Chapter 39

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Lorelai gripped the phone tightly, listening as Dr. Williams told her the results of the blood test. She felt tears spring into her eyes as he talked.

"I'm sorry to say that you are not pregnant. But don't get discouraged. You have only been on the meds for a couple weeks. It's not uncommon for it to take a few months, which is why I called in a three month supply."

"But do you think this is a sign that it just won't happen for us?" Lorelai questioned, her voice barely a whisper.

"Not at all. You have to understand that these things take time. For some reason, it didn't work this time but that doesn't mean it won't next month or the month after that. As hard as this is, you need to relax. Stress won't help you achieve a pregnancy."

"Okay. I'll do my best. Thank you."

"You've scheduled with my office for next month, correct?"

"Yes, Luke and I will see you in December."

"And Lorelai?"


"Don't give up hope."

Lorelai said nothing but ended the call.


Lorelai excused herself from the inn and headed for Luke's Diner. She wanted to let him know about the results but felt it was better to do it in person.

She pushed open the diner's door and saw Luke behind the counter, taking an order from an elderly couple. He looked up and nodded, then realized her expression was one of sadness. He quickly wrote down everything the couple had said, then rushed over to his wife.

"Dr. Williams called, didn't he?"

Lorelai nodded, her eyes full of unshed tears. Luke reached for her hand, squeezing it lightly. "Give me a second." He walked to the window to give Caesar the latest order and to tell him he was going upstairs for a while. He then turned back to Lorelai and gestured to head up.

Once there, Luke held the door open for Lorelai, ensuring it was completely closed behind him. Inside, he did a quick sweep of what used to be his apartment but was now a fairly eclectic grouping of mismatched and unneeded odds and ends that made their way up here in the years since he moved in with Lorelai. Spotting two old diner chairs, he led her to them and the two sat.

"Tell me what he said."

Lorelai filled Luke in on what the doctor had said. "I'm so discouraged already."

"Don't be. Like Dr. Williams said, it's only the first month. Let's just keep trying and if we have to go another route, we will." Luke slid his chair over to allow Lorelai to lean her head onto his shoulder. The two had been sitting like that for a while when Luke leaned in to kiss her. He wasn't sure if it was just frustration or the hormones in the fertility drugs, but Lorelai deepened the kiss and, soon, the two were finding their way to Luke's old mattress that hadn't been touched in years.

A half hour later, Luke was lying on his back with Lorelai's head on his chest. They stayed in that position for several moments longer before the each decided they both needed to return to work.

Luke reached for Lorelai's hand as they got to the bottom of the stairs. They walked hand in hand to the diner's door, when Luke pulled back on Lorelai as she was reaching for the knob. She turned and he brought her in for a hug. "Don't get discouraged. Just trust that everything will work out." He kissed her temple and sent her on her way.



"I figured I'd find you there," Jess said, a smile in his voice.

Luke chuckled. "Hey Jess, what's up?"

"Natalie and I are planning to head your way in a little while. Are you and Lorelai free for dinner?"

"Yeah, dinner sounds great. I'll let Lorelai know. Just come by the house later this afternoon. I'll whip something up."

"All right, it's a plan."

"Oh, I think Rory was hoping to see you and meet Natalie too."

Jess waited for his stomach to flip flop at the mention of his old girlfriend's name but it didn't. Just another reason Natalie feels so right, he thought with a smile.

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