The Birdman Pt. 1

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Revision is killing me so I gave myself a break by coming up with a new mini-story XD

Ethan's troubled past comes back disrupting the Olatunji-Minter gang and their plans for Christmas.

Simon glanced at his watch. It was only half seven in the evening. The day seemed to go on forever. He looked out the door of his recording space to JJ's own desk and saw that he was sitting hunched over his keyboard. Hopefully he was finishing the editing on the video they had just completed. Simon watched as JJ sat up and stretched. The blond heard the PC humming, working hard processing all the data. Simon turned his attention back to his own video.


Simon glanced up at their child-looker-after-helper for that evening, Callux. "Cal. Come in," he said. "How's things going downstairs? They've been quiet for a while."

"Harry's fallen asleep watching Toy Story, Tobi's got his headphones on and Ethan and Josh are playing Crash Bandicoot."

The young father smiled over his own memories of that classic. "Thanks Cal, I swear they're always on their best behaviour when you're around. Thanks for coming over." Simon stood as he spoke, grinning at the man. "You have plans for the weekend?"

"I still have a few ideas for videos I want to try out and some Christmas shopping to finish. I always feel a lot better when that's over with and I've sent all the right family members cards. Speaking of shopping though, is there anything in particular that you would prefer I not buy the little guys?"

"Anything that makes loud noises," JJ said as he walked in.

Simon laughed. "Yeah, we learned really quick that they don't need any help in that area. Especially now we've got four of them."

Cal pulled a face, replying, "I still find it strange that you two have four kids now. I mean don't get me wrong, you're fucking great dads but at the same time, you're Simon and JJ, the Simon and JJ who I came up in the YouTube world with." He shook his head in wonder, before smirking. "So I suppose my drum set is not the gift you were thinking of for Harry?"

JJ's mouth flew open. "Drum set? Are you crazy? What in the hell were you thinking, Cal? Drums? Only if you keep them at your place, cause they're not coming to ours. Shit, that boy doesn't need drums, he makes do with pots and pans or the coffee table. He even used old horseshoes on the barn door once. Gave me, Simon and the horses heart attack.

Simon chuckled. He wasn't sure if it was the story or the fact that his boyfriend never could tell when Callux was joking with him. The older man never cracked a smile. He simply stood and watched as the man ranted.

JJ finally calmed down and looked at Cal. He rolled his eyes. "Fuck off Cal. I fell for it again, didn't I?"

"Hook, line and sinker. I really need to give you some lessons on recognising when you're being trolled." He smiled at his friend.

Simon smiled and put an arm around JJ's shoulders. "I think it's cute, " he teased the man.

Cal pretended to cover his eyes in shock, earning a slap on the arm from JJ. "But back to my question, what could I buy the kids? Something together or separate?"

JJ flopped down in a chair. "That is the question Si and I have been asking ourselves for weeks. I want to get one thing and he wants to get something else."

Simon looked up when JJ paused. "We are not buying those child sized electric cars JJ."

"They aren't that expensive, Simon. And just think about how much the boys would like them."

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