The Detectives

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Meanwhile, back at the house, the mystery of the boy's name had been eating at Josh and Ethan since the child's arrival and their curiosity was finally getting the better of them. They settled themselves into Simons' office to ensure they wouldn't be disturbed while Josh called the number he'd copied out of his dad's address book.

"Rachel Davis speaking," the familiar voice answered.

"Hi Rach, it's Josh," the preteen greeted simply, knowing she would recognise his voice. He held the phone up for the other twelve year old to speak up: "And Ethan!"

"Oh! Hello boys! This is a pleasant surprise. Nothing is wrong, is it?"

"Nope," Josh replied. "The kid's been settling in fine. Seems to know how to amuse himself good. Doesn't need to be kept entertained like Harry did when he came."

"Ah, so he's more like you. Self-sufficient," Rachel said with understanding.


"Well, is there something I can do for you today? You're not one to call just to chat..."

Josh smirked. "No, guess I'm not."

"So what is it?" Rachel pressed.

"I was just wondering if you'd gotten any leads on the kid's name. Gets frustrating just calling him 'the kid' or 'little 'un' all the time."

"I bet it does. I have been insanely busy, but I have managed to stumble onto a clue. I've been meaning to call your fathers, but I've been just swamped with work and haven't had a spare moment for anything. You were fortunate to catch me during the five minutes I've given myself for lunch today."

"Lucky break I guess..." Josh shrugged.

"I guess so!" Rachel laughed, taking a sip of her drink. "Alright, now..." Josh heard paper shuffling in the background and nudged Ethan when the other boy tried to snatch the phone from him. "The police finally interviewed the last of the neighbours and, according to a nice, elderly woman who lived down the street, the child arrived a few months ago. A pretty Asian woman driving an expensive car dropped him off. She remembered him having some sort of unusual name for a little boy, starting with 'B' or 'V', but she just couldn't quite remember his name. Just that it wasn't the standard name, could have been Hindu."

"Well, it's a place to start," Josh commented, thinking over the new information.

"Yes it is. Oh, Josh, I've got to go. I have an appointment arriving. Be sure to tell your fathers, and I'll be by next week to check on everything. Good-bye! And you too Ethan if you're still there!"

"Bye, Rachel." Josh hung up, his brain working furiously.

The Olatunji-Minter's weren't a very religious family. They weren't very familiar with biblical names let alone other religions and the two boys doubted there was a book lying around with a list of Hindu names, but in this age of instant information and technology, they really didn't think they'd have that big of a problem figuring something out.

They were determined they were going to find out this kid's name one way or another.

I'm going to be starting a sidemen one shot book soon. If you have a request - any ship - let me know!

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