Odds and Evens

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Vik has a dilemma when he learns about odd and even numbers and his birthday party is coming up.

"Papa?" Vin asked.

"Yeah?" JJ was under his old, but much loved car, treating a patch of rust; thus Vin was addressing his feet.

"Seven is a odd number, isn't it?"



JJ put down his brush and pulled himself out from the car. "Little un, what's the matter?"

Vik was looking puzzled. "Is eleven a odd number?"

"Yes," JJ replied cautiously.

"Oh." Vik looked up. "We learned about odd numbers and even numbers in school this week."

"Ah, right, well it sounds to me that you've got it all sorted." Vik didn't look so sure. "Anything else you want to know?"

Vik shook his head. "I'm gonna go play with Harry."

"Okay." JJ watched the tiny child walk away, clearly with something bothering him.

It had been eleven months since the boy had come into the lives of the Olatunji-Minter's, and in just a few days, Vik would turn five. Harry had had his tenth birthday the month before, and as he had wanted, they had driven him and all his friends to go indoor snowboarding. Vik had requested a trip to the Chessington World of Adventures after he'd seen an advert for it on TV and then afterwards, they might take the boys to see a show in London.


An hour later, JJ packed up his tools and headed into the house he shared with his husband and now five boys. Simon was in the early stages of preparing the evening meal.

"I got time to shower?" he asked.

Simon glanced at his watch. "Half an hour?"

"Fine." JJ turned to go, then turned back. "Harry say anything to you about numbers? Odds and evens?"

Simon thought a moment. "Nope, not that I recall, why?"

"Vik seems very concerned about something to do with odd numbers."

Simon shrugged. "I'll ask Harry if I get the chance."


Just before dinner, while the boys got washed up, Simon was able to tell JJ that neither Harry or any of the other boys had an idea what was bothering Vik. During the meal, it became increasingly obvious that Vik was distracted and troubled. Since it was Saturday, the boys were permitted to stay up a little later than normal. After a bath, they changed into their pyjamas and settled down with their fathers to watch the TV. This evening the movie was Zootropolis, that they all enjoyed, despite complaints from the older three that it was for babies. There were a few bits that Vik found scary, but that was half the fun, snuggling up to his dads for protection. There were the usual protests from the youngest two that they weren't tired when it came to bedtime but, as always, these protests went unheeded and the boys arguments lost credibility when they both yawned.

JJ had resolved to find out what was troubling the normally carefree Vik before the weekend was over. His birthday was on Thursday and the trip planned for the following Saturday. The last thing JJ wanted was a miserable birthday boy.


He and Simon retired to their respective room just after eleven and by eleven thirty JJ was asleep. But something woke him around one a.m. As he came fully awake he had a sudden feeling of being watched, and flipping over to confront the intruder, he came face to face with Vik, his low outline clearly visible in his glow in the dark Scooby Doo pyjamas.

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