The Hospital

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Hard to believe it had been three days since they had found the boys. Simon stared at the stuffed animal he held clutched in his hands as he rode the lift up to the intensive care floor. The memory of the ride to the hospital was so clear it seemed like it was just that morning. He replayed the scene in his mind again and smiled as the images came back to him.

Poor Ethan, when he had realised that he and Josh were about to be carried away, he had panicked. His screams had filled the shopping centre and it had taken a huge effort on Deji's part to hold the child as long as he did. Luckily JJ had gotten close enough to grab the boy just as one foot connected solidly between his legs. Ouch.

What a sight they must have made; JJ carrying Ethan slung over his shoulder, Cal supporting, almost carrying Deji who couldn't straighten up and himself with the unconscious Josh cradled in his arms.

Josh. Simon's hands tightened on the toy cat as he stepped off the lift. He really had intended to check back in on the boy but the unexpected clue given by Ethan had them in talks with the police, plus he and JJ had been busy with YouTube and Tobi too, who had been astonished to hear what had happened during his fathers night out. But now Simon only had one priority.

"Excuse me," Simon caught the attention of the nurse behind the desk. "I'm Simon Minter. Tuesday I brought in a small boy, named Josh. I'd like to see him."

The nurse got a puzzled look on her face as she turned to her computer. "What's his last name?"

"I don't know. My friends and I found him living alone in a shopping centre. He had an injury to his side. The police and social workers said I'd be allowed to see him." Simon began to worry as the petite brunette slowly shook her head.

"I'm just back from holiday but I don't remember Linda mentioning a boy in our care. Wait just a moment while I go check."

The minutes seemed to drag by as Simon stood waiting in the hallway. He had almost reached the limits of his patience when the nurse returned with a blonde, female doctor.

"And find out what happened to Mr. Hartford's last set of test results; they should have been back by now."

"Yes Miss Green."

The nurse hurried off on the errand given to her and the doctor turned to Simon. "I'm Linda Green. Sheila said you were inquiring about the homeless kid?"

Simon gritted his teeth against the sharp flare of irritation caused by the women's cold attitude. "Yes, I..."

Dr. Green didn't bother trying to hide her annoyance as she moved behind the desk and began digging through a stack of folders. "No one told me there'd be visitors. I thought it was just another social services case."

"It's not just a ..."

Ignoring Simon completely, the doctor began mumbling to herself as she continued her search. "When I finished my initial examination I thought he wouldn't make it through the first twenty four hours."

Wouldn't make it? Simon felt his heart stutter. "He..?"

"I didn't even bother assigning him a last name that night. I figured we wouldn't need it until we got ready to send his body downstairs. Ah, here it is, Finnley, Josh. We name the unknowns after whatever street they were found on, you know." Linda pulled a folder from the middle of the stack. "Laceration, right abdominal, infection, blood loss, anemic, amazing his blood test came back negative, dehydrated, etc. etc., the list goes on. I was really surprised that he made it through the second day."

Second day. A lump formed in Simon's throat as he finally realised what the doctor was saying. He'd missed seeing the boy by one day. One fucking day.

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