Chapter 99

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Another week passed with Lorelai having only mild contractions. The intensity of some made her seriously consider heading to the hospital but, as soon as she thought it, the contractions fizzled out.

On one hand, she wasn't entirely disappointed that the twins were taking their time with arriving. Lorelai had started spending a couple hours every morning at the Dragonfly. While she knew it was not necessary, she found that it was hard to turn the reins over to Aubrey entirely. Funny, it made her think of when Sookie was put on bed rest with her own pregnancy and how she had a hard time picking her temporary replacement. Lorelai now understood Sookie's hesitancy but it didn't make it easier to walk away from the business she had a large hand in creating.

When she woke up this morning, Lorelai felt like something would happen before day's end. She went about her normal routine, planning to finish it by stopping in at the diner to see Luke before heading to the inn. Just as she grabbed her keys and started heading to the door, she heard what sounded like a splash of water.

Looking down, Lorelai realized her water had broken.


Emily laid in bed well past ten in the morning, drinking coffee and reading a bestselling novel. She had been trying to help out Lorelai and Rory whenever she could— laundry, cooking, shopping. Anything they needed done, she volunteered to help with.

It was no secret that Emily and Lorelai had had a strained relationship prior to Rory's creation. Looking back over their lives, Emily couldn't help but feel guilty with her misplaced blame of the letter on her bed. She had no idea why she didn't realize it was Richard's mother's doing, especially when the letter she'd written to Richard on the eve of their wedding was found. The anger she'd felt all those years ago welled up inside. It was that vile woman's fault. She just had to do things she felt could drive a wedge between Emily and Richard.

Joke's on her, Emily thought. She easily recalled the wonderful marriage she had shared with her dear, departed husband.

Another thought filtered through her mind. Hadn't she done that very same thing to Lorelai and Luke? Hadn't she tried viciously to break the two of them up, even though they clearly were meant to be together?

Emily gasped. Could it be argued that she used to be just like Richard's mother?

Grappling the wave of emotions that overtook her, Emily threw the oversized blanket back and quickly moved to the bathroom. She worked quickly, showering and getting herself presentable to leave the apartment. She felt it was imperative to talk to her daughter.

Thirty minutes later, she made her way downstairs. Caesar was clearing a table as she neared the door.

"Hello Mrs. Gilmore, need anything?"

Emily paused. "A quick cup of coffee to go would be marvelous, thank you." She turned and approached the counter while Luke's longtime employee filled a to-go cup and pushed a lid on top.

"Here you go. Enjoy!"

Emily looked around. "Is Luke here? I was hoping he'd know where Lorelai was."

Caesar shook his head. "Luke ran over to Woodbridge. One of our suppliers is having trouble with a delivery truck and couldn't guarantee our order would be here before the lunch rush. Luke was afraid we'd run out of staples so he went to pick up the order."

Emily caused a forced smile to play at her lips. "I'll just drive over to their house to see if Lorelai is there."

Caesar nodded. "Have a nice day Mrs. Gilmore."

Reaching her car and flipping the switch, the Jaguar roared to life. Emily navigated the now-familiar roads and pulled up in front of her daughter's house after only a few minutes. She opened the car door and moved to the porch. Knocking on the door, she waited for an answer.

After a moment, it sounded like a voice called out to come in. Slowly opening the door, Emily stuck her head in to call for her daughter but all sound died on her lips.

Lorelai was standing in a puddle of water with an awkward grin on her face.

"Mom! Oh, thank God!"

"Lorelai! Your water broke!"

"Yes. Yes it did. I can't get a hold of Luke."

Emily absently shook her head. "He ran to Woodbridge to pick up some supplies."

Lorelai sighed. "That's what Caesar said. I tried Luke's cell phone but I bet he left it at the diner."

"No worries, honey. Let's get you to the hospital. You can try Luke on the way or I can once we get there."

Emily reached out for Lorelai's hand when she pulled it back. "I can't go in your car, Mom. I'll get...stuff...on your seats."

Letting out an exasperated breath, Emily shrugged. "Then you get stuff in my car. I don't care. Getting you to the hospital is more important than my car, Lorelai. Now let's go."

Lorelai quickly glanced around her foyer and spotted a plush blanket folded on a bench. "Grab that Mom. I can sit on it."

Emily did as instructed and led her daughter to her car. She placed the blanket on the front passenger seat and helped Lorelai get settled before cautiously closing the door.

Once inside and on their way, Emily turned to face her passenger. "Have you gotten a hold of Rory?"

Lorelai shook her head. "I haven't tried yet. I was frantically trying to get a hold of Luke when you came to my rescue."

Emily harrumphed. "There's a first," she mumbled to herself. Louder, she said, "Try Rory now. She may be able to help get through to Luke, even if she has to wait at the diner for him to return."

It was Lorelai's turn to do as instructed. She dialed Rory's number and briefly told her that her water had broken, that Luke couldn't be reached, and that Emily was taking her to the hospital.

Lorelai lowered the phone. "Rory is going to head to the diner and wait for Luke, then she'll be on her way to the hospital."

"What about Lora? She shouldn't be in a hospital with the germs."

"Logan is going to stay home with her. Rory will check in and head back when needed."

"Good. Logan has certainly stepped into his role as a father, hasn't he?"

Lorelai nodded. "Yes, he has. I'm impressed daily by him."

Emily reached over and touched Lorelai's arm. "Are you having contractions?"

"Little ones that barely register on my pain scale. But you have to remember that I'm a pro at avoiding anything painful."

Emily laughed and turned her attention to getting her pregnant daughter to the hospital to deliver her twin grandchildren.

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