The Birdman Pt. 5

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"Good morning. How are you today, boys?" Miss Wells asked the children as they entered her office. The boys were holding on to each other and JJ had a hand on the shoulder of each. Josh extended his hand to the woman.

She smiled as she took the offered hand. "I was not expecting to see you today Josh, though I don't know why I'm surprised."

She gave both of them her attention. "Boys, I have some toys in the corner. Why don't you go play while I talk with your fathers and then you can go on with your plans for the day."

Both boys looked at their dad for guidance. JJ nodded as he released his grip. He gave them a small push towards the toys as he stepped over to Simon and the social worker.

As the boys moved off, Lizzie Wells looked into the anxious eyes of both men. She had been cautious of placing the young boys with the men. Although they'd had experience raising children, Ethan and Josh were hardly the standard foster case. Against her normal instincts though, she had placed the boys in the home of the two. 

She knew from experience that boys presented their own problems and could be hard to handle. Some people tended to be too strict in order to have discipline. Some people, if too lenient, created the problem of having no control of the child, as they grew older. While these two particular boys were good hearted, they were still boys. So far, they had proved any doubts she had to be wrong.

"I am sorry to have called on such short notice, JJ, Simon, but I received a request from the police station to speak to Ethan about an ongoing investigation his mother had been involved in."

She saw both men visibly relax and smile at each other. "Apparently you are aware of the situation?' she questioned.

JJ nodded his head. "Yeah, we were pretty worried after your call; scared that you had found the boy's dad or we had done something to make you rethink letting us keep him."

JJ saw her stern look and thought back on what he had just said. Realisation sparked in his eye, "Not that finding his dad is a bad thing. It's just that the four boys get on so well together and things are starting to run smooth at home. Wouldn't want to upset the any of them..." JJ stopped talking. He had the feeling he was digging his own grave with his mouth. Finally, deciding truthfulness was the best thing he had going. "You know how we feel about that the boy, else you wouldn't have helped us pass the test, not after that first interview we had. If his dad showed up, I know that would be a good thing. I just..."

Lizzie reached out and placed a gentle hand on the man's arm. "I understand perfectly JJ. It would be a hard thing to have to give up the boy, though I am confident you would do what is best for him."

"Yeah. We would."

"Now, let's finish with the sergeant, let him ask his questions, and then you four can get on with your Saturday plans."

The two men nodded and the three adults turned to find themselves being watched. The boys stood next to the toys, but were not touching them. Josh stood with Ethan in front of him, his arms wrapped around the other boy. A fierce protectiveness burned in his eyes. The other nine year old boy's eyes were huge and full of fear.

JJ stepped up to them and knelt down. He reached out and stroked the trembling head.

"I bet you're gonna be hungry when you get through talking with Miss Lizzie. How about we let you pick the place where we have lunch today?"


JJ nodded and was rewarded with a big grin. Josh groaned dramatically and covered his face with both hands. JJ just laughed and took Ethan's hand. He lead him over to the social worker and, patting the small head, he placed the hand into the woman's.

"We shouldn't be long."

Leaving the trio standing in her office, the woman and young boy went down the hall to a private interview room. She opened the door and stepped in with the child by her side. Closing the door, she felt the boy's hand tighten in hers.

"Sergeant Ackers, this is Ethan Olatunji-Minter. Ethan, this is Marshal Ackers."

David Bergman stood up and smiled. The boy's eyes filled and his chin trembled as he stared at the man.

"Ethan, say hello." Lizzie prompted. Instead of speaking, he pulled his hand from hers and backed away. The woman turned, frowning. "Ethan, it's okay. The sergeant just wants to ask a couple of questions."

The boy continued to back away until he was standing against the corner wall. He slid down and hugged his knees. "I wouldn't say nothing. I wouldn't."

Not understanding, Lizzie turned to Bergman and apologized. "I'm sorry, Sergeant. I don't understand why he is so upset. Usually, he is very open and friendly." She clutched her hands and turned back to Ethan. "Maybe, one of your fathers can help. I'll be right back."

"Please." The young boy pleaded.

Lizzie turned to look at him. "You want your dad or papa to come in?"

"I don't want to be here. Please, can I go?"

She held out her hand and he jumped up to run over. Bergman intercepted the boy and stopped him. "Miss Wells, I have to interview the boy. I will not take long. May I suggest that you get one of his fathers and we can all sit down and talk?"

She nodded her head and left the room. Ethan turned to run and Bergman grabbed the back of his jacket, pulling him close.

"I didn't say anything. Please, I want to go home," he cried.

"Oh, I'm sorry, kid. You know who I am and now you've got friends that can do something about it, so you and I are leaving."

"No!" Ethan screamed.

Bergman opened the door and stepped into the hallway, dragging the young, defenceless and terrified boy with him.

Currently working on Vik's backstory so that'll be up next!

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