Chapter 22 - Home Sweet Home

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Home Sweet Home.

I couldn't believe how happy and relieved I was to be home again.

With Jacob back home and busy doing double duties so those that took his place could have a break, I was left to fill my time with other things.

I made it priority to make sure I went with who ever went to hunt whenever they went. I didn't hunt every time, I just wanted to tag along.

Not long after being home Grandpa Charlie came by. I tackled him, making him falter back against his police cruiser. "Grandpa!" I squeezed him tightly.

He grunted. "Not only have you grown taller but it seems you've even gotten stonger."

I didn't give him time to ask about our trip, I reached for his hand and began to show him our vacation.

He cringed quit a few times as I showed him me and Mommy catching some big game. I left out the monsters we ran across and the part where Jacob had to hide us from the Volturi. Daddy was thankful I left it out.

I heard Daddy sigh and whisper mentally, "You are growing up so fast!" He smiled proudly at me and made me blush.

Grandpa Charlie couldn't stay too long. He had to return to work. He just had to come see us because he missed us so much.

Before he was completely gone and too far for me to hear his thoughts I caught his sad undertone. It seems while we were away he and Sue had a disagreement and hadn't spoken to one another for three days.

I didn't like Grandpa Charlie being sad so I began to think on what I could possibly do to help.

Thankfully Daddy and Mommy needed some alone time and left me with Grandmaw Esme.

Grandpaw Carlisle had to return to the hospital for work so for a little while it was just us two.

After playing a card game with Grandmaw Esme I managed to stow away to Aunt Alice's room. I got on the Internet and sent Sue a big bouquet of wild flowers and made a card saying it was from Grandpa Charlie. I know Daddy doesn't like me to meddle but knowing Grandpa Charlie he needed help.

Since Carmen and Eleazar decided to postpone thier wedding due to Grandma Renee turning and then our spur of the moment vacation, they decided they wanted to have it in the Spring. That gave us time with everything.

It was the end of March now and the weather was slowly warming up. The little white wild daisy's were beginning to bloom and Jacob was taking me on a hike to the meadow. Mommy and Daddy were busy helping Aunt Alice with Carmen and Eleazar's wedding preparations.

"I love this Meadow! When I grow up and get married I want to have it right here," I said and stomped my foot next to a beautiful patch of flowers. I twirled happily and content.

Jacob watched me with a big goofy grin. "And who exactly are you going to marry? " He plopped down to the ground on his butt after watching me for a few minutes and tried to look pouty.

I giggled and jumped behind him, putting my arms around his neck, leaning on his shoulder and resting my head there. "You - silly!" I kissed his cheek and then jumped in front of him, giggling away and dancing around childishly.

Jacob's cheeks were so pink that I had to go over and poke at them. Jacob playfully smacked my hand away. I laughed.

"Why are your cheeks so pink?" I giggled more and tried to poke his cheek again.

He grunted and made a face, "Because you keep trying to poke them."

I laughed even louder as he swiftly ran after me. We played chase for a while until my attention turned to pretty lady bugs I saw fly by. I got down low and close to watch the lady bug walk around on a leaf of one of the wild daisy's.

It got quiet and I assumed Jacob was just watching me but when I looked up from the lady bug he was looking west, opposite from my direction, and looking rather tense.

Without even looking to me he said, "Renesmee. It's time to go home." The way he said it made me run to his side with fear. Something was wrong.

I looked in the same direction as he was looking and then sniffed the air. It took me a few more moments to realize what had caught Jacob's attention and made him tense like we were surrounded by enemies.

A few miles west, up on a ridge, perched high in a heavily pined cedar tree was a vampire. He was watching us. We stood and stared at one another for a few minutes before I asked Jacob if he was going to shift, using my gift and holding his hand tightly.

"No. Not yet at least. Let's just start walking home and see if he follows." Jacob thought to me without even glancing at me.

We began the long walk home with Jacob looking back at the spying vampire every few steps. Once we were out of sight Jacob shifted and I hopped on to his back. I don't think he had ever run that fast before. At least not that I've ever witnessed.

By the time we arrived home Daddy, Jasper and Emmet were leaving to find the vampire and see what he wanted, if anything at all.

"Wait up Edward," Jacob thought to Daddy.

"No, stay here and protect Renesmee." Daddy looked at me with an expression I hadn't seen since the day the Volturi were here. That look alone made my stomach join my heart in my chest.

Jacob remained in his wolf form and paced around out front. I was inside with everyone else and watching out the large widows, searching the tree line and just beyond for any movement.

I had to admit, waiting was not for me. My stomach felt as if an army of butterflies wearing heavy chain mail armor were flying around inside.

So much for Aunt Alice's carefully planned out wedding plans on decorating. The twinkle lights would have to wait a little while longer.

Thankfully it was just a nomad traveling through. Daddy said the vampire was stunned to see two humans that smelled like a mixture of vampire, wet dog and flowers.

Daddy got a nice kick out of the wet dog part on Jacobs behalf. The vampire went on his way with the knowledge to not go near the land that smells real strong of wet dog or he would be killed. Also, for him not to feed in the area what so ever or he would be hunted down. 

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