Chapter 109

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"Lorelai, may I speak with you?" Emily was back at her daughter's house, lending a hand while Luke was working at the diner.

Heaving a sigh, Lorelai nodded. "You'd better do it quick before the twins decide their nap is over."

The ladies were seated on the couch in Luke and Lorelai's living room. Anywhere one looked was evidence of babies— from the play pen in the corner to discarded burp cloths and bottles strewn on the tables. Emily, taking a moment to gather her thoughts, decided she would tackle cleaning later in the afternoon.

"Mom? What's wrong?"

Emily clasped her hands together. "I suppose I could ask you the same thing. After I saw you looking up the Harper Group last week, I did some researching and found that they buy boutique inns and small businesses. I seem to remember that your father tried unsuccessfully to push you to consider selling the Dragonfly years ago." Emily paused. "Are you now considering selling?"

Lorelai was hesitant to answer. "Well, Mom, I don't know. The thought has crossed my mind but I'm not sure what I want to do."

"Why would you sell? Opening the inn was your dream."

"I know it was. I poured myself into creating it. And I've loved every minute of owning it. But now, things have changed. I don't want to miss things with Gabby or Eli's childhoods that I did with Rory."

"What did you miss? The two of you have always been closer than peanut butter and jelly."

Lorelai grinned. "Yes, we have been closer than peanut butter and jelly but that was once she got older and easier. When she was younger, I was always having to compromise my time with her to advance at the Independence Inn. I went in any time I was called. That meant having to leave Rory with sitters or Mia while I worked."

"You could have called us. We would have helped. Both with childcare and money."

Lorelai reached her hand to grasp her mother's. "You already know why I didn't."

"So why sell the inn? What does that have to do with the twins? You're part owner so you can make your hours or take the kids to work with you."

Lorelai sat quietly for a few moments. "Yes, you're right. I could. But I don't want my kids to come second. I've wanted a baby for so long, Mom. Now that I have two, I want to be their mom and be here for them."

"But what about when they're older? Will you regret having sold the Dragonfly?"

Lorelai shrugged. "I really don't know."


Logan sat in the living room, waiting for Rory to finish nursing Lora upstairs. Night had fallen and he was ready to spend some time with his fiancée.

Two days had passed since he saw that Rory was searching for articles related to his relationship with Odette. He hadn't had much opportunity to talk to her yet because both of them had been pulled in a myriad of directions since the discovery.

But tonight was it.

Logan heard Rory's feet padding down the stairs. She came into view, absently brushing her hair behind an ear. He noticed that she wore a wrinkled shirt that appeared to be covered in spit up. Her shorts were also spotted with stains and the expression in her eyes was one of fatigue.

She had never looked more beautiful.

Taking a deep breath, Logan knew the time had come. He patted the couch beside him, inviting her to take a seat.

"Don't mind if I do, Huntzberger."

"That will be your last name soon."

Rory smiled faintly. "And I can't wait."

"Rory, we need to talk."

She turned to face Logan, concern gracing her soft features. "Okay. About what?"

"I'm just going to be upfront with you. The other night when I came into your office, I noticed that I scared you when you realized I was there. Though it was discreet, I could tell you were trying to close what you were looking at. I knew better than to ask what had you so jumpy but it was something that kept bothering me so when you were at the Gazette two days ago, I snooped. I opened up your computer and looked at your browsing history. And I saw that you were looking up articles about me and Odette."

Embarrassment flooded Rory's face. "Logan, let me explain—"

Logan held up a hand. "You don't need to explain anything to me, Ace. It doesn't bother me that you were reading those articles. What I'm afraid of is that you still aren't sure I would have backed out of marrying Odette."

Rory kept her eyes on her hands. "I do fear that, Logan. On one hand, you talk a great game. But, on the other, you looked so happy with her."

Logan gently pulled Rory's face upward. "Lorelai Leigh Gilmore. You are the only one my heart wants and needs. I've never been more sure of anything in my entire life than I am of marrying you on Christmas Eve."

Rory couldn't help but smile. "Really?"

Logan nodded, leaning in to kiss his future wife. "Really. I only wish we didn't have to wait until December."

A grin playing on her lips, Rory reached for her phone and commented that it was after nine o'clock. At that moment, noise on the monitor alerted them at Lora was already waking up.

"Logan, go grab Lora. I need to make a call."

Logan looked at her, confused, but moved toward the stairs to retrieve his daughter.

Five minutes later, he returned to the living room to find Rory texting her mother.

"What are you doing?"

Rory looked up. "Put on your wedding clothes, Logan. We're pulling a Mom and Luke— we're getting married tonight."

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