Chapter 31

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Logan and Rory pulled their rental car up the drive to Emily's new home in Nantucket. Recognizing her mother's Jeep, Rory felt her accelerated heart rate slow ever so slightly. At least Lorelai was there to help soften the blow.

Logan stopped the car and turned to face Rory. "You ready Ace?"

A tight smile formed on her lips. "It's never or now."

The couple climbed out of the car and made their way to the front door. Rory took a deep breath and rang the bell. Several moments passed before Berta appeared, telling the newcomers something in her native language. She showed them into the home and gestured to a room off to the left. Assuming that's where the others were, Logan and Rory made their way across the entryway and hesitated in the doorway.

"Hello," Rory said, edging into the parlor.

Startled, Emily looked over but quickly jumped up when she realized her granddaughter was in her home. "Rory! What a pleasant surprise!" Emily's gaze shifted to Logan, her eyes registering complete shock at the man accompanying Rory. "Logan! My, my, what are you doing here?"

"Hello, Emily. Rory and I were on our way back from London when Lorelai suggested a stop here and we thought it was a great idea."

Emily leaned back, attempting to assess the situation. "You two were in London together?"

Logan, again, spoke. "Yes, we had dinner with my parents."

"Oh, how are Mitchum and Shira?"

Rory groaned. "Now isn't the best time to ask about them, Grandma. We found out at dinner that Mitchum has filed for divorce."

Gasping, Emily's hand flew to her chest. "Oh no, that is awful!"

"Yes, quite the shock. He gave no indication, no warning. Just dropped that bombshell then left the restaurant."

Emily didn't seem to be listening. Rory wondered if she was remembering the dark period she and Richard went through years ago, when Emily had gotten upset over Richard's secret lunches with his college girlfriend.

Lorelai stood up and placed her hand softly on Emily's shoulder. "Mom, maybe we can invite Logan and Rory in to get comfortable."

That jostled Emily back to the present. "Oh, I'm sorry. Yes, yes, come sit down." She moved aside to allow her unexpected guests to pass.

Some light chitchat followed, during which Emily continuously eyed Logan and Rory. Even though she wasn't being obvious, Rory felt her grandmother's stare boring into her, making her even more uncomfortable than she already was. Finally, she knew she had to throw the cards and deal with them as they lied.

"Grandma, while Logan and I are happy to see you, we didn't solely come here for a social visit. We have some news for you."

By this time, Emily had all but tuned out Luke and Lorelai. "News? Well, go ahead. Tell me this news that brings you here in person."

Rory sat up straighter, as if having correct posture would make this whole thing easier. "You probably knew that Logan was engaged to Odette Bordeaux—"

Emily interrupted. "Was?"

"That's right Emily. I am no longer with Odette. She and I broke up late last week." Logan felt protective of this situation and didn't want Rory to shoulder the responsibility of telling Emily on her own. "I realized that it would be a mistake to marry someone I didn't truly love."

Emily's smiled grew wider. "You love Rory." It was a statement, not a question.

"I do. I never stopped loving her. Even when she rejected my proposal all those years ago." Logan looked at Rory, whose cheeks were turning a becoming shade of pink.

"And I love Logan. Even though we broke up and went our own ways, I never forgot about him."

"I knew that, Rory. You always wore your heart on your sleeve. Your grandfather and I had always hoped that you two would find your way back to each other. It's almost as if he took the reins and orchestrated this whole thing."

"Well, Grandma, I don't quite know about that—"

"I do. Whatever led you two back together, you can be sure Richard put it all in motion."

Logan chuckled a little. "Emily, I agree with Rory; I'm not sure Richard planned this."

Emily's face took on a stubborn look. "Why would you say that?"

Rory knew the moment had come. "Grandma, the reason we don't think Grandpa had anything to do with us getting back together is that—" She paused for a brief second, hoping to gain a little strength for the last two words.


"I'm pregnant."

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