Chapter 13

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Friday evening, Lorelai sat at the counter at Luke's Diner, munching on cheese fries while her burger was being made. She drowned out the noise of other customers, reflecting on the recent turn of events.

Her wedding was anticipated, planned; Rory's pregnancy was not.

Not for the first time, Lorelai winced as she thought of how Emily would handle the news. Hopefully better than when she learned I was pregnant. While it may not have been entirely fair to compare the two situations, Lorelai had to chalk her unease up to Emily's usual demeanor. Rory's age wasn't so much a concern but her mother would be upset that another Gilmore was conceived outside of marriage—even if the baby was a Huntzberger.

The bell above the door jingled, pulling Lorelai back to the present. She turned to watch as Logan moved to the side of the entrance to allow Rory to pass by. They spotted Lorelai and elected to claim seats beside her.

"Oh Mom, those smell so good. I'm starving!" Rory reached out to snatch a cheese fry. Lorelai slid the plate over, gesturing to Logan that he could have some too. He shook his head and grabbed a nearby menu.

"What have you guys been up to?" Lorelai asked and she grabbed her coffee.

"Not much, just soaking up some local color," Rory responded.

"I thought you both looked more magenta than normal." Lorelai laughed as she playfully slapped her knee, amused by her own joke.

Rory smirked at her mother, then moved to peek over Logan's shoulder at the menu. She wasn't sure why though; she pretty much knew it cover to cover. Logan flipped it over and was surprised to find the piece Rory wrote for the New Yorker encased in plastic. He held it up and looked at the ladies. Before he could comment, Lorelai grinned. "Super proud!" she quipped once again while Rory dramatically rolled her eyes.

The door opened again, this time admitting Babette and Miss Patty into the diner. They walked the short distance to the counter and observed those who had taken up residence on the stools. "Logan, you're in Stars Hollow?" Babette questioned in her husky voice.

"I sure am. Plan to be until weeks' end."

"Business or pleasure?" Miss Patty purred.

Logan chuckled as he responded. "A little of both."

"Feel free to come visit me at the dance studio before you leave. There are so many things I could show you."

Rory tried and failed to contain her laughter as Babette pointed out a newly vacant table to Miss Patty. The ladies walked away but not before backwards glances yielded some eyebrow wiggles.

Lorelai turned to Rory. "You may want to keep him hidden. I hear Miss Patty is looking for husband number ten."

"I will gladly stay in your bedroom. You know, just for my safety," Logan whispered into Rory's ear, his breath hot on her neck.

At that moment, Logan's phone began to buzz. He looked down at the screen, which displayed a text from Odette. We need to talk. Now. Logan's appetite suddenly vanished and he turned to Rory. "Odette just texted me that we need to talk. I'll go call her and be back as soon as I can."

Rory's face paled a little. "Okay. I'll be here."

Logan walked out of the diner, searching for a somewhat secluded bench before he initiated the call.

"Logan." He turned at the mention of his name, unexpectedly coming face-to-face with Odette.

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