Chapter 106

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Life for Luke and Lorelai became erratic in a good way. Once released from the hospital, Emily came and stayed in Rory's old room to help out, no matter the time of day. It had taken a few weeks to get a routine in place but, once there, everything settled into manageable chaos.

Lorelai had done some nosing around about potential buyers for the inn. Mike Armstrong's company was no longer in business but there were a few other companies she could try consulting with. Sitting on the couch while perusing the internet for more information about one of the larger companies, she was lost in trying to determine which to approach if she did decide to move forward.


Jumping, Lorelai's heart flew into her throat. "Mom, I didn't hear you come in."

Emily sat beside her daughter, shifting her eyes to the laptop screen. "What is it you're looking at? What is the Harper Group?"

Lorelai closed the laptop, placing it on the coffee table in front of her. "Nothing. No one," she quickly replied. "Are you getting hungry? I can call in an order to the diner for lunch if you want."

"Yes, lunch would be nice." Emily's eyes contained an indiscernible emotion, one that caused an unsettled feeling to fall upon Lorelai.

"Want your usual? Cobb salad?"

Emily nodded.

Lorelai got up to grab her phone from the kitchen, hoping to put a little space between her and her mother. She dialed the number for Luke's Diner and placed an order, telling Caesar she would make the short trek into town to grab the food.

After ending the call, Lorelai pulled on a lightweight sweatshirt and found some old, comfortable boots to throw on in the foyer. She poked her head into the living room to tell her mother she was running to pick up their lunch. Emily nodded but said nothing.

Outside in the fresh air, Lorelai took a deep breath. All seasons in Stars Hollow were special in their own way but there was something exhilarating about fall. The world changed colors, becoming a beautiful array of oranges, reds, and yellows. She also loved it because she knew snow was not far off.

Snow. She couldn't wait to smell the snow.


The door closed quietly behind Lorelai. Emily sat still for a few minutes, waiting to give Lorelai a head start before opening her laptop. The screen lit up to a web page for a company called the Harper Group.

In an effort to keep Lorelai from knowing she was snooping, Emily closed the laptop and reached into her cardigan pocket for her cell phone. She pulled up her internet browser to find a search engine and typed in the Harper Group. She spent the next ten minutes learning that the company specialized in buying and managing small businesses.

Why would Lorelai be looking into a company who bought and managed small businesses?

Something in her memory was eluding her, something that she felt would shed some light onto the website Lorelai was looking at.

What am I missing?

Emily stood and crossed the room to a window, peering outside to see if Lorelai was on her way back.

Spotting her daughter in the driveway, Emily moved to the front door and watched for a shadow to appear in the frosted window before pulling the door open.

"Good, you're back. I'm starving."

Lorelai took the bag containing the food into the kitchen. Emily followed. The two found their containers and moved to the table to eat.

Silence stretched between them for several moments before Lorelai spoke. "Did the twins wake up at all while I was gone?"

Emily laughed. "No, they were so quiet that I almost forgot they were here."

"Wow, already forgetting about my kids. Nice, Mom."

"Oh, Lorelai, you know what I meant."

Lorelai stuck her tongue out as she laughed. "I know. I just like teasing you because you make it so easy."

Emily smiled, her mind returning to the information she learned about the Harper Group.

What was it that her memory was trying to recall?


Natalie sat on the edge of her bed, face in her hands. Yet another day filled with screaming and tears. When would things get better? When would Makenna adjust to her as a mother?

Jess appeared in the doorway. "You okay?"

Shaking her head, Natalie felt tears spill over again. "No. I can't handle this. Why does she hate me? Why can't I connect with her like you have?"

Jess sat beside her, placing his arms around her shoulders. "She doesn't hate you. She just doesn't know how to cope with the emotions inside of her. She wasn't taught how to do that like most kids are."

"It isn't just that. She doesn't care about me at all. It's been more than a month, Jess! When will things change?"

"Damage takes longer to correct than it did to cause. You know that. She is four years old. She has a lot to work through."

Natalie abruptly stood. "So I have to deal with this for four years or more? No. I can't do it. I can't. Something has to change, Jess. I can't handle walking on eggshells in my own home, tiptoeing around a four year old."

"What are you saying? Do you want Makenna moved?"

Bowing her head and moving to the door, Natalie quietly answered. "I don't know what I'm saying right now."

Moments later, Jess heard the apartment door close.

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