Chapter 7

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Later that morning, Odette sat in one of her favorite Parisian restaurants, gazing out over the bustling street. Christmas shopping was beginning to pick up as the November days passed. Laughter from the person across from her grabbed her attention, causing her to slightly jump.

"Earth to Odette. You with me?" Eliza asked, waving her perfectly manicured hand in front of Odette's face.

"Yes, yes, I am. Sorry. Thoughts sidetracked me for a moment."

Eliza laughed once more, saying, "More than a moment, dear. Your mind has been M.I.A. for some time—one could argue since we arrived here for brunch. What's going on in that head?"

Odette wasn't sure whether she wanted to share her thoughts with Eliza. The two had been best friends all through school but Eliza had relocated to Amsterdam several years ago, after marrying a Dutch royal. It made their time together more special so she didn't want to ruin the visit with what she has been dealing with.

To no avail, Odette had tried allaying her too-common nerves by calling Logan last night around 11:00pm, once her flight had landed in Paris. He didn't answer. Was she being silly to think he had quickly planned some secret rendezvous during her absence? That very fear is what kept her from alerting Logan of her plans ahead of time. She gave the impression that he had forgotten but, in reality, she had never told him. The deceit was a small token to, hopefully, deter any "business meetings" on Logan's part.

Odette tried to shake off the feeling but it kept returning. Suspicions began to creep in roughly six months ago when she found a brunette hair stuck to a pillow on Logan's gray sectional. Her own hair was blonde. After that, she began reading into every small thing, like the mysterious midnight phone calls or the lipstick on a tissue in the bathroom trash. Things had felt more normal in the last few weeks, but Logan not taking her call brought every last worry to the forefront of her mind. Did Logan have a mistress on the side?

That very possibility was the motivation behind Odette's insistence to move in with Logan nearly ten weeks ago. While the wedding was still months away, she argued that getting settled into their primary residence now made sense to avoid additional stress closer to the big day. Was it her imagination that Logan seemed put off by the suggestion, even though he didn't dare question the sudden interest in consolidating homes?

"Seriously, Odette. What is wrong? You look like you're going to burst into tears!" Eliza looked around at the other diners, thankful the corner table gave them somewhat veiled privacy.

Tears threatened as Odette sniffled and picked at the bread on her pristine white plate. "I think Logan is having an affair."

Eliza sat back in her seat, stunned. "What makes you suspect that?"

Odette's worries poured out of her as she finally spoke her fears aloud. After several moments, she fell back against her chair and took a deep breath. "So, I believe I have reason to suspect there is something going on. I tried calling him last night after my plane landed but he didn't answer." Odette felt her tears give way again and run a wet course down her cheeks.

Ever the logical one, Eliza asked a series of questions to hopefully explain away the things that may be too coincidental. "By chance, does Logan have a brunette cleaning woman? Has his mother or sister been in town to explain the tissue with lipstick? Were the midnight calls business related and did he try to hide them from you?"

"Logan's maid is an older woman with gray hair. His mother and sister are both blondes and neither have been in the apartment since my birthday gathering in April to my knowledge. As for the calls, he didn't hide them but you could tell he was under the impression that I was asleep. During the last late night call, he mentioned the Dorchester."

Realizing that her friend's concerns were valid, Eliza angrily asked, "Have you confronted him?" Fire was flashing in her eyes.

"I haven't. Because I don't know if I can handle the answer." Odette took her cloth napkin from her lap and touched it to her eyes, hoping to dry the tears that continued to fall. "I have always wondered if he really loves me or if it's all a facade. Unfortunately, my heart says the latter."

Eliza broached the very question that had been on Odette's mind a lot in recent weeks: "Do you want to move forward with the wedding?"

Odette looked at her friend but didn't respond because, at that moment, she didn't know the answer herself.

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