Chapter 27- Rob's POV.

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I was woken up the next morning by Adina, who flicked on the lights, making all of us groan.

"Come on you guys, breakfast is here." She had a very cheery attitude and always seemed to be smiling, even in the most stressful situations. She pushed a trolley into the room with four trays on it and I glanced around. Mollie and Tyler weren't there.

"Where's Mollie and Tyler?" That came from Vikk, who was curled up into Jerome's side on the same bed, I didn't question it considering Preston was curled up into my side. He had come to me in the middle of the night with nightmares but I would never turn him down so we spent the rest of the night in the same bed.

A different nurse had come in during the night, the night nurse and checked on us, but I don't think she realised I was still awake. She smiled when she saw Preston in my bed and left shortly after that.

Adina handed us a tray each but Preston didn't take his so she just placed it on the wooden draw beside us. He was still half asleep, leaning against me quite heavily but I didn't complain. It was nice to have someone there.

I balanced the tray on my knees and picked up a spoon, biting down on the cereal. On the tray was a bowl of cornflakes and yogurt, as well as two pieces of white toast and butter. I only ate about half of the cereal and a bit of toast before I pushed the tray away. Adina came and took it off my lap and I looked down at Preston. His eyes were still half closed but I knew it wasn't sleep, it was memories.

I shook his shoulders gently and he jumped, staring up at me.

"Come on, you have to eat something." He shook his head, looking slightly green at the thought of food. I didn't question it further, knowing he would eat in his own time.

Both Vikk and Jerome seemed to be struggling a bit with food, both not eating more than a quarter of their tray. Adina came and took Preston's still full tray from beside me and both Vikk and Jerome's trays before pushing them out of the room. She was back in a few minutes with Mollie and Tyler, both who looked significantly stronger than they did the night before.

They seemed to have almost transformed in the space of a few hours and seeing them made me so much happier. Mollie had a new found confidence with each step and Tyler was walking stronger.

"What's made you two so happy?" Tyler grinned, doing a stupid dance around the room and Mollie smiling very happily.

"The people behind the operation have been caught and all charges have been dropped against Nick and Michael." We cheered, so happy that they were caught and Nick and Michael were okay.

"There is bad news though." Tyler took a deep breath. "We have to go back. We have to show the police what happened."

I could almost feel Vikk go pale beside me, and almost instantly the mood went from 100 to 0.

"When do we go?" There was silence at my question before Mollie answered. I think it was one of the only times I had heard Mollie speak and her voice was very quiet. She still had the high pitch of a younger child, even though she was at least 14, possibly even 15.

"They want us to go as soon as possible, so maybe in an hour." I swear you could have heard a pin drop we were so quiet and the atmosphere was tense. We didn't question it and all of a sudden we were being told to get dressed, get ready and then we were in a van.

We were told the Sidemen would be coming with us for emotional support. Both Lachlan and Mitch were in wheelchairs. The hospital had been very reluctant to let them go because of injuries but somehow the police managed to convince them otherwise.

An hour and a bit later the van shuddered to a halt and the doors opened and everything around me froze. Mollie and Tyler were right beside me. That was the last place I wanted to be, it had too many bad memories.

I took a deep breath and walked forwards, seeing several other cars pull up beside the van. I saw the Sidemen in one of the cars and several other police officers in another. Mollie stepped towards the building and we all followed. The front door was unfamiliar to me but when Mollie turned several corners and went up a flight of stairs I saw recognisable territory. It was the room were in second, the cell room.

I pushed open the door and stepped in, followed by the others. I took a deep breath when I saw a screwed up piece of paper on the floor. I picked it up and unrumpled the paper, almost dropping it. It was the note Tyler and Mollie gave Jay when we first saw them. We all sort of went stiff and I could feel everyone holding their breath.

I put it back on the bed and turned away. Vikk was standing beside me and his hands were shaking, but this time it wasn't from fear or tears, it was from memories. I turned and walked out of the room, following Mollie and Tyler who were a little way down the corridor.

"Mollie! Watch out!" She froze and took a few steps backwards before we all turned to look towards the voice. It was Nick and Michael who had been invited to come along with us. They smiled and rushed past us, Michael pulling Tyler and Mollie back. Nick reached up towards the ceiling and pulled out a small black gun which had a wire attached to it.

"Motioned triggered dart gun. Poisonous. It was actually to stop you lot getting past, so you only knew about it if you were told."

"How many of these are there around the building?"

"Just the one, it was placed near the main exit for a reason."

We continued to walk along the corridor for a while, occasionally peeking into rooms. Most of them seemed to be a bedroom's  for the people who worked there but we also saw a cafeteria, a gym and a meeting room.

Mollie stopped suddenly and pushed the door to a room open, once again the door was a cream colour and walked into it, with us following her. The room was filled with computers, all of them were focused onto one room in the building.

It was the security room.

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