Chapter 12 -- A terrible tag team

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It wasn't easy trying to calm Ash and Jonas down. They watched Red Raven walk into the room but couldn't do anything about it. They vowed that as long as I was in this hospital they would stay by my side.

"Guys, really, it isn't necessary." I assured them, slowly sitting up in bed.

Jonas sat on the edge again. "It's okay, Del. We're here and we're not going to let anything happen."

"Neither is he." I mutter.

Ash leans in close, "Come again?"

I huff and pull the blanket to my chin, "Nothing. Forget I said --"

"Tell me everything. Right. Now." Ash demands.

Taking a big breath, I recall every detail of his surprise visit.

Even the part about me accusing him of being my boyfriend.

"I knew it." Jonas announces.

Ash and I both roll our eyes, but there was truth to my accusation. The part that didn't make sense? Why Mickey told me to make sure Red Raven was locked up for good. Also, the part where we're pretty sure there's two Red Ravens. This was all becoming a jumbled puzzle.

It brings me to ask Ash, "Do you have your laptop around?"

She walks around the hospital bed and brings it up from the floor. "Always," she states, "Why though?"

Ash and Jonas are both sitting on my bed now, and I don't think that it was intended to hold this much weight. Nonetheless, I beg her to bring up the location of the two different chips.

"Well?" I become impatient as she types away. She sighs at my outburst, her fingers coming to a halt.

"One is still at Sophia's house. The other is not showing up."

Jonas peeks over her shoulder as I bolt upright.

"What do you mean? Did he take it off somehow?" Jonas and I take turns asking the questions.

"I doubt it. If one of them wasn't smart enough to take it off, then the other probably didn't think to remove his own."

"Ash." I close my eyes in realization.

"Yes?" She replies.

"One of them is a super genius. He has eyes in the back of his head. Do you really think he wouldn't realize he wasn't being tracked?"

Her lips purse together, "Well, then why wasn't the other informed to do the same?"

"Because he doesn't have powers." Jonas mumbles.

Ash is bewildered without a doubt, but I know Jonas only knows what I'm talking about because he can read my mind.

"What does that mean? If they're working together, the one with powers should have told the other that he was being tracked." Ash's brain is fried by the look on her face.

"Exactly!" I exclaim, "The one with powers doesn't care if the other is tracked down!"

Jonas and Ash both stare at me, waiting for a better explanation. I'm not sure I can give a logical hypothesis. Here goes nothing.

"My theory? The one with powers doesn't want to be a villain, or, atleast, doesn't want to be involved with the other who doesn't have powers. Why would you want to tag team with a guy who can't do what you do?"

"So you think... Red Raven is against... himself?" Ash slowly lets the words spill out of her mouth.

Jonas nods in agreement. Sometimes it's nice that a guy can read my mind. Usually they're incompetent and you have to tell them what's on your mind if you want them to do anything about it.

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