed by Rob and Preston, who were both rubbing their eyes tiredly. The Sidemen also followed us back to our room, clearly wanting to make sure their friend was okay.

We entered our room and saw Mollie and Tyler curled up on the same bed, Mollie tucked into her brother's chest. There was evidence of tears running down her cheeks and Tyler had very red eyes. I wasn't judging, I cried the night before when everything came down on me.

Preston and Rob climbed into their beds and were asleep almost instantly but both Vikk and myself hesitated. He was still clinging onto my hand and I could feel his thin fingers in mine but I felt something that wasn't quite right. He was shaking and when I looked back over at him, I saw silent tears running down his face. I scooped him up in a hug and then sat down with him on my bed.

I saw Simon in the doorway, all of the others boys must have been standing further along the corridor. I could feel Vikk growing limper and limper with each passing second and I starting humming a song I heard a long time ago. I started humming the song 'Who you are' into the silent night and when Vikk finally fell asleep, I continued to hum because it was more a comfort to myself rather than Vikk.

I lay down with Vikk still wrapped in my arms and looked up at the ceiling.

Why did you have to go Jay

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