The Best Big Brother

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"Boys, let's hear it for JJ and Simon, for being two of the kindest and loving idiots we know."

"Aw, you guys know that we're only doing this cause the kids increase our views and subscriber count."

Tobi laughed out loud. "Glad to know we're loved!"

"Hey, you can say a lot about us young man, but one thing you always know for certain, is that you are loved," JJ said, wrapping an arm around the nine year old's shoulders.

The youngster replied by trying to tackle him.

"Boys, boys let's not get side tracked." Deji interrupted the father and son play-fight. "We are here at Simon and JJ's to celebrate and plan for the arrival of the newest additions to our weird but awesome little family."

"Oh, is that why you guys are here? I thought you were just being sidemen as usual." Simon grumbled good-naturedly from his chair in front of the television. The sprawling farmhouse actually was a favourite gathering place for the group of friends since it had plenty of room for such things as a fireplace, a pool table and a huge TV. The brick barbecue pit and comfortable guest bedrooms were just icing on the cake.

Of course, tomorrow there would be one less bed for guests, as Josh would be moving into the room with Ethan, perpendicular to Simon and JJ's. The room having been chosen by Ethan because it was the closest to the adults even if it was the smallest in the house. Their old school friend and social worker, Rachel Davis, had helped him get it fixed up with his and Josh's favourite football teams and games and not all the odd crap that had been in there before. The walls had been re-painted and the beds were both new. Ethan loved it and Simon had a feeling Josh was going to love it too and couldn't wait to see the look on the boy's face.

At the moment Ethan was quiet for once, his face glued in front of the PC as he played some kids game JJ had picked up for him. While the adults all laughed and chatted, Simon spotted Tobi sitting silently in the corner, his face deep in thought.

"What's up kiddo?" he asked, walking over. The word proud couldn't even begin to describe how he felt about the way Tobi had behaved during the whole crazy process. How he had even been on the ball enough to manage to convince Ethan's social worker that they could take him on. From the quiet and shy youngster JJ had first met over two years ago, he really had grown and come out of his shell, showing a remarkable character.

The boy smiled and shrugged as the blond man sat down next to him. "Nothing's just..."


He sighed. "Josh and Ethan. They're not like me, are they? They're different to how I was when I came to live with you."

Simon paused to think on that one. While all three boys had come from the foster care system, their life experiences were very different. Tobi's experience, for the most part, was what you hoped most children's experiences were like in foster care. He and his siblings had been taken into care when Tobi was only three years old due to neglect, and the boy had been in a few long term placements that had ended due to either the family not having enough money to continue fostering him or arguments with other siblings or in one case, a break down in the marriage.

By no means had it been a pleasant time for the young boy, but he had never been abused or left to go hungry and without clothes or toys while in care. When he'd come to live with JJ and Simon he had been quiet and a little nervous that this placement might not work out also, but the damage inflicted to him had not managed to worm itself very deep under his skin.

Ethan on the other hand had never known what it was to have a real family home, and had clearly been neglected of his basic caring needs and education. And Josh was another story. A mystery more than anything. But definitely a young boy who held a lot of deep emotional and physical pain.

And so Simon was able to say with conviction. "No Tobi, they're not like you were."

The boy nodded, almost looking defeated. "So I'm not gonna be able to help them, am I?"

"What d'you mean?"

"Like, I don't know what it's like to be them, so how can I help?"

"Tobi.." Simon pulled the boy onto his lap and for once the youngster didn't try to wriggle away. "You've already helped them so much without even realising it. You've been friendly and kind and welcoming, and you haven't complained once when me and JJ can't spend as much time with you as we usually do." He ruffled the boy's hair. "Just by being you, you're helping them. The best big brother any kid could wish for."

There was silence for a while and Simon began to worry that his words hadn't got through, but then the boy sighed again, a lot more contentedly this time, and turned to his dad with a small smile.

"Thanks Dad," he said softly. "You always know what to say."

Simon chuckled. "If that was the case, I would be able to convince your Papa to do more housework."

With a high pitched giggle, Tobi eventually wriggled out of the man's hold and bounded over towards his new little brother. "Hey Ethan, I know a really cool secret place on that level!"

Simon watched him interact with the younger boy with affection in his eyes. My boys, he thought. That's my boys.

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