Chapter 15- Mitch's POV.

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Over the hours after Rob and Lachlan were beaten I could feel myself slowly breaking down. I didn't want to show it to the others because I was afraid they would see me as weak but after everyone was asleep and it was just me and Jerome I felt I couldn't hold it anymore. I felt really bad just letting it all out on him but he was my best friend and I didn't know how much longer I could have held it in.

All of a sudden the warmth of Jerome disappeared and I squirmed a bit, the coldness of the room seeping into my bones. I curled up on myself; still half asleep, but someone picked me up and I pushed my head into their chest. I could feel their steps as they walked and all too soon they put me down again and I opened my eyes. I saw Jerome in front of me and he looked at me, concerned. Preston popped out from behind him and I jumped, pulling back in surprise.

"Hey, you're okay, you're okay, hey, Mitch, you're okay." In my brain something was telling me not to trust them, but I let myself relax, even though the little voice in my head was still whispering, and I didn't know why.

"Mitch? Is something wrong?" I nodded and covered my ears in a panic. I didn't want to tell them that! Jerome pulled my hands away from my head and held them in his hands, forcing me to look at him.

"Mitch... There's something you aren't telling us and it's upsetting you."

A gunshot echoed down the corridor and I wrenched my hands away from Jerome to cover my ears again, scared and terrified. I heard screams from Jay, Lachlan and Vikk and another gunshot. Jerome hugged me to his chest and Preston rushed over to Jay, hugging her as Jerome was hugging me. The door was thrown open with a bang and several people rushed in; all of them with guns. The light flickered on.

"No one move or all of you get shot!" I froze and felt Jerome look away from the people by burying his face in my neck. There was a scream of pain from Rob and I pressed my hands harder to my ears, desperately trying to block out all the sound. Through my hands I could hear screaming from Rob, screams of pain and I curled up even further into Jerome.

I felt him freeze and slowly started to uncurl from me but I resisted by pushing into his chest again. Someone grabbed me by my waist and I froze, but for several seconds I made eye contact with Jerome. He had tears in his eyes, he was shaking and when we connected eyes he mouthed, 'please, don't give up.'

The person with their arms around my waist pulled me backwards off the bed and my head slammed into the floor. I closed my eyes and someone pulled me up by my hoodie but I stayed limp, letting my head fall. I heard another scream from Rob and opened my eyes slowly to see a person in a black mask, holding a gun to my temple.

"Stand up." I did as they said and stood shakily to my feet, almost falling over several times. They pulled on my arm and tugged me out of the room and I was followed shakily by Rob, who seemed to be struggling severally to walk because of his back. Someone walked up behind him and raised their arm and before I could yell out a warning they brought their hand down and Rob collapsed to the ground.

I covered my mouth with my hands and just as someone bent down to pick Rob up someone else slammed their arm into my head and I collapsed to the floor.

Tyler's POV.

Both Mollie and I spent at least 12 hours working on hacking into the systems computers while the others were in the cell, almost immediately below us. We knew we could do or say anything to help out with the people who were injured so we made a pact to stay silent while we were working. Jay knew what she was doing.

We heard everything that was going on, Vikk falling off the bed, Mitch crying, the gunshots and then Mitch and Rob being forced to leave. We knew we couldn't help them because if we revealed ourselves we would be killed; and we also knew that they wouldn't be killed, just hurt. I knew that it sounded really mean and heartless but we had lived through living hell for almost two years; and the deaths of three of our friends.

"Tyler! I'm in!" Mollie's hushed whisper startled me out of my thoughts and I looked around to see the administration area of the systems computer. She pulled up a picture, followed by 2 more and overlay them, entered in a code and the three pictures suddenly overlaid to become a 3D map of the building.

She pointed at one of the many rooms; this one on the second floor, and whispered too me,

"That's where the guys are being held." She moved her hand to the basement area.

"That's where they were before." She was pointing to a small room that; according to the map had no electricity, lights, running water or windows. I gave the rest of the map a quick glance and noted down where the computer headquarters, the exits and the front and back gates. To my surprise the map also showed the guard posts.

Mollie must have seen my surprise too, because she nodded and pointed at the guard post right outside the room the others were in and said,

"We have to target that one if we want to get them out, unless the vent is big enough for them to crawl through." I looked at her and then down and the vent, which was just in view. It looked to be big enough to get through if someone pulled you up and I grinned.


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