Father and Son Pt. 4

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December 20th

Deji followed the trail already cleared by the snow ploughs and salt trucks, but so far saw nothing that remotely resembled Simon's car. There'd been several stalled or parked cars and vans, but he knew instinctively they were abandoned. He'd seen two police cars helping people, but again there'd been no sign of Simon and Josh. He kept his window slightly rolled down in order to keep them from fogging up. He turned onto the main road leading west and soon left the busier neighbourhoods behind as he watched the road and the snow covered ground on both sides. The driving was slow, but half an hour after driving he spotted a dark shape on the left hand side of the road and slowed the Range Rover down. Coming to a complete stop he exited the vehicle and moved closer.

Deji knew the car belonged to Simon and he silently prayed that things were not as bad as they looked. The driver's door was open and snow was piling up on the floor and the seat. Snow had been piled against the back by the ploughs that had gone before him.

"Fuck!" he cursed as he saw the McDonalds bag on the seat and the phone next to it. He pulled his phone from his pocket and hit the 999 buttons and within a few minutes he was told the police had been dispatched, but it could be some time before they reached him. Deji thanked her, hung up and dialed JJ's number.

"Simon!" the voice sounded hopeful.

"No, bro, it's me."

"Deji, where are you? Did you find them?"

"I'm about a mile south of the road to yours. I found Simon's car but they weren't in it."

"What do you mean they weren't in it? Simon wouldn't just abandon the car without calling me!"

"Hold on, JJ! I didn't say he abandoned it. I said they weren't in it."

"Then where are they?"

"That I don't know. I called the police..."

"The police! Why? What aren't you telling me Deji?"

"The door was open and Simon's phone and the McDonalds bag were still on the seat. There's a lot of snow on the floor and it looks like whatever happened was quick. The car's been here a couple of hours at least."

"Shit! Where the fuck can they be?"

"That's what we're going to find out JJ. Call Callux and tell him what's going on and have him meet me here."

"All right, I'm on it," JJ agreed. "Just make sure you call me if you find out anything!"

"I will bro, there's a road assistance truck heading this way and I'm going to have them stay with the car while I drive up there. Simon and Josh could still have left the car and tried to walk home and if they did then it's a safe bet that they're cold right now."

"I'll keep watching for them and I'll call if they show up."

"Alright bro, try not to worry." Deji said, but knew they were just words.

"No chance of that bro," the older brother said as he hung up the phone. He ran his fingers through his hair before dialling Cal..


Liam Marshall pulled out his phone and dialled his employer's number. He waited for the call to be accepted and smiled when Harrington's nervous voice came over the line.


"Mr. Harrington, the goods have been collected and the deposit made. I'll get back to you as soon as the results are in."

"You didn't hurt him, did you?"

"The boy is fine and will remain so, but I can't say the same for his 'father'," Marshall said smiling as Linden cracked his knuckles.

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