Father and Son Pt. 7

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Woop woop! A triple upload! Quadruple if you count my other book. Have I gone insane? Quite possibly yes.

Simon had no idea how long he laid in the dark drifting in and out of consciousness as he tried to stay warm. The cold air of the basement had become decidedly more uncomfortable since the window had been broken out and he shivered uncontrollably in the darkness. There'd been no sounds from above him and he knew Marshall and Linden had yet to return, but eventually they would be back. Simon knew when they returned to find the child gone they would simply kill him, but there was not much he could do to prevent that. The manacles held him fast and each time he struggled it felt like something was stabbing him in the gut and he wondered at the very real possibility of internal injuries. Taking shallow breaths eased the pain in his chest, but it also contributed to the lightheadedness he felt. His arm throbbed with an incessant cacophony of contempt for the way his arms were bound, but there was nothing he could do to ease his own torment. He fought the bounds once more and cried out as pain radiated from head to foot just before consciousness left him.

In the darkness there was little evidence that anyone was there except the laboured breathing and the wispy sounds of breath that left the injured man's mouth.


Josh heard the sound of an approaching vehicle and moved off the road into the ditch. The roads had not been ploughed this far out and he could count the tyre tracks that were in evidence. Only two cars had passed him and he'd hidden until they were close enough to see inside. Both cars had two people inside and Josh couldn't take the chance that it could be Marshall and Linden returning. His hands were cold and his fingers numb as he watched the approaching car. His eyes grew damp with tears as once more there were two people in the car.

"I'll get help Dad," he whispered as the car drove past his hiding place. When the sound of the engine disappeared in the distance, he climbed out of the ditch and began walking along the edge of the road once more. Knowing that Simon's life depended on him he placed one foot in front of the other and moved with grim determination towards the help he sought .


Liam Marshall cursed as he tore apart the abandoned flat. The building itself was commissioned for demolition early in the new year and he knew they had to find the journal before that happened.

"Are you sure this is the right place Liam?"

"Ray said they lived in the last flat on the eleventh floor! Keep looking!"

"I am, but I think the boy pulled one over on us!"

"If he did then Minter won't see the light of another day. Check in the wardrobe in the other bedroom," Marshall ordered as he pulled a ragged stuffed toy from the top shelf. "Damn it! That boy will pay for this!"

"Remember what Harrington said!"

"I told you I don't give a fuck what Harrington says! As soon as we get the journal we'll make him pay for every page of it!"

"Sounds good to me, but first..."

"We need to find the fucking thing! I know, but it's not here. Come on, let's get back to our conniving little Londoner and teach him and his father a few more lessons in etiquette." With those words he stormed out of the apartment and made his way towards the dilapidated stairwell. His mind was on the two people in the basement and the price they would pay for the boy's lies.


Zoe watched the small form curled up in a ball on the chair in front of the big window at the front of the house. Ethan had refused to eat, saying he wanted to wait until Josh was there so he could share it with his brother. Ethan's hands were on the sill and his chin rested on them as he looked out into the silent, snow swept evening.

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