The Puppy

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Simon led the way but paused as they reached the door and jerked his head at Rachel. "Could you open the door? We seem to have our hands full."

Rachel laughed cheerfully. She had managed to get the two to carry everything except her leather case. "I'd be happy to!"

The four gratefully entered the house, their small charge closing his eyes blissfully at the nice, cool air. The cast on his leg was hot, especially in the summer heat. Plus the bright sun had made his constant headache pound with new intensity. Inside, it was much more comfortable.

Rachel watched the pinched look on the boy's face fade away. That was another reason for her suggesting they go inside. She had noticed him squinting and how his face had contorted as if it was a greater pain the longer he was out in the sun. It was another problem of the child's silence. You had to watch him very closely for signs of discomfort, because he couldn't tell them. Plus, he seemed very reluctant to let anyone know how he truly felt. The nurses had an awful time trying to figure out when they needed to administer more pain medications because the boy seemingly refused to give any sign of it. It was only through careful observation of his complexion and subtle expressions, that they had any clue what he was feeling. Rachel made a mental note to inform her friends of what tells to watch for as soon as she had a chance.

She glanced down at her watch. The doctors had told her that he was due for another dose of pain medication at two, which was about thirty minutes away. She looked up and smiled at the small group before her. "Well, I see you three have gotten acquainted, but there's someone else you need to introduce Simon and JJ to, sweetie," she said, with a nod to the crate. She opened her case and began to dig through the papers. "I know you worked hard on your list. Would you like me to give it to them?"

The boy held out his hand.

"Oh, you want to go over it with them?" she asked, pulling out the typed pages. The nurse who had typed it up for him had done a very nice job. She'd even put a large title on the document.

The men smiled down at the boy, who impatiently held the printed papers in his hand. The three adults sat down on the couch with the little boy and JJ in the middle. JJ had adjusted the boy so he was sitting on his lap now, instead of cradled in his arms. Tiny hands held out the paper so everyone could easily read it.

Molly's Care Instructions

"So, her name's Molly, huh? That's a nice name," JJ complimented.

"Actually," Rachel spoke up, "her registered name is Molly Malone, but it just says Molly on her tags."

Simon read the first rule aloud.

"1. Molly is fed twice a day. Breakfast and dinner.

Measure out

½ a butter dish of puppy food, put in bowl.

Get 1 cup of water, add to dish.

Heat in microwave until food is soft.

Do not feed Molly from table.

If given any scraps, put into a dog dish on her mat, after dinner."

"That sounds like a very important rule," JJ stated solemnly, seeing the little boy stare at them expectantly, as if to make sure they understood. "We'll make sure everyone in the house knows it and follows it."

Simon nodded his agreement, then went on.

"2. Molly must be played with lots during the day.

At least one hour of outside play.

She must be given things to chew on, or she'll be bad."

"Stuff like her bone?" JJ asked, getting a nod of confirmation. "We'll see to it."

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