The Shopping Trip Pt. 2

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In the children's game and DVD aisle, it was obvious from the look of confusion on the child's face that he'd never had the opportunity to pick out this sort of thing either. With heavy heads, they went through the aisle, picking out things from several different categories. They selected a few Disney movies, some educational DVDs, Tweenies, and a few Thomas the Tank Engines. Plus, from the CDs, they chose some children's music and Now CDs.

Harry reappeared with an armload of Play-Doh toys, rolling pins, cookie cutters, etc. "I think this is everything," he groaned, dumping them all into the trolley.

"Good work kid," Simon complimented, giving the young boy an affectionate squeeze on his shoulder. "Alright, I think we've got just about everything we need." He glanced at their overloaded trolley and added, "and then some."

"Not quite babe," JJ said with a grin. "We still need some plastic plates, bowls, child-safe cutlery, sippy cups, and, as you reminded me earlier, a pram."

Simon blinked at the trolley. "Guess I was very wrong then."

"It's not that much," JJ corrected, leading them into the aisle that housed most of those things.

"No, you're right. Oh, and also make sure to grab some bibs too. We're running out of towels... well, until we do laundry at least."

JJ nodded, pausing before a large selection of bibs. He picked out 12 bibs of various colors and design, tossing them into the trolley. "Harry, grab some of those small hangers next to you, the ones we have at home are too big for these little clothes."

Harry did as he was asked, then returned to his Papa's side, tossing the hangers into the basket.

Further down the aisle, JJ stopped in front of some children's dinner sets. "Alright now, you have some choices here baby boy. You can chose 'Finding Nemo', 'Winnie the Pooh', 'Peter Rabbit', 'Dora the Explorer', or 'Octonauts'. You can pick two sets with any design."

The packages contained either dishes - four bowls or four plates, or cutlery - a knife, fork and spoon.

The little boy lowered his brow in concentration. He examined each set, apparently considering the pros and cons of each design. After several minutes of intense scrutiny, he made a decision. Slowly raising his hand, he tentatively pointed to the Finding Nemo set.

JJ gave him a warm smile and placed a package of each, bowls, plates, and cutlery, into the trolley, "Want to pick one of the other sets too?"

The small boy immediately shook his head no, so JJ took down a second set of everything.

Close by, Simon and Harry started picking out several tall cups, then loaded them into the trolley next to the Nemo items.

On their way to the next area, the group came across a small section with lots of animal toys. Simon and JJ exchanged a look, then began putting one of almost everything into the trolley. A stuffed rabbit, horse, cat, tiger, and dolphin were tossed in. An animal book set, movies, a blanket, and a clock. On a whim, Simon grabbed a soft, neutral colour blanket with satin edging.

This time it wasn't just the trolley passenger's eyes that were wide with shock, Harry's were as well. His fathers were acting really weird. But he could understand why they were shopping like this, the boy hadn't come into the family the way Harry had. Harry had been able to bring all the things he'd already had from his mum's. He'd brought his favorite sheets, pillow, blanket, his toys and clothes. Plus the two men had bought him even more toys and things after he'd arrived. The boy in their trolley, on the other hand, had shown up with nothing but the clothes he was wearing, and Molly.

Harry just hoped his fathers started acting normal before someone from his school saw him....

Once they'd exhausted the animal things, Simon looked at their overflowing trolleys and nodded, satisfied.

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