Chapter 107

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Rory sat at her desk, staring at the computer screen. Her brain wasn't functioning, making it impossible to comprehend the words she was attempting to read.

For some reason, she couldn't stop thinking back to a night she and Logan had talked about his relationship with Odette. And whether Logan would have really walked away before the wedding.

Logan had said he knew he needed to come clean with her...but would he have? If she never told him about her pregnancy, would he have honestly put a stop to the planning and hubbub to disappoint a woman he asked to marry him, all in the name of true love?

On one hand, Rory desperately wanted to believe Logan would have. She had never felt a connection with anyone else like she shared with him.

But on the other, hadn't Logan's past proven that he avoided anything that was unpleasant?

Shaking her head to hopefully clear up the befuddled mess inside, Rory turned her attention back to the computer and opened an internet browser. She began wading through articles about Logan and Odette, straining to study the pictures that were included.

Rory was so engrossed in her little project that she didn't hear Logan's footfalls approaching her office.

"Hey Ace, getting a lot of work done?"

Startled, she tried to discretely close the internet windows without showing any signs of her nervousness. "Some, not a lot. I'm having a hard time concentrating."

Logan frowned. "Why?"

Waving her hand dismissively, Rory smiled. "Just can't focus for some reason. No big deal. It happens sometimes." She stood from her chair and moved toward Logan, lacing her arm through his to lead him out of the room.

Rory was at an angle from Logan as they passed through the door, thus making her unable to see him cast an uncertain glance back toward her computer.


Luke paced back and forth behind the counter, a dish towel draped haphazardly over his shoulder. As he filled orders and drinks, his mind was always one step ahead, working to anticipate the needs of his customers. That was something Buddy had taught him many years ago that seemed to stick with him.

"Luke, a refill over here."

Pulling himself from auto pilot, Luke grabbed the coffee pot and moved toward the customer who beckoned him.

"Here ya go, Tom. Need anything else?"

"Na, coffee is enough."

Luke nodded before spotting a couple standing up from their seats. He shifted his focus to busing the table.

The door opened and Miss Patty walked in.

"Lucas, Lucas, Lucas! Why are you here and not at home with your adorable twins?"

Luke smiled at the reference of his babies. "As much as I want to be with them 24/7, I do have a diner to run."

"Yes, I suppose that's true. But if those babies— and you!— were mine, I wouldn't be leaving the house!"

"If I was yours, Miss Patty—"

"Yes, Lucas?" Patty wiggled her eyebrows.

Luke grinned. "I better keep that comment to myself."

A mock frown played at the dance instructor's lips. "Oh darn."

Miss Patty placed an order and Luke turned back to give it to Caesar. He didn't have to look behind him to know that her eyes were watching him go.

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