Chapter 22

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Odette decided to stay in Stars Hollow for a few days to give herself some extra time before telling everyone she wasn't marrying Logan. Odd to stay here of all places, yes, but she enjoyed the small town feel and the safe, quiet world it presented. Before reserving her room at the Dragonfly Inn for additional time, she made sure Logan and Rory didn't mind if she did so. Both were adamant that she stay as long as she wanted.

The morning following her meeting with Rory, Odette found herself struggling to keep from liking her. Rory was a beauty, inside and out. Her intelligence spawned a myriad of topics, from pop culture to the works of Marcel Proust. Growing up, Odette's father was always quoting Proust but one specific quote always stood out to her: "The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes." That seemed especially fitting now.

Wanting to get a bite to eat before venturing out to tour the charming area, Odette made her way downstairs to the Dragonfly's restaurant. Upon entering the dining room, she was spotted by Logan and Rory. Logan smiled as Rory waved her over to join them.

Odette chose a seat and reached for a menu. The offerings surprised her. So many options sounded delicious that she knew it would be hard to narrow it down.

As if reading her mind, Rory spoke up. "Sookie is the best chef, bar none. No matter what you choose, you won't be disappointed."

"My confusion must have been evident on my face." Odette met Rory's eyes briefly before studying the menu again.

A tall, striking woman approached their table and stopped near Rory.

"Lorelai, please join us." Logan extended the offer.

"I can't. I already ate and I'm busy getting back into the swing of things around here. I just wanted to stop by and say hi. So hi." She turned to Odette. "We haven't met. I'm Lorelai Gilmore."

"You're Rory's mother. Hello. I'm Odette." She politely extended her hand to greet the newcomer.

Curiosity piqued Lorelai's interest and she turned to Rory, no doubt wanting to be let in on what was going on. Being polite, Odette pretended she didn't notice and went back to trying to settle on her breakfast order.


Jess awoke with a start, ready to take on the day. It had been five days since his first date with Natalie and they had planned another date for that night. He hoped the workday flew by because he couldn't wait to see her again.

It was funny that he went into Friday night's date with zero expectations, assuming it would be like the last date that didn't go beyond a rushed dinner. But he found himself dreading saying goodbye, wanting to find more and more things to do in an effort to extend the date. After coffee, they walked a bit more before picking a few shops that were open later due to the impending holiday season. Finally, a little after midnight, Jess walked Natalie to her apartment and said good night.

Since that wonderful evening, the two had texted back and forth, learning more about the other. While he knew the beginning of a relationship was always exciting, he had never felt this hopeful, this energized by it before.

Even with Rory. The thought startled Jess but he recognized the truth behind it. He had idolized his ex-girlfriend so much that, perhaps, he subconsciously knew a relationship with her would never equate to the one be created in his mind. Maybe that's why Natalie shook him to his core— he wasn't expecting to feel anything for her. Yet he did.

Once at work, the day progressed at a relatively nice rate. Minor problems popped up, which helped Jess focus instead of watch the clock. As an owner, he wasn't one to sit in a stuffy office and drink coffee while the low man did back-breaking work. No, he tried to be visible and available to his employees and help with any issues or glitches that manifested. He would visit with employees and ask about their spouses, kids, grandkids. He tried to remember if one had commented about a worry or concern and he would often follow up on it. Any time he saw someone struggling, whether personal or professional, Jess would quietly let the person know he was there to help if he could.

Jess' upbringing didn't form him into that type of person. No, his uncle Luke did. He saw Luke do those very things every single day without any expectation of reciprocation. Luke taught him what a selfless person was and showed him how to put others above your own self in order to find true happiness. That's who Luke was. And that's who Jess wanted to be too.

Just one more thing he could thank Luke for. And he already had so many.

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