The Request

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The next day...

Simon had returned to the hospital early the next morning so JJ could go home, clean up, and spend some time with the boys.

According to the doctors, Vik was doing much better, but he still slept most of the day. Simon had his youngest wrapped up in a blanket and cradled in his lap while he sat in the rocking chair. It was one of the few things they'd found relaxed the little boy during this frightening stay in the hospital.

Simon felt a little hand clutch at his shirt and looked down. Chocolate eyes fluttered open to gaze up at him.

"Daddy, I wan' to go 'ome," a little northern voice whispered up at him.

Simon's heart raced as he stared down at his youngest in shock. He joyfully hugged his son tightly against him. "You talked! Holy sh..., you spoke!" He kissed the warm forehead. "Just wait until your papa hears about this."

"Home, daddy," the tiny voice pleaded. Vik didn't want to be responsible for ruining everyone's Christmas. He wanted to be home, with his new family.

"Oh, baby. I'll do my best," Simon vowed. This was the first thing Vik had ever verbally asked of him, and he'd be damned if anyone was going to keep him from fulfilling the request.

A couple hours later...

JJ exited the lift on the pediatric ward to find Simon arguing with a doctor outside Vik's room.

"Hey! What's going on? Is Vik alright?" JJ demanded worriedly, afraid Vik's condition might have deteriorated in his absence.

"Vik's fine," Simon assured his lover. "No worse and his fever's down. He wants to go home, but the doc, here, wants to keep him for a couple more days to be safe'."

"Is that such a bad idea?" JJ questioned in confusion.

"But, tomorrow's Christmas Eve. He wants to go home. He asked to go home."

JJ froze. "Wait, you mean he asked you to go? He actually asked for this?"

"Yes," Simon confirmed, the smile back on his face.

With glowing eyes, JJ turned to the pediatric resident. "Our son wants to be home for Christmas, and I'm going to make sure he will be home for Christmas. This is his first year with us, and that boy deserves to spend it at home, with the people who love him."

Realising he was facing a united force, the doctor offered a deal. "Alright, I can see there's no reasoning with you so here's what I'm going to offer. You let us monitor him for one more day, until tomorrow afternoon, and I will release him as long as you agree to certain conditions."

"Name them."

"His meds have to be taken exactly on time. No letting him go outside for at least two more weeks. Keep him in bed or wrapped up on the sofa for at least one more week. If his cough worsens in any way, you return immediately. You will need to monitor his condition and take his temperature often. If it goes above thirty nine degrees, you bring him back in. And absolutely no physical exercise."

"Done," Simon and JJ immediately agreed.

"His temp will rise a little during the night, that's normal. Should he have any trouble breathing, a warm bath should help. Keep him well hydrated, but avoid dairy for now; it just causes more phlegm. He is going to need lots of sleep, so just let him...."

JJ and Simon agreed to the lengthy list of rules, and then returned to their son's room.

JJ burst in full of excitement, "Hey, baby boy! I hear you're talking!"

The four year old sleepily gazed up at him. "Papa, can we go home?"

JJ sat down in the chair next to the bed. "Yep, Daddy and I talked the doctor into it."

"He said you'd have to stay here one more day, but he'll let us take you home tomorrow," Simon told him, still in awe at the sound of his son talking.

Vik pouted. "Can't go home now?"

Simon combed the soft, black locks off his son's forehead. "No. Sorry baby. It took a lot just to get your doctor to agree to send you home tomorrow, but you'll be home before Christmas."

The boy nodded his understanding then looked around him. "Puck?"

JJ and Simon looked confused.

"What? What puck?"

"Can't find Puck. He was just here."

Simon and JJ glanced around, absolutely confused as to what their son could be talking about. Then JJ spotted the boy's stuffed blue dog on the floor. He grinned at the realisation that the stuffed dog had a name.

Scooping it up, he placed it on Vik's chest, tickling him with it. "Is this what you were looking for?"

Vik's face lit up and he hugged his toy eagerly. "Puck!"

"Its name is Puck?" Simon questioned confusedly. "Like a hockey puck?"

Vik rolled his eyes. "Nooooooooo, like in the play. Mummy took us."

JJ and Simon's eyes grew wide at the mention of the boy's mother.

Before they could question him, Vik went on. "Puck was funny. He made one of the girls act all funny about the wrong boy."

Simon caught on and gave up the mother issue to continue his first conversation with his son. "You mean 'A Mid Summer's Night Dream'?"

Vik shrugged.

"Well, I think it's a great name," JJ proclaimed. "I wish that was my name."

Simon shook his head; his lover was so strange sometimes.

Woo woo, triple update! I wonder if I can make it four times? ;)

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