Chapter 35- Mitch's POV.

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Mollie and Tyler looked up at the last sentence, for the woman called Kristina Cooper and I saw tears running down their faces, they were struggling remain composed. I looked around at the others, they all seemed to have taken note of the crying and the fact that Mollie, Tyler and Kristina had the same last name.

I think I made the connection of the last name at the start but I never really pulled it to the front of my mind until the judge pointed the convicted out of the room and sat down.

"We all know that you've been through a lot, you've lost your friend and watched so many others die but I'll let you know the loss of your mother was for the best."

She was talking directly to Mollie and Tyler, but something told me that it was aimed at all of us, even though everything didn't click for a few seconds. Kristina was their mother.

The jury stood up and left the room, along with the judge and everyone else but the Sidemen and woman who escorted us out to the van. We all climbed in, a bit numb and not really responding to anything anyone did.

Mollie and Tyler were completely silent the whole ride back to the hospital, all of us were. None of us said anything but the driver of the van never said anything either, so no one gave us a reason to talk.

Once back at the hospital we were taken through the back door and back into our room. We were all in bed within minutes of arriving back but none of us wanted to sleep so we all just sat on our beds in silence. Mollie and Tyler did get to sleep, they curled up on the bed that they had shared the night before and were asleep a few minutes after we arrived back.

The rest of us, as in the Pack members all just sat in silence but after a while some of us made some moves to try and get some sleep.

Lachlan lay down on his bed and so did Vikk but Jerome went over to Lachlan and climbed in with him, just as they must have done the night before. Preston and Rob just stayed sitting up, memories just hanging in the air around them.

Adina came in to turn off the light but when she saw that some of us were still awake she hesitated and instead came into the room and walked over to Preston. She placed her arm behind Preston's back and supported his back as she lay him down, pulling the covers over his chest. He didn't resist.

She did the same for Rob and then came over to me but I shook my head, sleep the last thing on my mind at that moment. She sighed and lay me down anyway, tucking the covers over me and I let her, knowing it was best to just leave it alone.

The lights flickered out, leaving us with just a dim light coming from the corridor. She left the door open so we could still see a bit, but not enough to stop us from getting sleep. Not that it would matter.

I lay in silence for about an hour before a quiet sniffling interrupted me, coming from a bed a little further down. After a few minutes of lying there I decided to investigate and stood up, following the almost silent crying.

The crying was coming from Preston, who was curled up on his side with his face buried into his pillow trying to silence his cries. I didn't say anything, just pulled his covers back and slipped into the bed with him, pulling him into my chest.

He jumped a bit when I first got into the bed but relaxed when he saw it was just me, accepting my gesture of closeness. I wiped the tears away from his face, I felt his warmth as he pushed himself closer to me.

I lay there with him for a while, listening as his cries eventually faded out into a gentle rhythm of sleep. His head was buried in my chest and as I listened to the silence my breathing started to even out too, so I gave myself up to the darkness of sleep.

The morning came too soon, with the brightness of the window waking me up. Adina had opened the curtains but hadn't woken anyone up, just letting the natural light do its thing. Preston was still asleep, the natural light not reaching his eyes because his face was still resting on my chest.

Vikk and Rob were curled up together asleep, it must have happened some time during the previous night after I fell asleep with Preston because I had been awake all the way up to that point and hadn't heard anything.

Jerome and Lachlan were still asleep as well, Jerome laying flat on his back and Lachlan curled into his side, in a similar way Preston was doing to me. Lachlan's hair was tousled and dull, not its usual bright blonde and even in his sleep I could see the bags under his eyes that either remained from the day before or had grown a little overnight.

Vikk and Rob started to stir a bit, sitting up and blinking, blinded a bit by the bright lights for a few minutes before they looked around at me. I smiled at them but was interrupted by Adina who shook Preston's shoulder to wake him up.

He did but he was bleary eyed for a few minutes before he started to move, sitting up and leaning against me. By that time Adina had gone around and woken up Lachlan and Jerome, both of whom were sitting up and looking awake before Preston was even sitting up.

"Alright you guys, I have some good news, you guys are being released today, you can go home."

There wasn't much celebration, in fact we all looked around at Mollie and Tyler, who had been awake before I was. They were leaning up against each other and smiling a bit, nodding over to the doorway.

Nick and Michael were standing in the doorway, Nick leaning on it and Michael standing behind him. They were both about 27 or 28, something I hadn't really thought about until that point.

"We've adopted Mollie and Tyler, they're coming to live with us and Nick's parents until we find a home to live in."

There was a cheer of success from Mollie and Tyler, they ran up to them and Nick and Michael wrapped them into bear hugs, Michael even picking Mollie up and swinging her around. I smiled, they were going to be just fine with Nick and Michael.

Now where we going to go?

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