Someone Else's Son Pt. 4

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Zoe showed up early the next morning to spend the day with the boys at Simon's request. He didn't feel that either child was up to being in school that day. Both boys had been disturbed by bad dreams during the night and had only settled into relaxed sleep near dawn. JJ kissed Vik on the forehead as he tucked the blankets under the edge of the mattress to ensure that the child didn't fall out of bed. Simon smiled down at Harry as he lay sprawled out in the middle of the bed. The boy had been stuck to him like a second skin most of the night. Both men left explicit instructions for Zoe to call if either of the boys needed them.

Sam also kept Lachlan at home that day. She wanted to spend more time with the boy. She also called the social worker to see about arranging for a supervised visit with Mr. Power. After explaining the situation between the boys, the worker agreed and began to make arrangements for the visit.

Simon and JJ left to meet Cal, after they'd agreed to meet to talk things over. They met at a coffee place half way between both of their homes. There was an awkward moment as Cal arrived and stood looking at the other two fathers.

"So..." he said.

The three men sat down around the table and sighed. Simon looked at each of the other men before dragging his hand through his hair. JJ stared at his hands. Cal finally decided to break the silence.

"I guess we have a problem."

"Yeah, I'd have to agree with you about that," JJ said, nodding.

"So, what do we do about it?" Simon asked.

"Did the boys tell you what Lachlan said?"

"Yeah, they did. Harry woke up crying in the night several times," Simon said.

"Vik did too. It brought up all the old fears," JJ said.

"I'm sorry guys. I wish I knew what to say," Cal said, looking uncomfortable.

"It isn't your fault, Cal. Lachlan is hurting and he lashed out at his friends. We've all been there before. The thing is, we have to figure out how to fix it before it's more than just yelling and shoving," Simon told the taller man.

"Sam kept him home today. She was going to call the social worker and try to arrange a visit with his dad. He told her he didn't mean what he said to the boys, he was just upset."

"We kept ours home today, too. Zoe has them for the day," JJ explained.

"Maybe we should get them together to talk. Explain to Lachlan what's going on and that the boys didn't have anything to do with it. I know Vik will forgive him for what he said and Harry's pretty clear on saying things you don't mean when you're angry," Simon suggested.

"Yeah, it might be good for them. Maybe if the boys were able to share some of what their life was like when they didn't have you two to look after them, it might help Lachlan to understand why he was taken from his father," Cal agreed.

"Just as long as this doesn't become a problem between the three of us," Simon urged.

Sam wasn't able to arrange a visit that day, but she did arrange for Lachlan to call his father on the phone for a few minutes. The boy seemed happier after the call for a little while but after lunch, she found him lying across his bed crying.

"Lachlan, what's wrong?" She asked as she sat on the bed and rubbed his back lightly.

"I don't want Cal to be mad at me," he answered.

"Cal isn't mad at you, sweetie. He knows you were just upset. We both understand that you're scared and worried about your dad. You just have to take this one day at a time, okay? We'll get you through this."

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