Chapter 21- Rob's POV.

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Nick burst back through the door, followed by about 3 other people. Michael held up the thermometer for them to see and there was a sense of shock running through them. I couldn't hear much of their conversation but I caught a few words, including 'serious' 'too high' 'hospital' 'stay here' and 'we can't move him'.

Preston was still seated by my head and he was shaking in fear. I reached around him and grabbed his hand, squeezing it for comfort. It was mainly for him but it was also for me because, even though I didn't want to admit it, I was scared. Terrified.

Mitch was sitting by my feet, Vikk was lying in the bed next to me and Jerome was standing next to him. Michael, Nick and all the people that had come in with him were gathered around Lachlan and doing something with the bandages around his neck. There was a cry and then a hiss of uncertainty.

"Oh God, Jay didn't tell me it was this bad."

The three new people left the room at the order of Nick and I stood up to get a better look, as did Preston. His eyes widened at the sight and he half whispered,

"It wasn't that bad before." Nick looked around and his eyes landed on Preston, who was the one who had spoken.

"You helped Jay before didn't you?" Preston nodded.

For the first time I got a close look at the wound on Lachlan's neck and I think I almost threw up. The wound was clearly right down the bone and it was swollen. The area around the wound was bright red and the skin was shiny and tight. There was a clear liquid slowly oozing out of the wound and I could see red streaks running up the skin inside the wound. I knew it was blood poisoning, I wasn't stupid, I read the hunger games.

I looked up at Lachlan's face and saw something I don't think I'd ever seen before and I don't think I'll ever see again. I saw agony and pain. I saw peace and calm. I saw all these mixed emotions across his face and I knew that we had to get out. I wanted to help so badly but I knew there was nothing I could to help.

Nick ran his hand over the wound before Michael grabbed a antiseptic wipe and wiped the wound, removing most of the bacteria. Nick pulled out a needle and thread and I looked away, not particularly wanting to see my friend hurt any more. Preston continued to squeeze onto my hand but after a few minutes he tugged on it instead and I looked up.

Nick was still crouched over Lachlan but this time he was wrapping clean bandages around his neck. Michael was rummaging through the draw beside Nick and from it he pulled a bottle of water and several packages of pills. He opened the water and popped several different pills from their containers, placing them in Lachlan's mouth. He used the water to flush them down and then they both stood back.

I heard a yawn beside me and looked up to see Preston rubbing his eyes tiredly; stretching his arms and legs. I think he almost fell asleep on me before Nick tip-toed over to us and picked Preston up and carried him over to one of the other beds. Michael took Mitch's hand and pulled him to another bed and within a few minutes all of us were in different beds and almost asleep.

Nick disappeared out of the door and closed it slowly behind him, leaving us alone with Michael. He saw I was looking at him and he walked over to me, seeming slightly concerned.

"Are you okay? Is your back sore?" I shook my head and sat up, because it was okay, just slightly sore.

"Something's wrong. You can't fool me." I looked down and sighed quietly, mumbling random words under my breath in an attempt to get away. He placed his hand on my shoulder and I jumped, looking away. He enveloped me in a hug and I lent onto his shoulder, letting my brain and body numb.

I felt Michael rub his hand across my palm but when the door opened for what felt like the hundredth time since we'd been there I hardly noticed. It was Nick and he was pushing a small trolley on wheels, which was covered in bowls of food and bottles of water.

"Hey Rob, you hungry?" Nick whispered quietly, purposely keeping his voice low as to not wake up the others, all of which I assumed to be asleep. I nodded, I was hungry and my stomach was growling silently. He handed me a small bowl which had in it several slices of bread with butter, an apple and a couple of cookies, and he also gave me a bottle of water.

I smiled at him but I knew I wasn't going to be able to eat it all because my appetite had gone down a lot over the last few days. I drank some of the water and ate about half of the food before I stopped because of how full I was feeling but I felt so much better it was unbelievable. Nick and Michael had gone around and checked on the others but they were all asleep so Nick pushed the trolley in the corner and out of the way.

I started to feel drowsy so I put my feet back up on the bed and lay back into the pillows, rubbing my stomach.

"Rob, I know something's wrong, please just tell us. It's okay if you're upset." I turned away and faced the wall, trying to gather up my feelings. I didn't know what was wrong specifically but the most prominent feeling was worry for the others. I wanted to protect them but somehow I knew I wouldn't be able too. I couldn't stop a gun.

"I want to be able to protect to the others but I know I can't. They're my best friends and I don't want to lose them because of something I couldn't do." Nick nodded.

"Rob I understand that you want to protect them. So do we and we know what you're feeling but I promise we'll get you out. Just remember that."

"I will."

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